What Are You Playing This Weekend?

For some reason, I feel like playing Final Fantasy Tactics this weekend. I suppose the reasons are that it’s my favorite game of all time and I’m a mark for Yasumi Matsuno. Perhaps part of me is preparing for the iPad version of the game to be released, hoping that it’s much better than the iPhone version. Whatever the case, it’s going to be my PSP and me on FFT! Also, Jetpack Joyride and Civlization: Revolution are still getting daily play on my iPad 2.

How about you? What’s on your weekend playlist?

Author: RPadTV


59 thoughts on “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

  1. I plan on beating Portal 2 this weekend. That game so far has been an amazing amount of fun and laughs. Highest recommended game so far this year. The Source engine holds up quite nicely I'd like to add. I'm running max on my PC and it has the best AA to date.

      1. I'm pretty sure I did. It pulled down an update the other day. I have yet to play Coop yet to find out for sure.

      2. The Co-Op's pretty fun. I've been playing it splitscreen on the 360 with a friend of mine. I tried getting my son to try it, but the controls were a bit much for him still and I ended up having to try and use both controllers half the time. Portal 2 Co-Op is not something I recommend anyone try that particular way….

      3. Yeah the coop possibilities for that game look crazy fun. I can't imagine the mayhem or confusion that ensues when one guy is responsible for lightbridge portals while the other has to shoot a blue to shoot the duo across the screen lol.did you finish the dark tower yet? I'm dying to discuss this series with someone else who has read it.

      4. I haven't touched the book in about a week. I blew through Wolves of the Colla and Song of Susannah in about 3 days total, but I'm kinda stuck in the last book somewhere around page 270. I've had a lot of other stuff going on though. Maybe I'll make some time to finish it up this weekend.

      5. My wife read them all a while ago. I think she started the first one when like the third or fourth book came out and stayed up to date since.

        Stephen King held on to film rights forever but finally sold them to Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof (LOST writers) for $1 because he knew those guys could bring it to life the way he wants.

        I'm not sure if they are going to do 7 movies, or a mini-series, or what, but whatever it is, it should be pretty cool.

      6. I did not know that. Should be interesting.I would think that Lucas might try and sue them eventually haha.

  2. I may be available on Monday for the MK challenge. I will be spending most of my weekend at my momma's crib in the middle of nowhere Massachusetts and will also be recording and editing my cousin and my brothers' mixtape.

    1. The week of October 24th. My last day at work is the 21st and we have to vacate the apartment by November 1st.

  3. Probably spending some time with Any of the following:

    1) Gears of War 3
    2) FIFA 12
    3) Call of Duty: Black Ops
    4) inFamous 2
    5) Orcs Must Die!

    Also, the wife has been playing through Uncharted: Drake's Fortune for the first time the last couple of days, and I've been enjoying watching her play – in part because she's offered up some fantastic one liners so far:

    "Well I'm glad somebody just left these gate keys laying on the top of this tower. I felt like a nice leisurely climb/"
    "This is like stealing ammo from a corpse. Oh, wait…"
    (After unloading half a clip int a guy and him not dropping) "Geezus, this guy has the constitution of 50 Cent.."
    "Sixty chachki's to collect, and yet I can't find a place to carry a second pistol?"
    "They're gonna blame the Germans for this, aren't they? My people will never live that whole Nazi thing down."
    "Yes, let's all shoot at ME with the mutants running loose."

      1. Best part of the whole experience was when she started the game, realized it was a shooter and nearly turned it off because she "hates shooters" and "isn't any good at them." Truth is, she's just never played them much. 24 hours later as she's unlocking the 100 Headshots Trophy, she turns to me and goes, "You didn't know your baby was a Snipah, did you?"

    1. Of course y'all talk normal d'n in da Bayou.

      Iz just like oous here in Miami dat we awl talk normal too, meng.


  4. Probably playing MTG in my Batgirl costume since my best friend's having her Halloween party early and it's the only time everyone could get together. Innistrad just came out so I got a fat pack.

  5. I'll be playing Singularity and BF3 Beta.

    I was hoping I'd be playing Rage but the game IS JUST SOOOO BORING. The story is virtually non-existent so you feel like you are just running back and forth for people in a VERY LINEAR environment. Forget exploring like the game tells you to because everything gets locked down except for where you are supposed to be. Want to back to a town, NOPE they locked it down, want to go ahead NOPE can't access it until someone mentions it to you. I played it for 6 hours and the only time I liked it was the first 20 minutes.

    Also did anyone see the thing about the XBOX 720?!?!?

    1. Yeah I figured that would be the case when they started releasing gameplay videos. I love id and the stuff that John Carmack comes up with but this title is a dud. I really think it's a glorified tech demo. The title should have taken a different direction instead of a being a blah me too clone of Fallout and Borderlands.

  6. If you move far enough away from where you live for long enough, I swear, you too will notice where your slight accent is.

    I for example struggle with the word hundred no matter if I think about it or not. I can say one hundred, two hundred, any hundred as long as hundred is the last word just fine. But, when I say like 365… it comes out three hunnerd and sixty five.

