Coffee Talk #277: Understanding Japan’s Monster Hunter Craze

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, David Arquette entering rehab because he’s sad (and rich), Windows Phone 7’s marketplace being hacked, or Reona Rewis vs. Christina Aguilera vs. Scarlett Johansson, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

For years I’ve struggled to understand Japan’s Monster Hunter craze. The series’ popularity and sales are one thing, but it always mystified me that dozens — even hundreds! — of Japanese gamers would get together in large rooms to play Monster Hunter together. It’s more than just the Japanese preference of seeing other gamers during multiplayer sessions. It’s a phenomenon. Thankfully, my friend Shane explained it to me last week.

The topic randomly came up over lunch and Shane told me that it has to do with Japan’s cultural concept of senpai and kohai. After a quick search on my T-Mobile G2, I confirmed that they weren’t Dragon Ball Z characters that I forgot about. In round-eye terms, the relationship between senpai and kohai is akin to the relationship between mentor and protege, older student and younger student, veteran athlete and rookie athlete, Bill Clinton and Tony Blair, or Nightwing and Red Robin. Here’s a quote from the WikiPedia:

More than simple seniority, senpai implies a relationship with reciprocal obligations, somewhat similar to a mentoring relationship. A kohai is expected to respect and obey their senpai, and the senpai in turn must guide, protect, and teach their kohai as best they can.

In Monster Hunter terms, the senpai guides the kohai around and helps them level up. Experienced players are expected to guide and protect. Newcomers have to do some menial grunt work. Both find their roles satisfying. The novices are also expected to field strip their mentor’s PSPs, restoring them to factory condition (okay, I made this part up). It’s similar to the closeness of guilds in World of Warcraft, but it goes beyond social enjoyment. From what I gathered from Shane, there’s a distinct cultural satisfaction in the senpai/kohai relationship.

In the (sometimes wonderfully) self-absorbed West, most players like to go at it alone or conquer all others. Individual accomplishments in games are more gratifying than shared accomplishments. American gamers love going for glory on their own, saving the day by themselves, or beating all of their friends online. (I blame the Rambo movies.) The complex subtleties of the senpai/kohai relationship aren’t as common. Instead it’s more like master and servant, boss and employee, or Kobe Bryant and Luke Walton.

So yeah! I’m jazzed that Shane dropped some knowledge on me and explained one of the most puzzling videogame phenomenons I’ve ever encountered. It makes much more sense to me now. How about you? Do you “get” Monster Hunter in Japan? Or is it still a mystery to you?

PSN Tetris Out Tomorrow: Invitational Anyone?

Here’s a friendly reminder that Tetris for PlayStation Network will be available tomorrow. I’m super excited for the multiplayer. Are any of you interested in joining me for some Invitational action later this week? It would be excellent playing with you guys and gals. Hrmmm, I better find my Aliph Jawbone so that I can chat it up. Anyway, let me know if you’re up for playing (please)!

Coffee Talk #276: Your 2011 Gaming Resolutions

Earlier in the year a bunch of you made 2010 gaming resolutions. Did you follow through? How about for 2011? Will you join me in making a gaming resolution?

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, your holiday travel nightmares, why 49F feels like a sub-zero temperature in Los Angeles, or your new year’s eve party plans, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Earlier in the year a bunch of you made 2010 gaming resolutions. Did you follow through? How about for 2011? Will you join me in making a gaming resolution? I plan on giving casual games more time in 2011. It’ll be tough because I love traditional console games, but mobile and social gaming are becoming huge parts of the gaming market. It’s an important space to follow and with any luck playing more mobile/social games will help me make actually money in 2011 (a novel idea).

Heck, I’m going to get started now! I’ve just installed Lord of Ultima for Chrome OS. I’ll play some in my Chrome browser and my Google Chrome Cr-48.

How about you? Any 2011 gaming resolutions you’d like to share?

What Are You Playing Over New Year’s Weekend?

What games will you ring in the new year with? As for me, it’s the same setup as last week. My friend Kenny is in town and he’s a casual PS3 gamer. I figure we’ll play some X-Men Arcade and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World on my Xbox 360. Plus, this will be a good excuse to download the Knives Chau DLC.

What’s on your new year’s weekend playlist?

2010 Videogames: The Year in Review

In case you missed any of these excellent videos starring’s Sam Kennedy, Gamasutra’s Christian Nutt, and GameFly Media’s (Shacknews) Garnett Lee, here they are! Let’s start with their favorite games of 2010. Find out why these three excellent writers felt that Bayonetta, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, and Red Dead Redemption were the cream of the crop.

