What Are You Playing This Weekend?

There’s only one game that exists to me right now: Scrabble on Hasbro Family Game Night. My training has been going well. My power level is increasing, though it’s still not where it was when Zoe and I competed. Hopefully it will get to that level…and perhaps beyond. The only thing that could possibly get in the way is Alan Wake. I should have my copy tomorrow and that’ll probably be too good to pass up.

How about you guys and gals? Any Mac users out there giving Steam a whirl? Or is it going to be another weekend of Just Dance? Kindly share your weekend playlist!

Killzone 2 Helghast Featured in Hot Shots Tennis for PSP

In a supremely cute crossover, the Helghast from Killzone 2 are playable in the upcoming Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip for Sony PlayStation Portable (available June 2010). Sony Computer Entertainment America producer Chris Hinojosa-Miranda hinted at additional unlockable characters on a PlayStation Blog post. As a huge fan of the Mario Tennis series, I’m really looking forward to this PSP game and am very curious about the other unlockable characters.

Are there any Sony characters you want to hit tennis balls with? I bet Sly Cooper has a wicked slice backhand. Clank’s precise movement probably rivals Roger Federer’s. Kratos probably has some mad power. The possibilities are awesome!


Coffee Talk #144: Do You Like Mediocre Games/Music/Movies?

I’ve been questioning my taste in movies for the last year or so. I think it started when I saw Semi-Pro on cable. I really enjoy Will Ferrell movies, but this one got panned so I didn’t see it in theaters. I was shocked by how much I enjoyed it on cable. It wasn’t a great movie, but it certainly entertained me. It was the same exact thing with Forgetting Sarah Marshall — totally enjoyed it, despite the poor reviews. Next it was Role Models, I Love You, Man, and Land of the Lost.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Ken Griffey, Jr. sleeping in the clubhouse, whether Lebron James should ditch Cleveland, or Howard the Duck, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

I’ve been questioning my taste in movies for the last year or so. I think it started when I saw Semi-Pro on cable. I really enjoy Will Ferrell movies, but this one got panned so I didn’t see it in theaters. I was shocked by how much I enjoyed it on cable. It wasn’t a great movie, but it certainly entertained me. It was the same exact thing with Forgetting Sarah Marshall — totally enjoyed it, despite the poor reviews. Next it was Role Models, I Love You, Man, and Land of the Lost.

Initially I was worried that getting older has made me lower my standards, but I don’t think that’s the case. I realize that some of these movies aren’t the best; I just happen to find a lot of the writing and scenes entertaining. Perhaps I’m just drawn to Will Ferrell, Paul Rudd, and Jason Segel. I don’t know and really, I don’t care anymore. I accept that I enjoy these movies and I’m comfortable with it.

Today I want to know what movies, games, music, etc. you enjoy, even though you know they’re not the best. Let’s celebrate mediocrity on this fine Thursday!!!

Pokemon Black and White Starters Revealed + A Poll

The excellent people at Serebii have translated a recent issue of CoroCoro magazine that revealed information on the starter Pokemon in the upcoming Pokemon Black/White. As expected, you can choose from a fire, water, and grass Pokemon. (In my best Bob Sheppard voice) And now…your starting lineup…for Pokemon Black/White:

  • Tsutaja — A snake-like grass Pokemon
  • Pokabu — A pig-like fire Pokemon
  • Mijumaru — An otter-like water Pokemon

I’m really digging the new starter Pokemon designs. I have a soft spot in my heart for grass starters (bulbasaur and chikorita rule!) and Tsutaja seems like an interesting choice. However, the concept of a fire pig is just awesome. Otters are also amusing to me, simply because of a term I learned a few years ago from a San Francisco bear (bonus points if you know what an otter is in the context of the gay community).

Now for the poll!

[poll id=”45″]


Check Out My Nier Review (Please)!

My Nier review is up on Machinima.com. Please check it out if you get a chance. This was a tough one to write. Some aspects of the game were cool, but others were frustratingly annoying. It added up to a middling experience. It’s easy to write reviews on games that suck and games that are awesome. The ones that are mediocre…not so much. I’m going to quote myself for amusement:

While some aspects of the gameplay are good, there are several facets that are poor and annoying to the point where it detracts from the overall experience. The incessant backtracking and frustrating minigames are enough to turn off many gamers.

