Speculation: PSP2 Coming at E3 2010?

I know you’re all looking forward to what’s new with Nintendo’s Vitality Sensor at E3 2010, but MCV has speculated on something a wee bit more interesting — a PSP2 announcement! According to its sources, heavy marketing dollars from two Sony publishers are being allocated for Q4 2010 and they might be used to support … Continue reading “Speculation: PSP2 Coming at E3 2010?”

Coffee Talk #140: What Are You Looking Forward to at E3 2010?

E3 2010 is a little over a month away and I wanted to get your thoughts on the show. I’ll probably ask you this question a couple of more times in the next few weeks so I can see how your answers change as information leaks. For now let me know what you’re jazzed about.

Are you looking forward to PlayStation Move vs. Project Natal? Perhaps you’re more interested in the future of streaming gaming and want to see how Gaikai vs. OnLive plays out. Mobile gaming is growing crazy fast and there will tons of great iPad/iPhone games on display. Perhaps you’re not interested in these new battles and trends. Maybe you just want more info on an exciting console or PC game.

Xbox 360 “Slim” and Metal Gear Solid Natal Coming to E3 2010?

Here’s a pair of hot E3 2010 rumors: Microsoft will unveil an Xbox 360 Slim and Metal Gear Solid for Project Natal at E3 2010. According to Surfer Girl Strikes Back: MS will reveal a slim 360 natal bundle at one of their two (yes, two) press conferences at this year’s e3. What’s more the … Continue reading “Xbox 360 “Slim” and Metal Gear Solid Natal Coming to E3 2010?”

PadCast: EEDAR’s Jesse Divnich Talks iPad, DLC, E3, and More

EEDAR vice president of analyst services Jesse Divnich is the latest RPad.tv PadCast guest. My favorite analyst in the business discusses all sorts of videogame topics, answers reader questions, and reveals the super power he covets in this clip. Here’s the laundry list of talking points: The Nintendo 3DS Whether the PSPgo is a dead … Continue reading “PadCast: EEDAR’s Jesse Divnich Talks iPad, DLC, E3, and More”

Nintendo Will Show “3DS” Handheld System at E3 2010

Nintendo of Japan has announced that it will release the Nintendo 3DS portable 3D gaming system before the end of its fiscal year ending March 2011. The 3DS will be shown at E3 2011. In addition to 3D graphics that can be viewed without special glasses, the 3DS will play Nintendo DS and DSi games. … Continue reading “Nintendo Will Show “3DS” Handheld System at E3 2010″

Blast From the Past: Marc Saltzman and I Talk E3 2007

My friend just sent me this video I did for Comcast’s Game Invasion at E3 2007. It’s funny watching it through the old retroscope. Nintendo just introduced Wii Fit and my co-host, the amazing Marc Saltzman, thought it was neat, but nothing extraordinary. I was mostly indifferent to it. Neither of us had any idea … Continue reading “Blast From the Past: Marc Saltzman and I Talk E3 2007”

Congrats to Nightshade386 (and Other Contest Updates)!

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages…RPad.tv is proud to present the latest refrigerator magnet winner in the wooooooorld! Nightshade386!!! And if you’re not down with that, I’ve got two words for you! Winning comment. Hrolf was kind enough to send pictures of his magnet. I’m honored to be on his fridge, … Continue reading “Congrats to Nightshade386 (and Other Contest Updates)!”

Mario Tennis Ultra Smash Preview (Wii U)

At E3 2015, I spent a couple of hours playing Mario Tennis Ultra Smash for Wii U. I’m a longtime fan of the series and have spent hundreds of hours playing Mario Tennis games on numerous platforms (N64, GBC, GBA, and GameCube). The earlier games did a brilliant job of imposing everything that’s adorable about the Mario universe on … Continue reading “Mario Tennis Ultra Smash Preview (Wii U)”

Coffee Talk #661: Coffee Naps — Are They Really a Thing?

Earlier this year, several Bay Area friends tried to get me to buy into coffee naps. They swore that coffee naps are the most efficient way to refresh and recharge during the workday. To me, the practice sounded like the latest Silicon Valley trend — the kind of thing that employers love because it gets … Continue reading “Coffee Talk #661: Coffee Naps — Are They Really a Thing?”

Coffee Talk #657: Diversification in the Marvel Universe and You

You’ve been thrilled by the adventures of African-American Captain America. You’ve journeyed into mystery with the mysterious female Thor. In December, you’ll be getting a Korean-American Hulk when Totally Awesome Hulk hits shelves. Ethnic and sexual diversification in Marvel Comics is an ongoing process — one that Marvel seems to be keen on pursuing. It also seems … Continue reading “Coffee Talk #657: Diversification in the Marvel Universe and You”