Coffee Talk #27: What Are Your Next-Gen Console Dreams?

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, that tool in the Final Fantasy XIII release date announcement video, “Rowdy” Roddy Piper’s return to MSG, or helping me find a new coffee company (part II), Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

There are certain things you can expect each console generation — better graphics, enhanced sound, less money in your bank account, etc. Every now and then, a key feature is introduced that takes consoles to a new level. It seems quaint now, but the inclusion of DVD in the PlayStation 2 was huge — it turned consoles into devices for movies and games. Microsoft revolutionized online console gaming with Xbox Live. Today’s machines stream movies, browse the web, allow for social networking, and more. While this generation is still going strong and still has several years to go, it’s always fun to think about what’s next.

Tivo Gets Me

A few months ago, I wrote about my next-gen console dream: TiVo integration. Consoles are already capable computing machines with hard drives, so adding TiVo to the mix would be a snap. I’d love for one of the “big three” (I don’t care which one) to license TiVo software for their next console. If Microsoft, Nintendo, or Sony announced a partnership with TiVo, I’d cry tears of joy.

I wanted to ask you what your dream features are for the PlayStation 4, Wii 2, and Xbox 720. Do you want more online functionality? Perhaps one-button pizza ordering? A wave motion cannon? Leave a comment and let me know (please)!

Lorne Lanning Talks Oddworld’s Future, Reaching New Fans Through Digital Distribution, Citizen Siege, Social Gaming, and More

Lorne LanningOne of the most wonderfully imaginative developers in the business, Oddworld Inhabitants (Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee, Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath) has been a little quiet for the last few years. Its recent PSN releases indicate that the company is ready to make a move. Oddworld looks poised to shake things up in the near future, doing it with its trademark creativity and independence (naturally!). I recently caught up with company co-founder Lorne Lanning to talk about what’s going on with Oddworld, what the PSN releases mean to him, social gaming, being a creative developer in a harsh economic climate, the status of Citizen Siege, working with Electronic Arts, and more. While he didn’t say anything outright, it’s pretty clear where he thinks the gaming business is going and how he thinks Oddworld should approach it.

Raymond Padilla: First off, how are you doing? What’s new and exciting with you, Lorne?

Lorne Lanning: Doing great, in spite of the economy, which definitely makes all efforts more challenging.

We’re working on something new / something different, but we haven’t been able to talk about it yet — hope to in the not too distant future.

RP: With Abe’s Oddysee and Abe’s Exoddus hitting the PlayStation Network, your games have a chance to reach a whole new generation of players. How does it feel to introduce Abe to gamers that could barely hold a controller when the games were originally released?

LL: You mean, beyond feeling old?!? Beyond that, of course it’s a joy to see the fan mail from new players that have just discovered these games. A bit time machine’ish I should say. The feedback is fresh, it’s new to them, so there’s something that feels very much like it did when the games first came out. A lot of people got passionate about Abe. Now we’re seeing it again, and it’s the same vibe and reaction of newness, but a different generation. A bit Déjà to the last millennium.

When I see them write, “I remember my father used to play, but I was too young” it’s a serious testament to just how quickly time flies and how quickly the times change. We’re thrilled that the Abe games are finding a new audience, especially considering that we didn’t even foresee the future of digital distribution back when we originally built these games. I mean, most people still didn’t know what meant back in ‘94 when we started building Abe. Strange how different a world it already is today.

Continue reading “Lorne Lanning Talks Oddworld’s Future, Reaching New Fans Through Digital Distribution, Citizen Siege, Social Gaming, and More”

This Week’s Videogame Releases

The gaming year is coming to a close, but it’s going out with a bang! There are lots of great games available this week for all the major platforms. Assassin’s Creed 2, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and God of War Collection are just some of the titles you can pick up. Here are this week’s PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, PlayStation Portable, and Nintendo DS releases…along with some brief commentary. I’ve taken out most of the garbage and kids games (unless I found them funny). As always, let me know if you’re planning to buy any of this week’s new releases.

God of War slider

PlayStation 3
Assassin’s Creed II — All my industry buddies are saying this one is awesome and addresses all the flaws in the original.
God of War: Collection — You get revamped version of two awesome games and a God of War III demo!!!
LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues — The adventure will continue…until Indy needs hip surgery.
NCAA Basketball 2010
Planet 51
Scene It: Bright Lights Big Screen
— It’s not Buzz.
Tony Hawk: Ride Skateboard — Surely this will sell better than DJ Hero, right?

Continue reading “This Week’s Videogame Releases”

Coffee Talk #26: How Many Games Will You End Up Buying in 2009?

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Manny Pacquiao’s amazing victory over Miguel Cotto, if you can throw more interceptions than Jay Cutler, or helping me find a new coffee company, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

[poll id=”8″]

Ted DiBiase boxGaming is more expensive than ever. Consoles cost more. Games cost more. The addition of downloadable content adds to a game’s total cost of ownership. With a languishing economy, it’s no wonder that software sales are down.

As someone that has been writing about games for more than a decade, it’s sometimes hard for me to maintain a “real person’s” perspective on gaming economics. While I no longer receive most game releases automatically, it’s usually not a problem for me to call a publisher to get a game that I want to play.

With all that in mind, I wanted to see what your game purchasing was like in 2009. Be sure to add your choice in today’s poll and give an estimate of how many titles you’ll end up buying this year. Did you buy less than usual due to economic conditions? Are you renting more than buying? Or is your gaming budget immune to an economic downturn?

