Win a Limited Edition Lost Planet 2 T-Shirt

It’s contest time boys and girls! Up for grabs is a super cool Lost Planet 2 t-shirt. It’s a limited edition print from the excellent people at I Am 8-Bit. As some of you know, I picked it up at Capcom’s fine LP2 launch party last week. The shirt is an American Apparel XL, which is a tad small for me (American Apparel runs tight). I could diet for the next six months so that I could fit into it or I could give it to one of you. The second option is easier.

Anyway, to win this shirt, just leave a comment that lists the 2010 game you’re looking forward to the most and why. The winner will be specially selected (Tortoise Brand) and revealed on Friday.

Author: RPadTV

17 thoughts on “Win a Limited Edition Lost Planet 2 T-Shirt”

  1. I don't even know all the games coming out yet so I will do some interwebs searching and get back to you.

  2. forgot the why part – although I've ignored nintendo this gen I can't deny my gaming roots are embedded in those 2 series. I'm glad to finally get back to my roots.

    New Super Mario Wii is some of the most co-op fun I've had in quite a while.

  3. @shockwave

    did you go out and by the new black wii? ha! sounds perverted in a way.

  4. This is yet another series that I have not yet played, perhaps one day I will give it a try. Lately I have been wanting to go on a zombie kick and that has started with L4D (when I finally decided to try and get Dead Rising no one had it for sale anymore) which has been better than I ever thought it could be.

  5. @tokz – lol, I mentioned yesterday that apparently I bought the black one the first day it came out, sunday. my girlfriend and I decided to pick one up after we played a few titles with the family for mother's day.

    I'm happy I waited for the black one, my entertainment center wouldn't look right with one white console

  6. @shockwave

    hmm i'm tempted to get one but i want to sell off my original one first so the cost isn't as much for me. i'm glad to you enjoyed the New Super Mario Bros Wii. that game is hella fun but it's hard with 4 players going at once.

  7. @ BSU

    Yo we should play L4D sometime this week, although I would have to negotiate tv with my gf.

  8. @Big Blak

    Haha yeah I know how that goes, I will have to negotiate time off the phone with my fiance as well. But sometime this week for sure, I am slowly but surely playing through the movies and only have one more to go. I have played the No Mercy movie the most to try to get some of the achievements.

  9. Do I even qualify for this? If so, I'd like to disqualify myself in order to give another one of my friends here a better shot.

    That said, I'm really curious about Alan Wake and hoping it doesn't totally suck. The new Transformers might be really cool. But I must say, out of everything…

    Fallout: New Vegas has me twitching with anticipation.

  10. @Topic

    Halo: Reach

    I am in love with their new equipment system. It adds a very new layer to both offline and online game-play and complements a broad amount of play styles. The only draw backs right now are how limiting the classes are and the assault rifle still blows compared to all of the other guns. Hopefully that is fixed before the game ships. Also, I've never hid my love for their campaigns. They have the best AI programmers over there as far as I'm concerned and the AI count has been, I think, doubled with Reach.

    P.S. I really want the shirt. I had I LOVE LP as my title in LP2 for a bit yesterday. (Had to switch it to "Looking for Love" though. The humor in LP2 is some of the best. )

  11. @ Topic

    I love football but I hate the Madden series so on June 1st a physics based football game called Back Breaker is going to hit the shelves. It looks like it has the perfect balance of arcade and simulation game play so anyone can pick it up and not feel overwhelmed.Did I mention its physics based!? The videos of the game show an almost perfect collision detection system with minimal clipping by the players on field. I am so pumped for this game and I hope it doesn't suck because I will not be purchasing Madden.

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