This Week’s Videogame Releases

There are lots of great games hitting shelves this week! In the immortal words of Michael Buffer (or Triple H), “Are you ready?!?” Enslaved has been getting great buzz from the enthusiast press. I really liked this game at E3 2010 and can’t wait to jump into it. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow just might be the first great modern Castlevania game. Although I hate the use of Michael Jordan as a cover athlete (go Pistons!), NBA 2K11 looks pretty hot. I’m not going to play it, but I sure as hell want to watch other people give Def Jam Rapstar a go. Last, but not least, is Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light, which is one of my personal favorites of 2010.

Any of you picking up new games this week?

Coffee Talk #222: Cliffy B…the Movie?!?

Lots of my friends are going nuts over The Social Network — you know, that movie about Facebook and its brilliant-but-devious co-founder Mark Zuckerberg. It’s kind of nuts that a relatively new and geeky phenomenon spawned a movie that brought together Aaron Sorkin, David Fincher, and Justin Timberlake. It’s also very cool. The next logical step, of course, is a movie about a videogame company. In the year 2015 I want to see:

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Bryan Danielson busting out cattle mutilation last night, the Yankees blowing home-field advantage, or Shia LeBeouf vs. Frankie Muniz, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Lots of my friends are going nuts over The Social Network — you know, that movie about Facebook and its brilliant-but-devious co-founder Mark Zuckerberg. It’s kind of nuts that a relatively new and geeky phenomenon spawned a movie that brought together Aaron Sorkin, David Fincher, and Justin Timberlake. It’s also very cool. The next logical step, of course, is a movie about a videogame company. In the year 2015 I want to see:

Watching the Gears Go Round: The Cliff Bleszinski Story

I love Cliff. I think he’s a fun and fascinating man that would be a great subject for a motion picture. I also have lots of old (and possibly naughty) stories to sell the movie’s scriptwriters, which might be the only way I’ll ever make money in Los Angeles.

Seriously though, now that a Facebook movie is out, I want a frickin’ videogame-company movie! Today’s game is a two-parter. What publisher or developer would you want to see on the big screen? How about a specific game designer or publishing executive? Oh hell, let’s make this a three-parter! I’ll send out a special prize to the person that makes the most creative movie title starring Bobby Kotick!!!

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

I’m done playing Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light for review…but that doesn’t mean I’m finished with the game. I still have one more optional tower to conquer and two more jobs to unlock. I’ll try to wrap that up this weekend. I’ll also be spending lots of time with the T-Mobile G2 by HTC. Playing with a new gadget counts as “playing”, yeah?

Et vous? What’s on your weekend playlist?

Mad iPhone Game Sale!!!

The fine folks at TouchArcade have posted a list of iPhone games that are on sale. There are a bunch of fantastic titles that can be had from $0.99 to $2.99. My personal favorite, Civilization Revolution, is only $0.99! Check out the list and let me know if you’re going to buy anything.


  • Civilization Revolution ($6.99 -> $0.99)
  • Soccer Superstars ($2.99 -> $0.99)
  • 9 Innings: Pro Baseball 2011 ($4.99 -> $0.99)
  • Baseball Superstars 2010 ($2.99 -> $0.99)
  • Need for Speed Shift ($6.99 -> $0.99)
  • Bookworm ($2.99 -> $0.99)
  • Geometry Wars: Touch ($4.99 -> $0.99) Universal
  • Puzzle Agent ($4.99 -> $0.99)
  • Monkey Island 2 Special Edition ($2.99 -> $0.99)
  • The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition ($2.99 -> $0.99)
  • Doom II RPG ($3.99 -> $0.99)
  • Assassin’s Creed II ($5.99 -> $0.99)
  • Zombie Infection ($2.99 -> $0.99)
  • Peggle ($2.99 -> $0.99)


  • Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart 2 ($4.99 -> $1.99)
  • Risk: The official Game ($4.99 -> $1.99)
  • Hybrid 2: Saga of Nostalgia ($4.99 -> $1.99)
  • Zenonia 2 ($4.99 -> $1.99)
  • Castlevania Puzzle: Encore of the Night ($4.99 -> $1.99)
  • Mirror’s Edge ($4.99 -> $1.99)
  • ACE Combat Xi: Skies of Incursion ($4.99 -> $1.99)
  • Myst ($4.99 -> $1.99)
  • Doom Resurrection ($6.99 -> $1.99)
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2 ($5.99 -> $1.99)
  • Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 ($4.99 -> $1.99)
  • NCAA Football by EA Sports ($4.99 -> $1.99)
  • Command & Conquer Red Alert ($4.99 -> $1.99)


  • NFL 2011 ($4.99 -> $2.99)
  • Real Racing ($4.99 -> $2.99)
  • Call of Duty Zombies ($9.99 -> $4.99)
  • Call of Duty Zomies HD ($9.99 -> $4.99) iPad Only
  • FIFA 10 by EA Sports ($6.99 -> $4.99)


Coffee Talk #221: So Psyched for Portable Gaming in 2011!!!

