Coffee Talk #93: Heavy Rain’s Surprising Language Problem

Yes, that was me playing Heavy Rain until 5:00AM. It’s pretty much everything I was expecting and I’m having a wonderful time with it. There is one facet of the game that threw me for a loop: the voice acting. At times it’s so bad that it pulled me out of the experience. Let me explain as I rub the sleep out of my eyes (Monkees reference).

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the top 12 girls on American Idol, Bryan Danielson’s wicked suicide dive on NXT, or Bernard Hopkins vs. Roy Jones, Jr, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Yes, that was me playing Heavy Rain until 5:00AM. It’s pretty much everything I was expecting and I’m having a wonderful time with it. There is one facet of the game that threw me for a loop: the voice acting. At times it’s so bad that it pulled me out of the experience. Let me explain as I rub the sleep out of my eyes (Monkees reference).

Some of the voice actors are good, but a lot of them are inconsistent or poor. I’m not sure what happened in the VO sessions, but it sounds like the person directing a few of the actors doesn’t use English as his/her primary language. Some of the phrasing and pronunciation is off. Strange accents pop at times. It’s…not the best and I’m thinking of playing the second time around using French audio with English subtitles.

Having said that, this is still a phenomenal game. The storytelling, graphics, music, and characterization are amazing. I’m just surprised that a game with such polish and high production values dropped the ball in the voice-acting department.

Any thoughts on Heavy Rain so far? For old times sake I will say that Brian Leahy (now with Shacknews!) is the Origami Killer!!!

Echoshift for PSP Hitting PSN This Week

My favorite PlayStation Portable game at E3 2009, Echoshift is being released this week on Sony’s PlayStation Network. It’s a cool and clever puzzle game that’s tough to explain, so check out the video above to see what it’s all about.

With major releases in February and March, Echoshift will be overlooked by many gamers. It’s my job to bring neat games like this to your attention. It’s on the expensive side for a downloadable PSP game ($14.99), but I think it’ll be worth it. I’m going to download it for sure and if I can pry myself away from Heavy Rain, I’ll share my experience with you.

For now, let me know if you’re interested in Echoshift.


Your Heavy Rain Install and Download Times

I just picked up my retail copy of Heavy Rain during lunch. It took me about 15 minutes to download the latest update and install the game on my PS3. I know some of you have been having issues with PSN download times, so I wanted to see what your experiences were like with this particular title. If you pick up the game today and have a moment, please list how long it took you get the game up and running.

Batman: The Brave & the Bold Coming to DS and Wii

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has launched the official web site for the upcoming Batman: The Brave & the Bold videogame for Nintendo DS and Wii. I’m a huge fan of the cartoon since it utilizes DC’s second- and third-tier heroes like Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Doctor Fate, and so many more. The cover of the game features Blue Beetle and Plastic Man!

On the development side, WayForward has been tasked with creating this upcoming Batman adventure. The company’s history is mixed, with strong games like Shantae on its roster accompanied by a vast assortment of licensed games that most of you don’t care about. Hopefully this game gets a Shantae-like effort instead of a Justice League Heroes: The Flash effort.

Batman: The Brave & the Bold is slated for a September 2010 release. As a huge super-hero nerd, I’m excited for this game. How about you?

Sony Shows of the Realism of MLB 10: The Show

Sony’s MLB: The Show series has been trouncing the competition for the last few years. In MLB 10: The Show, the developers aim to bring back the excellent gameplay and add several layers of realism. The video above illustrates some of the game’s new features. Designer Greg Batalucco noted:

Beginning with last year’s version of The Show, we wanted to make the game even more accurate. In MLB 10: The Show, we have taken it further and added more to your gaming experience. New for this year’s edition are real-time players in the dugouts and bullpens, fireworks, rally towels, thundersticks, working digital and analog clocks, and much more. All these realistic enhancements to the game make MLB 10: The Show feel and sound like you are actually at the ballpark.

With MLB spring training kicking off, I’m itching for some baseball excitement. Are any of you guys and dolls looking for to MLB 10: The Show?


EA Puts Dante on WWE’s SmackDown Roster

In a clever bit of promotion for Dante’s Inferno, EA has made a deal with WWE to place Dante on the WWE SmackDown roster. Ha! His signature move is listed as:

Supreme wielding of Death’s soul-reaping scythe and a command of the holy powers of the cross.

That’s just awesome (unless you’re THQ).


PadCast: EEDAR’s Jesse Divnich Talks About the Console Wars in 2010 and How to Become a Gaming Analyst

Catching up with EEDAR director of analyst services Jesse Divnich was completely cool. Naturally, I asked him about how the console wars will shake out in 2010, as well as Project Natal vs. PlayStation Arc/Gem and traditional handheld gaming vs. iPhone/iPod/iPad.

Things got really fun when I asked Divnich about his background and how he became a gaming analyst. It’s a tale of a “hick from French-Canada” moving to America by himself, living in a trailer park, studying hard, and working his ass off to become one of the top analysts in the business. Divnich also revealed why he’s better than his competitors and spoke about his relationship with Michael Pachter. (If I had it my way it would be The Divnich Debrief vs. Pach Attack.)

Oh yeah, you’ll also learn why Canadians would make the best terrorists. How can you pass that up?!?

Today’s Poll: Bobby Kotick vs. Tiger Woods

Last week, Tiger Woods issued a highly…polished statement regarding his adultery. At DICE 2010, Activision’s Bobby Kotick delivered a somewhat apologetic and explanatory speech that some people say was similarly manufactured. Who do you think makes a better sympathetic figure?

[poll id=”27″]

DICE 2010 in Pictures II: Writers, Business Peeps, and Adam Sessler

Yes, I used Adam Sessler’s name in the title to try to pick up some cheap SEO traffic. Sorry (but not). Ha! Anyway, here are some photos of other game writers, some journalists that moved to the business side of gaming, and two sexy girl gamers.

Wired’s Chris Kohler and Electric Playground’s Enzo Zanatta Are Handsome Men

Journos Turned Biz People: Ignition’s Shane Bettenhausen and High Road’s Darren Gladstone

GirlGamer Founder & CEO Mike Prasad and IGN’s Fran Mirabella III

New EGM Brady Fiechter and Former EGM Shane Bettenhausen

I Look Terrible (Drunk) in This Photo, But GirlGamer’s Rachel Horton Looks Lovely

Kotaku’s Stephen Totilo and Rogers & Cowan’s Marina Beck Before the Awards Show

The Excellent People at 1UP: David Ellis and Mr. (Sam) Kennedy…Kennedy

Alex Pham From the L.A. Times Looking Lovely as Always

Adam Sessler and I Have No Idea Why We Aren’t Male Models