Microsoft Pulling the Plug on Original Xbox Games on April 15

Microsoft is pulling the plug on Xbox Live support for original Xbox games (or really, Halo 2). Xbox Live general manager Marc Whitten (didn’t he play for the Yankees once?) issued an official statement that included the following:

On April 15 we will discontinue the Xbox Live service for original Xbox consoles and games, including Xbox v1 games playable on Xbox 360 and Xbox Originals. I want to start by saying this isn’t a decision we made lightly, but after careful consideration, it is clear this will provide the greatest benefit to the Xbox Live community.

I was actually surprised and impressed that Microsoft supported online play for the original Xbox this long. Do any of you still play Xbox 1 games online?


Author: RPadTV

10 thoughts on “Microsoft Pulling the Plug on Original Xbox Games on April 15”

  1. I'll just reiterate my comments from yesterday's coffee talk

    -well past-due on their part. I don’t even know why Sony supports the PS2 still. I think it hurt initial PS3 sales personally-

  2. Well I'm not surprised. For the helll of it I tried return to castle wolfenstein online once and it was dead. I can't believe games other than halo 2 are still played online from the xbox v1 era. Lol.

  3. @sandrock. Sone games refuse to die, I just don't know of any xbox1games that are stll played online other than halo 2.

  4. @sandrock. Yeah that's news to me. Lol. I do not know a whole lot about either of those games.

  5. I think that if people still log on to the servers and play the game, they should support it. Sure there are plenty of old online games that have nothing but tumbleweeds blowing in the online dust and those games should be put down permanently, but if there are a few hundred people or more that still play an online game (and pay for the service, no less) they (Microsoft) should listen to their customers and keep them happy for as long as that may be. The longevity of a game has a direct correlation with the quality of a game. You shouldn't pull the plug on something like that since it is a very rare and amazing occurrence. Those games should become a beacon, or a historical monument, if you will to other gamers and developers everywhere for as long as people play it. Don’t snuff its light out.


  6. @iceman

    I agree. There comes a time when the server doesn't have enough money to support it but then a dev/pub should open it up and let the community run it.

  7. @Iceman

    Microsoft is refunding anyone who has paid for any months beyond April. they aren't shafting anyone out of their money and the intent was to eliminate any limits on the new(er) Live that were being caused by the old(er) Live.

  8. @ Sandrock;

    In that case, they should do as Smartguy suggested and turn it over to the community as long as they were willing to support it (if that is at all possible).


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