Sega Confirms Yakuza 3 for March 2010

Yakuza 3

Gamers have been waiting…and waiting…and waiting to hear if Yakuza 3 is destined for a U.S. release…and Sega has finally confirmed the game for a March 2010 release. Assistant community manager Aaron Webber wrote the following on the PlayStation Blog:

After months upon months of requests, a myriad of rumors, and even full campaigns that speak to the unparalleled dedication of the fans, we can finally speak those words that all of you have been waiting anxiously to hear. So, here they are: Yakuza 3 is coming West.

I was never really into the series, but know a few people that love it. Are any of you looking forward to this game? I’m pretty much going to be ignoring every March release, except for a teeny title being released by Square Enix.


Coffee Talk #42: Real-Time Strategy Games on Consoles

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Allen Iverson starting his second life as a Sixer, scooter luggage, or Danica Patrick driving for JR Motorsports, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Real-time strategy games on consoles took a huge step in 2009. Ensemble Studios’ excellent Halo Wars set a new standard for the genre, while Double Fine’s Brutal Legend deceptively mixed RTS gameplay with adventure. It’s still a niche genre on home systems, but it’s possible that these two games have paved the way for future RTS successes on the PlayStation 3, Wii, and Xbox 360.

Halo Wars

Remember, it wasn’t that long ago that purists scoffed at the notion of first-person shooters on consoles. Gamers swore that they’d never abandon the pinpoint control of a keyboard and a mouse for a gamepad. Titles like GoldenEye 007 and Halo changed all of that, making shooters arguably the most popular type of games today.

Today I wanted to see what you thought of RTS games on consoles. Do you think they’ll ever be a big deal? Do you think that Halo Wars and Brutal Legend opened the doors for future titles, similar to how GoldenEye and Halo paved the way for all the great shooters available today? Or is the genre simply too complex to be controlled with a gamepad?

World’s Smallest N64 Available on eBay — The N64Mini! and eBay user “zenloc” has put together “the smallest N64 portable ever made”. It’s a pretty cool piece of kit that Nintendo 64 fans are sure to love. Check out this video posted by zenloc:

The N64Mini is available on eBay. The auction price is currently $205, but I’m sure that will skyrocket in the last 24 hours. Any of you tempted by this product?


This Week’s Videogame Releases

This is probably the last week of the year that “big” games are being released. For PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, there’s The Saboteur, which has been getting mixed reviews and some interesting attention for its unlockable nudity. On the Nintendo DS, Link returns in The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. Finally, the Nintendo Wii gets a dose of frights 38 days after Halloween with Silent Hill: Shattered Memories.

The Saboteur

Any of you guys and dolls planning on picking any of these games up? I have my eye on Spirit Tracks, but will probably wait until it goes on sale.

Coffee Talk #41: Create Your Own Videogame Beverage!

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, yesterday’s NFL awesomeness, Sergio Martinez vs. Paul Williams, or Tiger Woods’ recent “indiscretions”, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

FFXIII Elixir 3

I’m completely jealous that Japanese gamers have the opportunity to enjoy Final Fantasy XIII Elixir by Suntory. In America, the best videogame soft drink I can enjoy is World of Warcraft Mountain Dew. It’s not nearly the same. Slapping videogame branding on an existing beverage is one thing. Having a beverage maker concoct a new brew just for a game is another. The whole thing got me thinking about videogame beverages I want. Here are a few.

Dragon Age: Origins Darkspawn Blood — This tomato-based beverage might not make you a grey warden, but its numerous vitamins and minerals would give you the morning boost you need to save Ferelden on a weekly basis. Think of it as V8, with a touch of darkness.

Leisure Suit Larry Cialis Cocktail — This drink is part energy enhancer and part male potency provider. Your body will be up for a night on the town thanks to the taurine and the Cialis will make sure your joystick is up for a night in the sack.

Uncharted Filtered Water — When you’re searching for treasure and dodging danger in remote lands, it’s tough to find a pure glass of H2O. This bottled water ensures that you don’t have to worry about parasites and microbes getting in the way of a grand adventure.

Anyway, those are some of the videogame drinks I’ve imagined. I’d love to hear yours. Leave me your excellent elixirs in the comments section (please) — bonus points will be awarded to clever use of alcohol, particularly premium tequila.

Final Fantasy XIII Suntory Elixir Commercial

Here’s the latest commercial for the Final Fantasy XIII “Elixir” beverage by Suntory. Yes, Japanese videogames get their own beverages — reason #348 you should be jealous of Japanese gamers. And also, for relaxing times…make it Suntory time.

Just for kicks, here are some old Elixir shots from my archive. Check ’em out. There’s some cool stuff below the fold.

Continue reading “Final Fantasy XIII Suntory Elixir Commercial”

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Slated for May 25, 2010

Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker

When I wrote about the Japanese release date for Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, few of you showed interest. Well, Konami has announced that the game will be released in North America on May 25, 2010. Are any of you interested now? It’s MGS! It’s Kojima! It’s Snake! Or is the fact that it’s a PlayStation Portable game kill your interest? In the immortal words of Information Society, “I wanna know…what you’re feeling. Tell me what’s on your mind!”

White Knight Chronicles International Edition Dated for 2/2/2010

White Knight Chronicles

Sony has announced that White Knight Chronicles International Edition will be released on February 2, 2010. Here are some additional details from associate product manager Cristian Cardona:

  • Over 50 disc-based online quests. You can complete these quests solo, or cooperatively with up to three other players to gain extra gear and experience. (That’s just on the disc. Wait until you hear what else we’ll have at launch!)
  • Voice Chat. Need we say more? =)
  • The Georama. Build an online village for your character where you can invite friends to complete quests online and purchase unique items and gear.
  • Live Talk. Leonard and his companions will have side conversations during gameplay, adding a little more character to your travels through the world of White Knight Chronicles.

Sony also showed of the box art for the international edition. Hit the break to check it out.

Continue reading “White Knight Chronicles International Edition Dated for 2/2/2010”