Edit: Price cut to $60 + shipping! No number selection at this price.
Ladies and gentlemen, here’s the RPadTV 2013 fundraising mod. The RPadTV mod is limited to 100 pieces and sales proceeds will be used to expand RPad.TV’svaping content. While I love making content for this site, it can get expensive. With your support, 2014 will be the best year ever for RPad.TV. Here are the official particulars on the RPadTV mod:
- Type: Mechanical Mod
- Manufacturer: EHPro
- Body: Stainless Steel
- Contacts: Silver-Plated Copper
- Accepted Batteries: 18350, 18490/18500, 18650
- Engravings: RPad.TV logo, site URL, and serial number on the main tube. Thank you inscription and RPadTV face on the bottom cap.
If you enjoy RPad.TV’s vaping content then kindly consider picking up an RPadTV mod. The money will be used for:
- More Frequent Content
- More Giveaways
- Event Travel For More Interviews
- Equipment Upgrades For Better Videos
- Server Upgrades For Better Site Performance
The RPadTV mod can be yours for a donation of $100. You can pay via PayPal (donation button below) or PopMoney (use the contact form in the upper-left corner to arrange PopMoney payments). If you want to select a serial number then kindly donate $120 (again, use the contact form to see if the number you want is still available). These mods will be gifted to donors on a first-come-first-serve basis. The donation prices above are for U.S. readers only. As an additional thank you, owners of the RPadTV mod will get additional entries in all 2014 giveaways.
Now, I’m not going to lie to you and tell you that this is the best mod in the world. It’s a good mech, but not a great one. Certainly you can get a better mod for less than what the donation costs. However, I’m hoping that enough of you enjoy RPad.TV content and believe in the site enough to pick one up. The thing to remember is that you’re not buying a mod — you’re supporting a web site you like and getting a limited edition mod as a gift. Besides, this mod has my face on it! *joke*
Completely Unreasonable Goals
In the spirit of Kickstarter, I’m listing some stretch goals. I don’t expect these to be taken seriously…but if you’re incredibly wealthy or have a rich uncle, then please check them out.
$1,500: For a donation of $1,500 you get the mod and a video on your favorite American mod or juice vendor. A cameraman and I will fly out to your favorite U.S. company and film a segment (or more!) on the company of your choice. Please list three companies so that arrangements can be made.
$3,500: For a donation of $3,500 you get the mod and a video on your favorite mod or juice vendor from anywhere in the world. A cameraman and I will fly out to your favorite company and film a segment (or more!) on the company of your choice. Please list three companies so that arrangements can be made.
Okay, back to reality! If you’re not interested in picking up an RPadTV mod and would like to support the site then please buy yourself something from Amazon using this link. If you are interested in getting an RPadTV mod, I can’t wait to hear from you! And please, tell your friends about this fundraising venture. With your help, RPad.TV’s vaping content will be better than ever.