I’m so excited for portable gaming in 2011. The Nintendo 3DS is coming in March. Several developers are working on games for the PSP2. Apple iOS, Google Android, and Microsoft Windows Phone 7 games are going to get huge. At the very least, it’s going to be chaotic trying to cover and understand everything. At best, we will be overwhelmed by the flood of excellent portable games.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Intelligentsia’s Organic Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Adado, remembering to vote for WWE AJ Lee in the NXT poll, or if you’re going to see Wall Street 2, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

I’m so excited for portable gaming in 2011. The Nintendo 3DS is coming in March. Several developers are working on games for the PSP2. Apple iOS, Google Android, and Microsoft Windows Phone 7 games are going to be better than ever. At the very least, it’s going to be chaotic trying to cover and understand everything. At best, we will be overwhelmed by the flood of excellent portable games.

I realize that most of you RPadholics are home console guys, but I’d bet that most of you will do more portable gaming in 2011 than you did in 2010. There are too many capable platforms and too many potentially cool games. It’s going to be tough to ignore!

Are any of you guys and dolls as excited about the prospects of portable gaming in 2011 as I am? What platforms are you looking forward to? If you’re still not convinced handheld gaming is worth your time then I must ask you…why the hell not?!?

List of Nintendo 3DS Games in Development

Here’s a list of Nintendo 3DS games that are in development. It’s based on stuff I saw at E3 2010, assorted press releases, and the sizzle reel posted above. When you have a moment, please let me know which games have you excited for Nintendo’s next handheld console.

  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  • Kid Icarus
  • Animal Crossing
  • Paper Mario
  • Nintendogs + Cats
  • Mario Kart
  • Pilotwings Resort
  • Paper Mario
  • StarFox64 3D
  • Kingdom Hearts
  • Chocobo Racing
  • Resident Evil: Revelation
  • Resident Evil: Mercenaries
  • Mega Man Legends 3
  • Super Street Fighter 4 3D
  • Dead or Alive Dimensions
  • Samurai Warriors: Chronicle
  • Super Monkeyball
  • Ridge Racer
  • Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater
  • Steel Diver

GameCrush is Live: Pay Girls to Play With You Now!!!

Way back in March I wrote about GameCrush, an online service that lets male gamers pay for the privilege of playing games with women. The latest version of the service is live and…interesting. Here’s a clip from the official blog:

Want to take your game to the next level? Enter a private, video-enabled game session and you can find a PlayDate to play practically ANY multiplayer console game out there. You can play open-ended games, co-op games, and, of course, competitive games, too. Want to kick back with something more casual? GameCrush also offers web-based games at the click of a button. Private game sessions start at $.60 per minute with discounts for buying more credits at one time. Remember, buying a game session is an optional activity and not required to be part of the GameCrush community. And we only charge for the credits you buy, with no hidden costs and no recurring fees.

Have you seen any interesting pictures or profiles on the site? Any of you going to take the plunge and go on a Gamecrush date? Don’t all raise your hands at once. (I can’t actually see your hands, fyi.)


Who Dat? The ESRB Teams Up with the New Orleans Saints

The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) has teamed up with New Orleans Saints players Marques Colston and Devery Henderson on an ad campaign that educates parents about videogame ratings. Here are some quotes by Colston and Henderson from the press release. Colston said:

I play a ton of video games, and while most of them are OK for kids, some of them are clearly intended for older players. They say the best defense is a good offense, and I know about good offense. A parent’s best defense against bringing home the wrong game for their child is to go on offense and use the ratings every time they buy or rent a game. You’re always better off when you know the play.

Henderson added:

Being a father, I know how important it is for parents to have all the help they can get. The ESRB ratings give us the guidance and information that we need to make sure our kids are playing age-appropriate games. Marques and I are proud to be a part of this effort to educate parents throughout Louisiana and across the country.

You can watch the video on the ESRB’s media library. It’s listed under “statewide and local TV”. (Now imagine how many people could see these spots if the ESRB allowed embedding.)

I know at least one RPadholic will be proud of his players for teaming up with the ESRB. Yeah, I pretty much posted this article for him.

Source (PDF link)

ATVI vs. EA: Does Trash Talking Embarrass the Videogame Biz?

I don’t know about you, but I’m thoroughly entertained by the executive trash talking between Activision and Electronic Arts. Veteran game journalist Chris Morris — former editor and current Gamasutra editor-at-large — feels that it’s bad for the gaming business, recently posting an article called “Opinion: Why Activision & EA’s Feud Embarrasses The Game Industry“. Really?!?

Apple and Google have been exchanging barbs for the last year or so. Did that embarrass the tech industry? Former Nokia exec Anssi Vanjoki equated handset makers using Google Android to a kid peeing in his pants to get temporary relief from frigid weather (I love the Finnish sense of humor, btw). Did that embarrass the mobile phone business? In both cases, I don’t think any rational person would think less of either industry and the trash talking got some attention from people that normally don’t care about either field. I believe the children are our future that EA Jeff Brown blasting ATVI Bobby Kotick had the same effect.

That’s just my opinion. What’s yours? Do you think executive trash talking is bad for the business? Do you think it’s good for it? Or are the words just meaningless?

[Confession: I was originally going to call this article “Opinion: Chris Morris is a Pussy”. That would have been way funnier, but some people would have interpreted it as disrespect. I honestly respect Morris’ opinion. I just disagree with his recent editorial. Besides, this is really about ATVI vs. EA.]