LittleBigPlanet 2 Creatinator Video Feature

Here’s a super cute LittleBigPlanet 2 video on the new creatinator item. From the single-player perspective, it’s simple — the creatinator shoots stuff. From the level-creation perspective it gets more complex — it can shoot whatever the creator can think of and be used for puzzles, platforming, and more. I’ve spent a bunch of time with the creatinator and I’m really impressed with its creative possibilities.

After you check out the vid, kindly let me know what you think of the creatinator and share ways that you’d use it.

Dragon Age Legends Brings DA to Facebook

BioWare has announced Dragon Age Legends for Facebook. The game is a teaser (enabler?) for the upcoming Dragon Age II, giving players a feel of the game’s world and rewarding them with unlockable items that can be used DA2. Here’s a clip from the press release:

The new game is inspired by the award-winning BioWare franchise but custom-designed for the casual and social play style for Facebook users of all ages. Dragon Age Legends blends accessible and engaging tactical combat with compelling co-operative gameplay perfectly suited for social networks, making for a unique offering on the platform. Launching in February 2011, Dragon Age Legends will also give gamers the chance to earn exclusive unlocks for Dragon Age II, one of the most highly anticipated video games of 2011.

Dragon Age Legends will give players their first taste of the Free Marches, the primary setting of Dragon Age II. Alongside their Facebook friends, players will take on challenging quests within an engaging storyline, earning loot, sharing rewards and growing their kingdom. The game will include a gratifying character customization and upgrade system that will allow players to tackle demons and darkspawn to become a legendary hero within the Dragon Age universe.

Yeah, I’m going to be playing the hell out of this one. It’s a clever way to attract gamers that are on the fence or new to Dragon Age. It’s also another way to keep BioWare marks (like me) addicted. Check out the screens below and let me know what you think of Dragon Age Legends (please!).

[nggallery id=28]

Hulk Hogan Plays Def Jam Rapstar, Flashes His Schlong

In this video, the immortal (not really) Hulk Hogan plays some Def Jam Rapstar with his slut daughter and “The Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart. For some reason, The Hulkster flashes his junk at the camera…which is a really weird thing to do in front of one of your oldest friends and downright creepy to do in front of your daughter. The whole thing is rather…disturbing.

EA Sports Cancels NBA Elite 11

EA Sports: it’s in the game…except, you know, when it’s not. One game EA Sports won’t be in — at least in the near future — is basketball. The company has announced that NBA Elite 11, previously delayed until 2011, is flat-out canceled. According to Gamasutra:

CFO Eric Brown confirmed today on the company’s call to investors that the game is actually canceled, although the publisher doesn’t plan to terminate the franchise.

Instead, it’ll be moving development of the brand from EA Black Box to its Florida-based Tiburon studio, as part of a wider reorganization of some of its key franchises’ development with the aim of cost-efficiency.

While the NBA Elite franchise has hit a major bump in the road, 2K Sports’ NBA 2K11 has the floor to itself and has time to build on its excellent base. Do you think EA Tiburon will be able to whip EA Sports’ basketball efforts into shape? Or is NBA Elite destined to be Scottie Pippen to NBA 2K’s Michael Jordan?


Epic Games and Chair Team Up For Infinity Blade on iOS

Remember that impending mobile gaming explosion I wrote about in Coffee Talk #204? It just got one step closer. Epic Games (Gears of War, Unreal) and Chair Entertainment (Shadow Complex) have officially announced Infinity Blade for Apple iOS (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad). The game blends sword-based action with RPG elements. Here’s a clip from the press release:

Taking handheld gaming to new heights, the graphically intense “Infinity Blade” features adrenaline-fueled sword battles and epic boss fights set in the realm of a fully 3D castle. The game’s robust single-player mode features an intuitive combat interface and simple touch controls which enable hardcore and casual gamers alike to engage in fun, furious battles. As play progresses, players gain experience, build stats and earn more powerful items to prepare their knight for the final encounter with the game’s nemesis, the God-King.

And here’s a quote from my pal, Epic Games president Dr. Mike Capps…or as I like to call him, “Busta” Capps.

