PC and Mac Most Popular Game Development Platforms

Game Developer Research’s annual “State of Game Development Survey” revealed that the PC and Mac are the most popular game development platforms. Surprising, no? Actually, it’s not when you consider that social games (i.e. Facebook games) and browser games were lumped into the mix. As for consoles, the Xbox 360 still leads the way. Here’s a snippet from the press release:

Just over 70 percent of developers said they were developing at least one game for PC or Mac (including browser and social games), rising slightly from last year, with 41 percent working in consoles. Within that latter group, Xbox 360 was the most popular system with 69 percent of console developers targeting it, followed by 61 percent for PlayStation 3.

On the handheld front, developers are flocking to the iPhone and iPod Touch platform, leaving the Nintendo DS and Sony PlayStation Portable in the dust. It’s not surprising really. Facebook, browser, and iPhone games are cheaper to make than traditional console games. The market is relatively new and the players are still being established. There are more opportunities in these markets for new(er) developers and publishers.

Microsoft Pulling the Plug on Original Xbox Games on April 15

Microsoft is pulling the plug on Xbox Live support for original Xbox games (or really, Halo 2). Xbox Live general manager Marc Whitten (didn’t he play for the Yankees once?) issued an official statement that included the following:

On April 15 we will discontinue the Xbox Live service for original Xbox consoles and games, including Xbox v1 games playable on Xbox 360 and Xbox Originals. I want to start by saying this isn’t a decision we made lightly, but after careful consideration, it is clear this will provide the greatest benefit to the Xbox Live community.

I was actually surprised and impressed that Microsoft supported online play for the original Xbox this long. Do any of you still play Xbox 1 games online?


NY State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo Goes After GameStop

New York State attorney general Andrew Cuomo is going after GameStop and other retailers over fraudulent fees. Here’s the skinny from GamePolitics:

The AG’s office believes that GameStop and the others have been “tricking customers into accepting offers from third party vendors, which then siphon money from consumers’ accounts.” Because of the relatively low dollar amount of the charges, the fees may go unnoticed for some time.

The names of the companies involved read like a laundry list of e-commerce: Barnes and Nobles, Expedia, Pizza Hut, Staples.com, Travelocity, Classmates.com, etc. According to Cuomo, the three discount clubs under investigation bring in a combined $1+ billion per year, much of which Cuomo believes is fraudulent.

That’s right Pizza Hut and GameStop! You don’t mess with New York!!! You don’t want an Italian guy from Queen coming after you. Trust me on this one.


What Are You Playing This Weekend?

Where the hell did this week go? Between this web site, physical therapy, and trying to figure out ways to make money, it was a complete blur to me. The good news is that it’s weekend game time! I’m still playing Vandal Hearts, but it’s probably going to take a back seat to my new copy of Army of Two: The 40th Day. Like the legendary Austin Aries, I enjoy cooperative gaming a ton. My friend was telling me that the latest Army of 2 offers some interesting moral choices. I’m curious about those. I’m not even sure about the moral mindset of mercenaries (aside from Deadpool).

I’ve also downloaded Rhyme Player for iPhone. It’s a simple rhythm game with a limited song list, but I can’t stop playing! I think I’ll write a (not) review next week.

As always, I want to know what’s on your weekend playlist!

Coffee Talk #80: Lime Sorbet Games

Here’s a situation for you. Let’s say you’ve just played 40 or more hours of an intense role-playing game like Dragon Age: Origins or Mass Effect 2. Or maybe you’ve spent dozens of hours playing a great multiplayer shooter. You don’t want to jump right into the next great time suck. You need something to cleanse your palette. You need the lime sorbet equivalent of gaming. What do you play?

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, natural sword enhancement, your application for the LA Clipper’s coaching job, or the greatness of Claudio Castagnoli, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Here’s a situation for you. Let’s say you’ve just played 40 or more hours of an intense role-playing game like Dragon Age: Origins or Mass Effect 2. Or maybe you’ve spent dozens of hours playing a thrilling multiplayer shooter. You don’t want to jump right into the next great time suck. You need something to cleanse your palette. You need the lime sorbet equivalent of gaming. What do you play?