    I also say the words shower, hour, power, and flower in one syllable. If you heard me say "I need a power shower in about an hour", you may not understand me.

  7. I don't know what I'll be playing this weekend, but I did order Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions on Amazon last night, so hopefully, I'll be playing that next week.

    As I told Bsukenyan yesterday, my XBL account got jacked on Wednesday and somebody used about 2,600 MS Points I had on my account to buy a Premium Gold Pack. I didn't have a credit card linked to the account (mostly because of what happened with PSN), so I'm grateful that the damage wasn't worse.
    Still, they took about $33 worth of MS Points from me and I called Xbox customer service to get them back. They are conducting an investigation and until they are done, I won't be able to go online. I'm hoping it won't take long, but I could be out for up to two months.

    Let this be a lesson to everyone here: Don't link your credit card to your account and don't have too many points saved up, either. Use the codes on the backs of cards you can buy physically and/or redeem them only when you want to buy something. Don't stockpile your points on your account like I did. I would hate for this to happen to someone else here.


    1. I bought a card from Blockbuster, and When I entered the code, it told me it had already been redeemed. I then called xbox who told me the card had been used two years earlier. I had to make a copy of every piece of the box it came in, the receipt, and my xbox gamertag. After that they told me they would call me back, two months later they asked if I still wanted them, and I told them that my xbox was no longer working and they could use the points to buy the "Go fuck yourself" expansion pack.

      1. Wow, that sucks. At least it affirms what I've been telling people for years: "Don't buy anything at Blockbuster.

        But seriously, I thought those codes were created by a computer with the very specific parameter of "don't duplicate codes." I wonder how often it has happened to other people. I'm thinking it has to be a rare occurrence. If I was you, I would have played the lottery that day.


      2. I would bet someone just kinda got lucky on guessing a code just that one time 2 years ago and that card has just been sitting there for a long time.

  8. I was raised on the West bank and spent the weekends in Chalmette and on Saint Claude Ave. and miraculously escaped with a lack of an accent. But my family too sounds like a Swamp People rerun.

    1. I had played the Alpha version on PC for a few weeks, then the Beta version of BF3 on PC for a few days, but it wasn't until I played on my PS3 did any team ever get past the inside of the Metro. I didn't know there was upper Metro and then an outside area (don't know if anything is past that). But the game looks like POO on PS3 compared to PC.

      1. On PC this weekend there is a new map for the beta. I am gonna just hold off until the real mccoy is out later this month. No need to unlock stuff just to do it again.

      2. I just wanted to try it out. I assumed most players wanted to get in early and find the best camping spots. MANY players already know where to sit to spawn camp. For 5 minutes my squad couldn't get out of spawn area because of a line of snipers. Hopefully that gets sorted out.

      3. Lol yeah. Acog + assault rifle is a bit annoying with prone guys in the bushes! They need spawn point turrets maybe??Sent from my iPhone 4

      1. Thats TWO, TWO votes for dark souls

        (yes i was trying to sound like the count on sesame street)

      2. For whatever reason…I'm imagining "The Next Episode" playing during your Sesame Street segments. Lightly of course.

  9. I found some unused Barnes & Noble gift cards and went crazy buying some graphic novels. I just got back from the store with "The Killing Joke," "Hush" hardcover (the complete storyline), "Year One," and "The Dark Knight Returns" by Frank Miller. I probably wouldn't have bought all of these if it wasn't for my recent "high" from Arkham Asylum (the video game).

    I have no idea which one to start with first, but these are like the first DC comics I buy since "Superman: Doomsday." Any suggestions? Chronological order, maybe?


    1. The Killing Joke is essential, but a tad dated. Hush is the most modern and very cool. The Dark Knight Returns is timeless. As someone that had read them all, if I had to pick one to re-read at this very second is would probably be Hush or Dark Knight.

      1. Thanks! Based on your suggestions, I'm going to read "The Killing Joke" first, followed by "Year One," "The Dark Knight Returns," and "Hush" since I want to save the best for last. Plus, I'm afraid of suffering from Batman burnout.


  10. This weekend, I'm "playing" a different thing… Music. I'm in a Marching Band, and the coolest things just happened to me. Last weekend, I discovered one of the competitors was playing a Video Game-themed show, including Mortal Kombat (cough cough not getting into that jar of worms), Halo, Super Mario and Legend of Zelda. They even had large backdrops with the game's symbols and scale models of the NES controllers at the front! It was amazing!

    Now, just tonight, I was at a competition (FOR 12 WHOLE HOURS) and discovered that there's ANOTHER BAND doing the same thing, but I didn't get to hear them. From the shirts they were wearing, I think it was Kingdom Hearts or something.

      1. Like I said, I'm not getting into that jar of worms. Let them have their deathmatch while the band shouts obscenities from the sidelines.
        "Ra-ra-ree! Kick-em in the knee! Ra-ra-rass! Kick-em in the other knee!"

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