This Week’s Videogame Releases

The Q4 onslaught of videogame releases continues! Dead Rising 2: Off the Record combines the world of the sequel with the protagonist from the original game. Forza Motorsport 4 brings back Microsoft’s inimitable simulation racing style. If you’re looking for action in the friendly skies then Ace Combat: Assault Horizon is the game for you. Spyro is back in Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure, which is a crossover with a new line of toys. The immortal Hulk Hogan returns to the gaming world in Hulk Hogan’s Main Event, which allows you to do the infamous “big boot” with motion controls. If you’re looking for an athlete that’s down with recreational drugs then why not give Michael Phelps: Push the Limit a chance? Lastly, JRPG fans will want to keep an eye on Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny.

Any of you picking up new games this week?

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

For some reason, I feel like playing Final Fantasy Tactics this weekend. I suppose the reasons are that it’s my favorite game of all time and I’m a mark for Yasumi Matsuno. Perhaps part of me is preparing for the iPad version of the game to be released, hoping that it’s much better than the iPhone version. Whatever the case, it’s going to be my PSP and me on FFT! Also, Jetpack Joyride and Civlization: Revolution are still getting daily play on my iPad 2.

How about you? What’s on your weekend playlist?

Coffee Talk #406: Gaming During Unexpected Delays

Last Monday I went out for a quick errand that turned into a long outing. I had to deposit a check into my business account. Under optimal conditions it’s five minutes there on the LA Metro Purple line, two minutes…

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the Yankees jubilant celebration of AJ Burnett not sucking for 5 2/3 innings, Chris Christie not running for president, or your favorite sandwich cheese, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Last Monday I went out for a quick errand that turned into a long outing. I had to deposit a check into my business account. Under optimal conditions it’s five minutes there on the LA Metro Purple line, two minutes in the bank, and five minutes back. Due to track issues, I was stuck in the subway car on the way back for well over an hour. Most of my fellow passengers were irritated, but thanks to videogames on my T-Mobile G2x, I wasn’t bothered.

As people were bitching and getting stressed out, I was serenely playing Meteor, Real Blackjack, and Angry Birds Rio. Videogames turned an annoying situation into a fairly entertaining (but certainly wasteful) hour. Part of me felt guilty that the other passengers were getting amped up while I was gaming. Most of me was grateful that my phone was loaded with games to pass the time. It was the latest of many situations in my life where I had to smile and say, “Thank God I’m a gamer!” (I didn’t actually say that out loud, btw.)

Do any of you guys and gals have stories like that? Have games ever helped you wait out an unusually long line? Perhaps a delay at the airport? Kindly share your tales in the comments section!

Coffee Talk #405: Most Recognizable Videogame Sound Ever?

Today’s Coffee Talk is brought to you by RPadholic N8R. During a Google+ messenger chat he asked, “What is the most recognizable videogame sound ever?” What a fantastic question! Gameplay, graphics, music, and story are…

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the Yankees’ fate resting in the mentally deficient brain of AJ Burnett, Hank Williams, Jr. comparing President Obama to Adolf Hitler, or the awesome nerd buzz before Apple press conference, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Today’s Coffee Talk is brought to you by RPadholic N8R. During a Google+ messenger chat he asked, “What is the most recognizable videogame sound ever?” What a fantastic question! Gameplay, graphics, music, and story are definitely a huge part of games, but its often short sound effects that stay with us forever. Decades after I first heard them, sound effects from Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda are still stuck in my head.

If I mention the sound of Mario getting a coin or getting a power-up or getting an extra life, I’m positive that the vast majority of you know what I’m talking about. The same goes for Zelda sounds. I’m certain that most of you know the sound of Link getting a new item or unlocking a secret. At Nintendo’s E3 2011 presser, the audience totally marked out when the orchestra played Zelda sounds. Hell, the liberal use of Zelda sounds is part of why Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is so charming.