I was chatting about this with a respected colleague recently. After going through a heavy game experience, he likes to break things up with some mindless fun. He chose Jurassic: The Hunted as his lime sorbet game. I always go back to Civilization: Revolution for iPhone between intense games (though it’s something I do daily).

Today I wanted to see if you have a lime sorbet game. Is there something you play to clear your mind for your next great gaming experience? Is there a particular genre or style of game you use to cleanse your palette? Maybe a particular title? Leave a comment and let me know (please)!

Game Crazy Being Cut to 250 Stores

Game Crazy, a videogame specialty store found alongside some Hollywood Video shops, is being reduced to 250 locations as part of its parent company’s bankruptcy reorganization. Since GameStop and EB Games merged, Game Crazy was pretty much the only specialty retailer competing with the unstoppable GameStop juggernaut (albeit only in select cities). Lacking competition, GameStop can continue to gouge customers on trade-ins and used-game sales (at least at the brick-and-mortar level).

My friend Justin always spoke highly of Game Crazy and raved about some of its deals. I never had access to one in San Francisco and haven’t bothered to hit one up since I moved to Los Angeles. Do any of you have Game Crazy stores near you? Is your shop closing? Will you miss it?


PadCast: Ring of Honor World Champion Austin Aries!

Last Friday I went to a Ring of Honor show in Los Angeles and caught up with world champion Austin Aries, fresh off his victory over Jushin “Thunder” Liger. Whether you call him the RoH champion, A-Double, the vascular vegetarian, or MV3, there’s no denying that Aries is one of the most talented wrestlers in the world. It was an honor chatting about videogames, karaoke, being vegetarian, being pro-choice, naked Shawn Michaels, women with meat in their mouth, and the writing in WWE SmackDown vs. Raw with Aries. It was also fun goofing off with a friend (ha!). Check out this very special RPad.tv PadCast with the master of the brainbuster and the owner of the most devastating 450 splash in the universe!

Coffee Talk #79: 2D Gaming in 2010

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Stephon Marbury’s adventures in China, your Super Bowl XLIV prediction, or Austin Aries being the second-best wrestler in Ring of Honor, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Sega’s announcement that Sonic the Hedgehog will be returning for a brand new 2D adventure has me excited. 2D Sonic games were a huge part of my childhood and stayed with me in my teens and college years. They were just so well done, offering clever gameplay and an unmatched sensation of speed. Plus, Sonic was just cool! (Well…he was until Urkel started voicing him in the cartoon. That was his downfall. Trust me.) Ah, the days when 2D was king…. (I’m going to fetch Daniel Stern for a Wonder Years-type voice over.)

It actually took me a while to get used to 3D games. For the most part, I hated the first generation of 3D platformers and fighting games. They didn’t have the precision controls and deep gameplay that 2D games offered. So much effort put towards the graphics that other aspects of these games fell short. Obviously 3D games have gotten past those growing pains and are today’s norm. But where does that leave new 2D titles?

Do gamers care for new 2D games? Do they sell because of novelty and nostalgia? Is that enough? Did Shadow Complex open the door for fresh 2D gaming experiences? Or was that an anamoly? I’d love to hear your thoughts on 2D gaming in 2010, so please shout it out in the comments section!

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Brings Back Classic 2D Gaming

Sega of America has revealed that Sonic the Hedgehog 4 will bring the iconic blue speedster back to his 2D roots in a downloadable game for PlayStation  Network, Wii, and Xbox Live. Associate brand manager Ken Balough dropped some details on GameSpot:

This game is truly a labor of love. A lot of us grew up on the Sega Genesis console; in fact, I remember vividly the first day I got mine with Revenge of Shinobi and Moonwalker. Ever since Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 has been a game classic Sega fans have always wanted to see. It was the right people, at the right time, getting together and finally making this game we’ve all wanted to see.

While the game is a brand-new adventure, it will definitely pick up after Sonic & Knuckles. However, what you are looking at is the beginning of a new story arc.

I’m totally down for some 2D Sonic action. How about you?


3D Dot Game Heroes Pokes Fun at Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, Etc.

This excellent clip of 3D Dot Game Heroes for PlayStation 3 pokes fun at all those Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra advertisements littering the airwaves. Instead of a penis-mightier pill (that’s “the pen is mightier” Mr. Connery), Atlus wants you to go to the blacksmith for some natural sword enhancement. Ha!