So yeah! Kindly read it, let me know what you think, and leave a comment (on Machinima). If you do leave a comment, please include “RPadtv” in the handle so I can keep an eye on it and reply to you directly (yes, it also helps me market this site). For example, on Machinima, smartguy would be RPadtv_smartguy or something like that.


Coffee Talk #143: Do You Have a Dream Job in Gaming?

Yesterday I told you about a recurring BioWare dream that I’ve had for the last ten years. For the last three years or so, I’ve been having this other dream about BioWare. I’m living in southern Thailand — probably Phuket or Koh Phangan — and telecommuting as a BioWare community manager. Life and work are pretty much perfect. It’s such a lovely dream. *sigh*

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Lost, Lebron James’ ailing elbow, or your favorite island, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Yesterday I told you about a recurring BioWare dream that I’ve had for the last ten years. I’ve been having this other dream about BioWare for the last three years or so. I’m living in southern Thailand — probably Phuket or Koh Phangan — and telecommuting as a BioWare community manager. Life and work are pretty much perfect. It’s such a lovely dream. *sigh*

Don’t get me wrong — I love writing and interacting with an audience. What I’m doing now is absolutely what I want to be doing (though making money would be nice). The only other job that I really want (off the top of my head) is working as a community manager for a developer I love. Hell, I’d work for a developer I midly disliked if I could telecommute from Thailand. Ha!

I was wondering if you have a dream job in the gaming business. Is there a certain company or game designer that you dream of working for? RPadholic bsukenyan has mentioned that he’s interested in becoming a gaming analyst, but I’m not sure about the rest of you. Kindly share your videogame dream job(s) in the comments section!

Amazon Offering PS3 Game Bundles with Dual Shock 3 Controller

Need an extra Dual Shock 3 and want a great game to go with it? In the immortal words of Sally Struthers, “Sure, we all do!” Amazon has these great bundles which include one game and a Dual Shock 3 for $59.99. You can choose from LittleBigPlanet, InFamous, Killzone 2, and Resistance 2.

Win a Limited Edition Lost Planet 2 T-Shirt

It’s contest time boys and girls! Up for grabs is a super cool Lost Planet 2 t-shirt. It’s a limited edition print from the excellent people at I Am 8-Bit. As some of you know, I picked it up at Capcom’s fine LP2 launch party last week. The shirt is an American Apparel XL, which is a tad small for me (American Apparel runs tight). I could diet for the next six months so that I could fit into it or I could give it to one of you. The second option is easier.

Anyway, to win this shirt, just leave a comment that lists the 2010 game you’re looking forward to the most and why. The winner will be specially selected (Tortoise Brand) and revealed on Friday.

Coffee Talk #142: Do You Dream About Game Companies?

I’ve told a few of you about this already, but I’ve been having this dream about BioWare for the last decade or so. I’m at this super fancy awards show (think Oscars or Emmys). I’m wearing a tuxedo and I’m at a podium presenting an award. Finally, with complete seriousness I say:

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, why Chase’s customer services sucks, highlights of last night’s Monday Night Raw (missed it), or your feelings on the Thor movie, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

I’ve told a few of you about this already, but I’ve been having this dream about BioWare for the last decade or so. I’m at this super fancy awards show (think Oscars or Emmys). I’m wearing a tuxedo and I’m at a podium presenting an award. Finally, with complete seriousness I say:

And the award for best white developer goes to — oh my God! — Ray and Greg! BioWare!!!

I’ve actually told BioWare’s Dr. Ray Muzyka and Dr. Greg Zeschuk about this dream. The reason I’m bringing it up again? Well, I’ve been having another BioWare dream…but I’ll share that with you tomorrow.

For now I’d love to hear about your videogame-company dreams. I’m not talking about dream games. I’m talking about dreams that involve developers, publishers, etc. Perhaps you’ve had a dream where you match wits with Will Wright. Maybe you’ve explored caves and tended gardens with Shigeru Miyamoto. I know at least one of you has had a dream about Cliff Bleszinski in lingerie (bonus points for ornate tales about Cliffy in a thong). Share your dreams in the comments section (please)!

Three Minutes of Street Fighter Legacy Coolness

Last week I posted some cool teaser clips of the upcoming Street Fighter Legacy short film. Now here’s a longer — and cooler — trailer! In addition to several familiar basic moves, Ryu busts out some ha-do-ken fireballs and Ken unleashes a sho-ryu-ken dragon punch. Check it out and kindly share your thoughts.