LEGO: RPad Pictures from Bsukenyan

RPadholic bsukenyan sent in a batch of photos that combines his chick magnet with his latest hobby — creating custom USB flash drives. This is some pretty cool stuff and I’m pretty sure he could make a killing selling these things. Perhaps I should talk him out of becoming a gaming analyst so that he can concentrate on selling custom crafts on Etsy. Check out the photos!

Author: RPadTV

29 thoughts on “LEGO: RPad Pictures from Bsukenyan”

  1. @all

    The hardest part about making these is I am still trying to find a usb where the board is thin enough in its width to fit inside of a hollowed out LEGO brick (if anyone has any suggestions I would be more than willing to try them out!!). For a couple of them I have resorted to using some pretty small usb's, but I am a little worried on the long term usage effects because I feel like the smaller usb's don't provide enough internal support and I don't want them to fall out.

    That being said, when I get some time if anyone wants I can probably make some of these for you guys (and gals) at cost (which is just whatever the usb storage size that you would want is, and only a buck or so for the brick parts). Even though there are four individual LEGO brick parts I am trying to buy them in bulk, so they are pretty inexpensive in the end.

    Let me know if you guys think these look cool at all (I am biased). My next steps are to try and make the other objects in the pictures in to usb cases as well.

  2. Dude that is pretty clever and awesome. I second what N8R says you could make a killing off these things. Then you could make a youtube music video about your creation called "From stacking LEGO$ to stacking DOLLAR$" IT WOULD BE EPIC!!!

  3. @bsukenyan

    these are pretty sweet. if i used a usb drive i would definitely buy them from you. Make sure you get this patented with Lego's permission too or else you may get sued.

  4. @ tokz

    If he went to Lego first, there's a good chance Lego will just steal his idea and not give him anything.

    It should be legal to patent it in the shape it's in and the form it's in. Patents and trademarks work by category. For example, my band's name is Code Of Audio. It and our logo are trademarked. If another band or musical entity tried to use the name or logo… we can sue. If a restaurant, bar, tanning salon, or anything else that has nothing to do with music tries to use it… we can't do anything about it.

    On the same note, my guitarist (who's father was B.C. Rich) builds his own guitars. He has patented shapes for his guitar bodies. If say a car or airline company made a vehicle that was in the exact same shape as one of his guitar bodies… he couldn't do anything about it.

  5. Those are too cool. My thinnest thumb drive is an Centon Data StickPro. With its metal casing its 0.25" thick and 0.65" wide.

  6. @n8r

    I know they probably will. Maybe they can buy the idea from bsu and the patent. If he registers the patent first then goes to lego he can then negotiate a deal.

  7. @n8r

    sorry i didn't get it at first. I didn't have my coffee until my second post about that.

  8. @SlickyFats

    I think once the brick is hollowed out I have 12 mm to work with on the width.


    I'm curious now, if you don't use a usb drive…what do you use?? I don't think I know anyone (other than people without computers, I was shocked to still find them in my area) who doesn't have a usb.


    I can make one out of a bic lighter, but it won't work afterward. I have also seen people make them out of Zippos. But again, they don't work afterward.


    Thanks for the support guys. This was something I have heard of other people doing before, but I never found anyone who did one this cleanly (biased, lol) or with bricks that kept the casing roughly the same size as any other usb case. Other people use huge bricks and they look pretty tacky I thought.

  9. @Bsu

    Oh i use my ipod classic (enable disk mode it's like a usb drive), my iphone (jb app for that) or dropbox. I can store 2gb for free and view it or download it onto any pc.

  10. @tokz

    there is rumor that mobile me is going to be free and offer net storage as well. Can't wait.

  11. @Tokz

    Interesting, what app do you use on your iphone? That makes sense about the ipod classic, but that is so bulky compared to usb drives. I get a 2gb for $10, and a 4gb for $15 sometimes $20. But those fit in my pocket along with anything else I need no problem.

  12. @bsu

    if he is using his JB iPhone he can xfer Bluetooth or drag and drop on the network.

  13. @smartguy

    Yeah i read about that. I can't wait either. It will mean less dependence on jb apps. what i like most about jb iphone is the customization, like right now i have a marvel background and app icons. I think that's pretty sweet. I'm waiting for someone to creat a DC one or a Blackest night one.

  14. @bsu

    for my jb iphone i use ifile. I can download and upload files via network as smartguy explained. The ipod classic is bulky but it's 160 GB, if you can find that much storage in something smaller i'm sold.

  15. @Tokz

    I can find you 100gb flash drives, I haven't really looked for any bigger than that. Best one I saw before which I can't find again had 100gb, usb on one side and e-sata on the opposite side. Seemed convenient to me.

  16. @bsu

    hmmm. i'll browse through amazon and see what i can find. hey i have SW lego figures. If i send you the USB and figure will you be able to do something with it?

  17. @bsu

    wow, the first link said 898.00 for 256GB and the other was $394.00? for 128GB. I'll look through amazon but my ipod classic and other alternatives still look good to me.

  18. @Tokz

    Yeah I didn't like those high prices either, but those were pretty much all that I found available in those sizes. I didn't bother to look at the 100gb prices, but I felt like the price for the 128gb was a little out of proportion. If I recall correctly I have seen 100gb flash drives for $100, so $1/gb.

    As far as the SW mini figures go, (I'm assuming that you have a regular usb you are referring to) I would not be able to do anything with that usb. There is only one specific brand of usb that I have come across that would be small enough to fit in to a mini figure. Then when you had it plugged in you would have the body of (for example) a storm trooper sticking out from your computer. I have never found a good way to make a case for that style though unless you have a specific type of mini figure. Harry potter is one of the few types that has that option because one of the witches dresses can be hollowed out and used as a case, but the legs have too many small parts to be able to make a decent case out of. If that is something that you are interested in I can get you more details about the drive and everything.

  19. @bsu

    follow the link and these are the figures i have but i'm interested in the Vader one. I'm not at home so i couldn't take a real life pic of it. I also searched through Amazon and may be interested in a 32GB flash drive. You should check those out and let me know if this will work.

  20. @Tokz

    With a 32gb flash drive I can really only do a brick (like one of them pictured above) because I have not run across a nano flash drive that is that large in gb's. To do a minifig unfortunately the drive sizes are much smaller because I would have to use a nano drive which only comes in 4gb or 8gb (but they are REALLY amazingly small, which is why they only come in such small sizes). Even with micro usb drives it doesn't really work in a minifig because the inside of the minifig is too narrow and the circuit board gets in the way…which really sucks.

  21. @bsu

    interesting. Well thanks for the info. Ill keep holding for technology to catch up to us then.

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