Check Out My Nier Review (Please)!

My Nier review is up on Please check it out if you get a chance. This was a tough one to write. Some aspects of the game were cool, but others were frustratingly annoying. It added up to a middling experience. It’s easy to write reviews on games that suck and games that are awesome. The ones that are mediocre…not so much. I’m going to quote myself for amusement:

While some aspects of the gameplay are good, there are several facets that are poor and annoying to the point where it detracts from the overall experience. The incessant backtracking and frustrating minigames are enough to turn off many gamers.

So yeah! Kindly read it, let me know what you think, and leave a comment (on Machinima). If you do leave a comment, please include “RPadtv” in the handle so I can keep an eye on it and reply to you directly (yes, it also helps me market this site). For example, on Machinima, smartguy would be RPadtv_smartguy or something like that.


Author: RPadTV

11 thoughts on “Check Out My Nier Review (Please)!”

  1. I tried this out last week. I give you a ton of credit for sticking it out past the first 30 minutes Ray. If I could give back the one achievement I got and wipe all memory of this game off of my HDD, I would.

  2. @Nightshade386 Ha! Like I mentioned to you on Scrabble, a few of my friends worked on the game and I wanted to see/read their work. It gets better in a lot of areas…and worse in others.

  3. And like I told you, I admittedly did not play enough of the game to give it a fair review. The sad thing is I waited nearly 2 weeks for Gamefly to send me SOMETHING (which is becoming more and more of an ongoing epidemic w/ them), and when they did, it was the last game on my list…Nier. So I'm sure my disappointment in how long it took to get the game and the fact it wasn't something I wanted more (like say, Splinter Cell) played into my opinion of how much it sucked. I played it for about 30 minutes and then walked it right back to the mailbox in disgust.

  4. done. as well. i left a comment but i don't see it. I see it on my iphone safari browser where i typed the review but not in IE or Chrome…

  5. Left a post. Eddie Izzard cracks me up, especially that part about running jumping climbing. I have that on VHS but I sure would love to get it on DVD.

  6. done, I commented and my comment showed up but it said there were no others. So idk where Tokz's comment went…lost somewhere in cyberspace. hahaha

    Random tangent, saying cyberspace made me think of an article I read a while back that made sense but was something I never thought of before. The only people who say "cyber" anymore are using it in a negative way to try to scare you with the capabilities of the internet, and they are usually trying to make money off of you being scared as well. Check it out. The more you know…

  7. I left a comment while I was at work and it showed up then I refreshed and it was still there but above it it said No Comments. Now that I am home it says no comments and nobody's comments are there.

  8. youre the best in the biz raymond…left a comment too, also didnt see it

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