CamiKitten’s Chick Magnet Meets Pikachu and a Chocobo

The excellent CamiKitten sent in this excellent picture of her chick magnet being snuggled by a white mage chocobo being snuggled by Pikachu. It’s like a turducken of cuteness! I completely love this photo. It combines so many of my favorite things — Pokemon, Final Fantasy, and interacting with y’all on this site! Thanks Cami!!!

Tuesday Housekeeping

– Yeah, I meant to write this on Sunday but I’ve been tired from working on super secret project, commuting, and writing for the site. Ha!

– Last week was one of the best the site has had in a few months. My Droid X review has been getting some nice traffic. This story on SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 was promoted by the excellent people at WrestleZone and It was a very strong week in a season where there isn’t a whole lot to write about.

– The mobile version of the site is pretty popular. Mobile traffic has been up in the last month. I wonder if it’s because the mobile version make it easier and faster to load stories from a phone. Here are the top five device types that visit the site:

  1. iPhone
  2. Android
  3. iPad
  4. iPod
  5. BlackBerry

– As always, thanks so much for all the support, comments, and excellent company!

Greetings From E3 2010!!!

– E3 2010 has been fantastic so far, but totally surprising. I can’t believe that my two favorite games of the show (so far) are Wii titles!!! Kirby’s Epic Yarn and Epic Mickey are just incredible. They’re very different, but I’m digging them for the same reasons — clever gameplay and unique art direction.

– The Activision party was the most impressive, but EA’s Bulletstorm party was the most fun. It’s always nice catching up with Cliffy B and having a “normal” conversation with an old friend.

– I met “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes…but I didn’t bring him any plunder. His son was there too. Cody is a handsome young man. I wonder if he’ll look like his dad in 30 years.

– My mark out moment of the show was when Iga said hello to me at the Konami booth. Wow. The dude that made the best Castlevania games ever said hello to me!!! I must have made an impression on him on the handful of times we went out for karaoke in Tokyo.

– I’m still taking meetings and cranking for Shacknews, but I’ll be checking in when I can. Real content is coming soon!!! For now, let me know which E3 2010 games have got you excited.

Sunday Housekeeping: Pre-E3 Edition

It’s E3 week! Can you feel the love tonight?!? (Lion King lines Raymond? Seriously?!?) I’m off to my first E3 party in a few hours, but wanted to give you a heads up on my plans for the week. It’ll be so much fun talking about the show with you guys and dolls.

– I’m going to be sorta kinda live blogging the three major press conferences (Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony). The first one kicks off tomorrow and I’ll be using Cover It Live. Hopefully it will work for most of you.

– The reason I said that I’m “sorta kinda” live blogging the pressers is that I’ll have to take a few chunks of time out of each one to write stories for Shack News. That’s right, Brian Leahy and I will be reunited for one week only! My excellent friend Garnett Lee will be steering the ship for Shack. I’m looking forward to working with these cats. If you have time, please register so you can comment on my Shack News stories (using a variation of “RPadtv” in your username would be nice, free advertising!).

– Since I’ll be busy with stories for Shack throughout the week, I’m not going to be able to post too many stories here. I am going to link to everything I write for Shack and will post lots of pictures for discussion. I’ll have my Evo 4G and laptop with me, so I’ll be commenting as much as I can.

– The site’s Alexa ranking is on the verge of cracking the top 100,000. Thanks for all your support!!! I you haven’t downloaded the Alexa toolbar, please do. Every visit helps. Thanks to you, I’m beating or competing with loads of established sites. Considering that the site hasn’t been up for a year and I’m just one guy, the results are incredible. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

LEGO: RPad Pictures from Bsukenyan

RPadholic bsukenyan sent in a batch of photos that combines his chick magnet with his latest hobby — creating custom USB flash drives. This is some pretty cool stuff and I’m pretty sure he could make a killing selling these things. Perhaps I should talk him out of becoming a gaming analyst so that he can concentrate on selling custom crafts on Etsy. Check out the photos! Chick Magnet Uses the Force Thanks to TheJediRevan

Today’s chick magnet pictures are from TheJediRevan. It’s a great pair of photos that lets you know what he’s about. On top of the Jedi robe and the lightsaber is…a “me” magnet! These are pretty awesome! Thanks for sending them in!!!

Keep serving up these excellent photos guys and gals. I’m really digging them!

Win a Limited Edition Lost Planet 2 T-Shirt

It’s contest time boys and girls! Up for grabs is a super cool Lost Planet 2 t-shirt. It’s a limited edition print from the excellent people at I Am 8-Bit. As some of you know, I picked it up at Capcom’s fine LP2 launch party last week. The shirt is an American Apparel XL, which is a tad small for me (American Apparel runs tight). I could diet for the next six months so that I could fit into it or I could give it to one of you. The second option is easier.

Anyway, to win this shirt, just leave a comment that lists the 2010 game you’re looking forward to the most and why. The winner will be specially selected (Tortoise Brand) and revealed on Friday. Chick Magnet vs. Crawfish Courtesy of Smartguy

RPadholic smartguy sent in this excellent series of pictures that pits an chick magnet against an army of Louisiana crawfish! It’s an excellent adventure and you’ll have to look at all four pictures to see how the tale unfolds. I’m certain there’s an Xbox Live downloadable game somewhere in here. I love how creative the photos have been getting! Thanks smartguy!!!