So what say you? Answer N8R’s question and name the most recognizable videogame sounds ever (please)!

Rage Launch Party Pictures

Here are a bunch of random pictures from id Software’s launch party for Rage. (You know, that thing I was at when I sent you those drunk messages on Google+) It was a pretty big blowout and way better than most LA videogame parties. Of course there were lots of celebs around. Charlize Theron was the official host of the party. I recall seeing Seth Green, Jaime Pressly, Danny Masterson, Topher Grace, and Chris Pine. I was totally bummed that I missed Stacy Keibler. The Black Keys put on a sweet performance. It was cool briefly seeing my E3 buddy Sarah Carroll. My favorite part was bumping into id CEO Todd Hollenshead. He looked so happy and proud! I was thrilled for him.

Anyway, check out these picks. Highlights include some idiot climbing on top of the Rage kiosks and some woman vomiting into a trash can. Ha!

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This Week’s Videogame Releases

October kicks off with a slew of awesome videogames! If you’re looking for a supremely gorgeous post-apocalyptic shooter then you definitely want to pick up id Software’s Rage. There probably won’t be any NBA basketball played until next year, but that shouldn’t stop you from playing NBA 2K12. Spider-Man — both the current version and the 2099 version — are back for another wall-crawling adventure in Spider-Man: Edge of Time. Want something dark and brutally difficult? If so then Dark Souls, the successor to Demon’s Souls, is right up your alley. Finally, sometimes you just need to dance. If that’s the case then Just Dance 3 will do you good.

Any of you picking up new games this week?

Coffee Talk #404: Have You Ever Quit on a Console?

Last week I was intrigued by this comment left by RPadholic smartguy. He’s fed up with the quirks and annoyances of his PlayStation 3 and is on the verge of quitting it after Uncharted 3. It had me thinking about all the…

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, A-Rod getting the boo-bird treatment at Yankee Stadium, Stumptown’s Guatemala Antigua Buenavista, or how old you were when you started liking the taste of alcoholic beverages, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Last week I was intrigued by this comment left by RPadholic smartguy. He’s fed up with the quirks and annoyances of his PlayStation 3 and is on the verge of quitting it after Uncharted 3. It had me thinking about all the consoles I’ve owned in the past. I don’t recall any of them pissing me off to the point where I gave up on the system. How about you? Have you ever quit on a console? Or did you have issues, only to lovingly whisper, “I can’t quit you,” to your beloved gaming system?

Keep in mind that I’m in an unusual situation since the last few generations of consoles have either been free or work expenses for me. I love all of my gaming systems, but they’re all work machines — there’s no such thing as buyer’s remorse in my case. Even before that, I managed to put up with the completely ridiculous Sega Genesis Mega Stack of Doom. If a Voltron-like console couldn’t make me quit then I’m not sure what would.

So how about it? Has a console ever driven you to the point of disowning it? Have you ever quit on a console?

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

I think I’m going to give Bastion another go. I meant to give it a more thorough run on my personal Xbox Live Account and never got around to it. It’s such a fun and charming game. It’s also cool that someone I like, ex-GameSpot editor Greg Kasavin, worked on it. Yeah, that settles it. This weekend will be about replaying Bastion!

How about you? What’s on your weekend playlist?

Today’s Poll: Are You Interested in the Amazon Kindle Fire?

Amazon recently announced the Kindle Fire, an Android-based tablet with a killer $199 price point, DC Comics graphic novel exclusivity, a unique server-assisted web browser called Silk, and more. The killer price should make it an attractive option to first-time tablet-buyers and those looking for a secondary tablet. Its heavy tie-ins with Amazon digital services give it an enormous advantage over competing Android, BlackBerry, and webOS tablets. I’m positive that this is going to be one of the killer products this holiday season.

Today I wanted to see if you guys and dolls were interested in the Kindle Fire. Kindly take today’s poll and let me know what you think about Amazon’s aggressively-priced foray into the tablet computing world.

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