This Week’s Videogame Releases

Last week was pretty dry in terms of videogame releases, but this week more than makes up for it with Bioshock 2 and Dante’s Inferno. Hitting the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, both games deliver heavy action, but in very different ways. The Wii actually has a couple of interesting titles up its sleeve with Shiren The Wanderer and Super Monkey Ball Step & Roll. Neither are a high profile as the two games mentioned earlier, but the Shiren series has an ardent following and everyone loves balled monkeys.

As always, let your fellow RPadholics and me know if you’re picking up any of this week’s new releases.

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Brings Back Classic 2D Gaming

Sega of America has revealed that Sonic the Hedgehog 4 will bring the iconic blue speedster back to his 2D roots in a downloadable game for PlayStation  Network, Wii, and Xbox Live. Associate brand manager Ken Balough dropped some details on GameSpot:

This game is truly a labor of love. A lot of us grew up on the Sega Genesis console; in fact, I remember vividly the first day I got mine with Revenge of Shinobi and Moonwalker. Ever since Sonic & Knuckles, Sonic the Hedgehog 4 has been a game classic Sega fans have always wanted to see. It was the right people, at the right time, getting together and finally making this game we’ve all wanted to see.

While the game is a brand-new adventure, it will definitely pick up after Sonic & Knuckles. However, what you are looking at is the beginning of a new story arc.

I’m totally down for some 2D Sonic action. How about you?


Next Legend of Zelda Game to be Motion Plus Exclusive

While a lot of you are down on Nintendo for going all mainstream, some of you have been holding out hope for the next Zelda, Mario, and Metroid games. With all of that in mind, I can’t wait to hear your reactions to producer Eiji Aonuma saying that the next Legend of Zelda title will be Wii Motion Plus Exclusive. Andriasang translated a recent Famitsu article and posted:

Aonuma told Famitsu that it will be Wii Motion Plus exclusive. This was actually an area that was under debate at the outset of development. “After actually making it compatible,” said Aonuma, “it just feels so natural. Link’s sword and the controller that you’re holding become one.”

What do you think of the news? Are you more or less interested in the game now that you know it won’t use a traditional control scheme?


Trauma Team Walkthrough #3: Orthopedics

Please check out this Trauma Team walkthrough, which goes over the orthopedic procedures in this upcoming Nintendo Wii game. I wish this doctor was around when I first hurt my knee. Ha! Here’s a detailed description from Atlus:

This latest video follows the exploits of orthopedic surgeon Hank Freebird, tasked with repairing the various bones and joints that make up the human skeletal system. In addition to the new entry in the video walkthrough series, the publisher also confirmed that the game’s release date would be held back for further observation, now slated to release on May 18th.

Is the iPad the Wii of Personal Computing?

Woobius CTO Daniel Tenner believes that Apple’s iPad is the personal computer for “everyone else”. Similar to how a lot of casual gamers don’t need or want the cutting edge capabilities of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, there are consumers that will be satisfied with the novelty and modest power of the iPad. Yes, Tenner believes the iPad is the Wii of personal computing and told TechCrunch:

A better comparison is with the Nintendo Wii. While Sony and Microsoft competed in the cut-throat market of consoles for gamers, the Wii also created a new product category: consoles for everyone else. It worked pretty well for them — it turns out that there’s a lot more non-gamers than gamers, and making a device that appeals to 95% of the population sells better than making one that appeals to only 5%.

A lot of us have been looking at the iPad through nerd-tinted lenses and haven’t thought about what the iPad means to “normal” people. Tenner’s point is interesting, but I’m not sure I buy the comparison. I’m not yet convinced that the iPad has created a new product category. I shall give this more thought (because that’s what geeks do!).

What do you think? Is the iPad the Wii of personal computing?


Wii Classic Controller Pro Coming in April

Nintendo of America has announced that the Wii Classic Controller Pro will be available in April, both as a standalone product for $19.99 and in a bundle with Capcom’s Monster Hunter Tri for $59.99. A lot of gamers have been importing the controller from Japan due to its superior feel and modern shape. Here’s a snippet from the press release:

The Classic Controller Pro’s more traditional control configuration will give gamers the ultimate Monster Hunting experience when the bundle becomes available in North America this April at a suggested retail price of $59.99.

The new Classic Controller Pro includes a second row of shoulder buttons and ergonomically friendly grips. The Classic Controller Pro plugs directly into the Wii Remote controller, and until now, has been available only in the Japanese market.

I don’t know about you, but I generally hunt monsters with a large, bladed object or a gun. Okay, none of that is true. I’m not the least bit interested in hunting real creatures, but I’m completely interested in the Classic Controller Pro.

Are you guys and dolls going to pick one up? If so, with or without Capcom’s game?

This Week’s Videogame Releases

It’s not big week in terms of the number of games coming out, but it’s frickin’ huge for enthusiast gamers! On Xbox 360 there’s BioWare’s Mass Effect 2, which a bunch of you were looking forward to. The PlayStation 3 has MAG, if you’re interested in getting your multiplayer groove on in mind-shattering numbers. Wii fans have Tatsunoko VS. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars and No More Heroes 2 to look forward to. As for the handheld systems? I didn’t notice anything worth mentioning or making fun of.

Are you buying any of these games this week? (If so, feel free to use those handy Amazon links above! *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*)

Trauma Team Walkthrough: The Magic of Endoscopy

The latest video walkthrough of Atlus’ Trauma Team for Wii goes over the endoscopy gameplay. Find out how the Wii’s motion controls are used to perform this arcane and mysterious medicinal art. Okay, it’s not really arcane and mysterious, but most sciences seem that way to me, which is why I was fascinated by this video. Check it out!

Today’s Poll: Which Motion Controller Will You Buy in 2010?

It’s going to a potentially big year for motion controls on consoles. The Wii has done filthy numbers, largely thanks to the unique experience it offers through motion. Microsoft is getting in the game with Project Natal, while Sony plans to do the same with PlayStation Arc. It might be too soon to tell, but I wanted to see if any of you were planning on picking up any or all of these motion controllers. Let the polling begin!

[poll id=”20″]

NPD Console Sales Figures Top 10 Games of December 2009

NPD Group has released its console software sales information for December 2009. What were the big holiday games? Let’s find out!

  1. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii): 2,820,000
  2. Wii Fit Plus (Wii): 2,410,000
  3. Wii Sports Resort (Wii): 1,790,000
  4. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox 360): 1,630,000
  5. Call of Duty: Moden Warfare 2 (PlayStation 3): 1,120,000
  6. Wii Play (Wii): 1,010,000
  7. Mario Kart Wii (Wii): 936,1000
  8. Assassin’s Creed II (Xbox 3600: 783,100
  9. Left 4 Dead 2 (Xbox 360): 728,500
  10. Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story (Nintendo DS): 656,700

As my favorite Irish bartender in New York would say, “Jaysus Christ!” I know a lot of you are Nintendo haters, but look at those numbers. Wouldn’t you love to have stock in the company?!? Ridiculous.

In other news, Activision continued its success with Modern Warfare 2 and Ubi posted some nice numbers with Assassin’s Creed II. Still, it’s hard to look at the list and not be floored by Nintendo’s performance.

Now kindly chanel your inner Michael Pachter and analyze this (please)!