Next, find out why Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIV, and Gran Turismo 5 were the most disappointing games of the year to Christian, Sam, and Garnett.

Discovering sleeper hits is always a fantastic thing. There are games we all love that don’t get the attention they deserve. In the following segment, my dynamic guests tell you why Split Second, Ys: The Oath in Felghana, and Bayonetta should have your attention.

Last, but certainly not least, is the biggest gaming news in 2010. In a truly fascinating year for the business that kicked off tons of change, Garnett, Sam, and Christian reveal what news they thought had the biggest impact.

If you have any closing thoughts on videogames in 2010, speak now or forever hold your peace!

GameStop Giving Away Three Shiny Legendary Pokemon

GameStop will be giving away some extremely awesome Pokemon in January and February 2011 — shiny versions of the legendary beasts Entei, Raikou, and Suicune! Getting legendary Pokemon for free is awesome. Getting shiny versions — super rare variants that use a different color set — is complete radness. Here are the dates:

  • Raikou — January 3 to January 9
  • Entei — January 17 to January 23
  • Suicune — January 31 to February 6

You will need your Pokemon DiamondPearlPlatinumHeartGold, and SoulSilver cartridges, a free Wonder Card slot, and Pokedex access to download these legendary Pokemon. Getting a Pokemon that has starred in television and movies is cool, but a shiny legendary?!? That’s brilliant stuff!

Also, these legendary beasts are cats, not dogs. I hate when people refer to them as dogs. Translate the words “rai” and “kou” before you mistakenly call Raikou a dog.


Download Ash’s Pikachu at Toys ‘R Us

From January 30 to February 5, 2011 participating Toys ‘R Us stores will be distributing a very special Pikachu — the one made famous by Ash Ketchum’s adventures! Here are the official details:

From January 30 to February 5, 2011 participating Toys ‘R Us stores will be distributing a very special Pikachu — the one made famous by Ash Ketchum’s adventures! Here are the official details:

Free exclusive event! January 30-February 5! Get Ash’s Pikachu as seen in Pokemon TV and movies at DS Download Stations only at Toys ”R” Us!

Bring your Nintendo DS system and your Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver Versions to Toys ”R” Us to receive the Character Download!

As a competitive player, I don’t really care about some wussy Pikachu. There are way better electric Pokemon out there. As a collector, I want it now! Gotta catch ’em all, right?


Coffee Talk #274: Your 2010 Gaming Backlog

2010 was a great year for gaming, so I’m sure that most of you have 2010 games that you haven’t gotten around to playing. What’s in your 2010 backlog? As for me…

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Rupert Everett vs. Jennifer Aniston, the impact on Andy Pettitte’s probably retirement, or your favorite jelly/jam (the right answer is peach), Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

2010 was a great year for gaming, so I’m sure that most of you have 2010 games that you haven’t gotten around to playing. What’s in your 2010 backlog? As for me, they’re mostly Wii games. I need to play more Kirby’s Epic Yarn and Epic Mickey. These games dazzled me at E3 2010, but I’ve been so busy with other things that they haven’t gottent the attention that they deserve.

How about you? What 2010 games are in your backlog?

Coffee Talk #273: Your Favorite Holiday Gifts

I hope everyone had an excellent holiday. I’m still fighting off a Christmas cold, but I was thrilled to spend time with my family. Now let’s share stories of our holiday loot!

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the pain of returning gifts, Kelly Osbourne fighting with her ex on Twitter, or airport delays, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

I hope everyone had an excellent holiday. I’m still fighting off a Christmas cold, but I was thrilled to spend time with my family. Now let’s share stories of our holiday loot! What was the best gaming gift you received this year? How about non-gaming?

As for me, I didn’t get any gaming gifts. My brother picked me up some Rusty’s coffee (he lives in Hawaii), which is something I’ve wanted to try for years. It has been excellent so far, but it’s a darker roast than I’m used to. You know I geek out with my coffee, so you can imagine my excitement over brewing coffee from a fine Hawaiian roaster.

Now it’s your turn! I’m psyched to see what Santa and/or Hanukkah Harry got you this year!!!

What Are You Playing This Christmas Weekend?

After making some rounds in Orange County, I’ll be back in Los Angeles this weekend. My brother will be in town too and we’ll be playing some games together. He’s an old-school gamer and plays some PlayStation 3 games, but he’s not really a “hardcore” gamer anymore (whatever that means these days). I figure we’ll tackle some mindless old-schol beat-’em-ups like X-Men Arcade and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.

How about you? What’s on your Christmas weekend playlist?