Matt Hazard: Blood, Bath, & Beyond Video + Questions Wanted

Here’s a fun video of the upcoming Matt Hazard: Blood, Bath, & Beyond. This game blends old-school, 2D shooting with an irreverent, satirical tone. I loved the writing and style of the first game and am looking forward to this sequel (coming to PSN and Xbox Live). I have an opportunity to interview the developers of the game, so if you have any questions, please leave ’em in the comments section!

Final Fantasy XIII Release Date and Developer Announcement Video

As many of you expected, Square Enix has announced the North American release date for Final Fantasy XIII: March 9, 2010!!! To bolster the announcement, the company released a video featuring Producer Yoshinori Kitase, director Motomu Toriyama, art director Isamu Kamikokuryo, and battle director Yuji Abe. Check it out!

Aside from being hosted by a total tool, the video is pretty slick. I love that it features the game and its creators. March 9, 2010 is just around the corner. I’m pretty sure I’ll have Dragon Age out of my system by the time FFXIII is released. I can’t wait!

Are you psyched for FFXIII? Is it a day one purchase for you? What did you think of the developer video?

Square Enix Taps Leona Lewis for Final Fantasy XIII

In addition to working with Bon Jovi for Crystal Chronicles, Square Enix has enlisted the aid of Leona Lewis for Final Fantasy XIII. Today’s press release (as part of Final Fantasy Friday the 13th!) stated:

Multi-platinum, Grammy-nominated singer and songwriter Leona Lewis has come on board with Square Enix to provide the theme song for Final Fantasy XIII. The song is entitled “My Hands,” and is featured on her highly-anticipated second album ECHO (J Records/Syco Music) set for release on November 17th. Leona Lewis took the music world by storm with her 2008 6x platinum debut album Spirit which features her chart topping, biggest selling single of 2008 “Bleeding Love,” and mega-hit “Better In Time.”

Leona Lewis ECHO cover

I like “Better in Time”. It’s a cute and catchy song. More importantly, Leona is totally hot. I’m all for her promoting FFXIII.

What do you ladies and gents make of the news?

NPD Console Sales Figures Top 10 Games of October 2009

NPD Group has released its console software sales information for October 2009. The month pretty much went as expected with Sony’s Uncharted 2 and Nintendo’s Wii Fit Plus leading the way. There was one very pleasant surprise in October. Check out the list and see for yourself.

Uncharted 2

  1. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3): 537,000
  2. Wii Fit Plus (Wii): 441,000
  3. Borderlands (Xbox 360): 418,000
  4. Wii Sports Resort (Wii): 314,000
  5. NBA 2K10 (Xbox 360): 311,000
  6. Halo 3 ODST (Xbox 360): 271,000
  7. NBA 2K10 (PS3): 213,000
  8. Forza Motorsport 3 (Xbox 360): 175,000
  9. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (DS): 169,000
  10. FIFA Soccer 10 (Xbox 360): 156,000

Borderlands did way better than most people were expecting. Sandwiched between ODST and Modern Warfare 2, most people — including renowned analyst Michael Pachter — thought that the game was going to take a pounding. Instead, it sold very well. This makes me happy on several levels. It’s completely immature, but I love it when Pachter is wrong. More importantly, I’m thrilled for Gearbox’s success. Well done guys!

Anything on October’s NPD software list surprise you?

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

I know this might come as a shock to you, but I’m going to be playing Dragon Age: Origins most of the weekend. I finally beat the game on Thursday morning. Now it’s time for my next run! My first character was a male Dalish elf rogue that was 99 percent good. This time I’m going with a female human warrior (and yes, it’s mostly so I can engage in a lesbian romance with Leliana). While I’m still going to lean on the good side, I’m going to be snarky whenever I can.

Dragon Age Origins 3

While the game certainly has its flaws, it’s also everything I love about BioWare. I love the combat, the music, and the storytelling. The dialogue is just frickin’ brilliant. The interaction between your different party members is so well done. There are times when it’s hard for me to choose my companions. Do I go with the most effective characters? Or do I go with a mix of people that will have hilarious conversations on the road?

While I should play Borderlands and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 with my friends, I know I’m going to flake out of the proposed online sessions because of DA. Sorry Christian. Sorry Ted. Ha!

Anyway, what are you guys and dolls going to play this weekend?

Coffee Talk #25: Entertainment vs. Principles

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the awesomeness of Oddworld’s Lorne Lanning, Cotto vs. Pacquiao 24/7, or the brilliance of Eddie Izzard, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

A lot of gamers have been bad mouthing Activision for its penchant for churning out sequels and licensed games as fast as a nine-year old churns out Nike’s in China. People have said that Activision is a circle of hell and CEO Bobby Kotick rules it with a pitchfork. Yet a lot of the gamers that denounce the company happily snatched up Modern Warfare 2 on day one.

Dragon Age Shale

It’s an interesting predicament. Do you buy MW2, simply because it will provide you with excellent entertainment? Or do you boycott Activision because you believe the company is bad for the business? Taking a stand, one way or the other, is fine, but too many gamers say one thing and do another. I can picture Chris Jericho telling all the ATVI haters that bought MW2 that they’re “parasites and hypocrites”.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to be all holier than thou. I fully admit that I’m part of the problem. For example, I think that releasing paid downloadable content in conjunction with a game’s release is a bad practice. It’s a disturbing trend that’s surely going to become more prevalent in the next year. I don’t want to encourage it, yet I bought the Dragon Age: Origins DLC because I love the company’s games and I knew it would enrich my DA experience. I shouldn’t have bought it…but but but…it’s BioWare!

I wanted to see where you stand on the “entertainment vs. principles” matter. Do you just buy whatever games you want because you’ll enjoy them? Do you pass on titles you’d like to play because you want to take a stand? Or do you make exceptions (and wince on the inside when you do) for your favorite developers or series?