More than one million people have been introduced to the world of ‘Infinity Blade’ through our free app, ‘Epic Citadel,’ and soon everyone will be able to play our first fully featured game for iOS devices. With ‘Infinity Blade,’ ChAIR has created an amazing looking, incredibly fun game that really demonstrates the potential of triple-A mobile gaming.

To be honest, I only included his quote to remind y’all that Dr. Mike should be referred to as “Busta” Capps.

Seriously though, this is going to be huge for iOS gaming and more gaming in general. While there are loads of engaging games available in the iTunes App Store, most of them are visually unimpressive. The upcoming generation of iOS games will have deep gameplay and sharp graphics. Infinity Blade should set a new standard for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad gaming. I’m truly excited for this title. How about you?

Coffee Talk #239: DirecTV Customers Should Rage Over G4tv

Warning: this Coffee Talk will be longer and a bit more personal than usual. As some of you know, DirecTV has dropped G4 from its lineup. Some of you are thinking that the news has me happy, but that’s not the case at all. Even though the company treated me poorly…

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Tim Lincecum making Filipino-Americans proud, the chances of Cliff Lee returning to the Rangers, or hiring Randy Moss for your kid’s birthday party, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Warning: this Coffee Talk will be longer and a bit more personal than usual. As some of you know, DirecTV has dropped G4 from its lineup. Some of you are thinking that the news has me happy, but that’s not the case at all. Even though the company treated me poorly, cost me some friends, and cost me lots of money, I still believe in what G4tv could be…but I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s take a step back and look at DirecTV’s official word as reported by Entertainment Weekly:

At this time we are no longer negotiating and we have no plans to put G4 back up. We are constantly evaluating our lineup in a new world where programming costs continue to rise at significant rates. Since G4 is among the lowest rated networks based on the latest Nielsen data, we decided that it made sense to focus on preserving programming that is more relevant to our larger customer base.

Personally I think it’s just silly posturing. Even though G4 gets a lot of flack — deservedly so — for being more about Cops reruns than videogames these days, the network has a loyal following. I’ve been a huge fan of G4 since it started. I’ve been one of the networks staunchest defenders — years before I worked there. In September 2003 I wrote a column to try to get people in the GameSpy forums to stop hating on G4 and to support it for what it could be. Here’s a clip:

Although G4 gives all of us a new way to enjoy our favorite hobby, my favorite thing about it is that it will bring new people into the fold. Television reaches a more general audience and I’m sure there will be some people watching G4 that are only vaguely familiar with the wacky world of gaming. They’ll start out on G4. Perhaps they’ll get so into gaming that they’ll go to GameSpy to get even more. And just maybe, in a year or two they’ll be trading jabs with all y’all in the Forums. So don’t be hatin’ on G4, it’s one of the reasons gaming is getting bigger than ever… and with any luck it just might spawn your favorite Forum poster a few years down the line.

I still believe in many of the things I wrote in that column. I suppose I wanted to use today’s Coffee Talk to make sure you knew two things. First, I still believe in G4, despite the crappy way I was treated. Secondly, if you’re a DirecTV subscriber I suggest you go full-on (phone, email, snail mail) and tell the company that you want G4 as part of your lineup.

And yes, this was all kind of difficult to write because there are so many other things that I want to say. Thanks for listening!

This Week’s Videogame Releases

Leading this week’s video releases is Kinect for Xbox 360. Some of you are still in denial about Microsoft’s motion-control device, but it will surely sell millions. Just accept it and move on. Naturally, a bunch of launch titles are accompanying the hardware launch, but Dance Central is pretty much the only interesting one.

Other notable releases include Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage, Dragon Ball Z: Raging Blast 2James Bond 007: Goldeneye, James Bond 007: Blood Stone, God of War: Ghost of Sparta, Ys: The Oath in Felghana, and Patapon 3.

Any of you planning to pick up Kinect and/or any new games this week?

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

After two weekends on the road, I’m psyched to stay home and play some games! Since it’s Halloween weekend, Double Fine’s Costume Quest seems like an appropriate choice. I’m enjoying this “RPG lite” so far. The graphics are charming and the writing is excellent. In fact, the writing is almost as good as WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011, which is my other weekend game.

How about you? What’s on your weekend playlist?