January 2010 Issue of Playboy Features Tara Reid and Gamer Girls

The January 2010 issue of Playboy is looking completely awesome — it features the sexy Tara Reid (naked) and a bunch of female videogame characters (also naked). The (naked) gamer girls include Heavy Rain’s Madison Paige, Hecuba Manaros from God of War III, Skylar St. Claire from The Saboteur, Beatrice Portinari from Dante’s Inferno, and Bella Antonelli from Mafia II.

Tara Reid has a special place in my heart and it all started at a videogame event. I’ve had a crush on her ever since I saw her throw a huge tantrum at a PlayStation 2 anniversary party in Los Angeles. Security wouldn’t let her into the after-party and she was cursing up a storm. She demanded that the hotel let her into the party or get her a limo. After a few minutes of swearing like a sailor, her limousine arrived. It was pretty hot.


Square Enix’s Tetsuya Nomura Has Two New Games in the Pipe

Square Enix’s Tetsuya Nomura — the James Brown of the gaming industry for being one of the hardest working men in the business — has two games in the pipe. With his work on Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep nearly done, the renowned character designer and game director still has Final Fantasy XIII Versus on his plate…which of course isn’t enough for him. Translating a recent issue of Famitsu, Andriasang quoted Nomura as saying:

There’s a title that’s yet to be shown that’s progressing faster than expected. Development is progressing smoothly. Voice recording has started. It’s not totally new, but there’s one more more unannounced title. Please look forward to the announcement.

Any guesses as to what Nomura is working on?


Coffee Talk #52: Holding Out for a (Super) Hero (Videogame)

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Biz Markie teaming up with The Shack, this excellent Dhalsim song, or your upcoming holiday feasts, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

As a bunch of you were discussing the Iron Man 2 trailer, the subject of super hero dream games came up. In the spirit of Coffee Talk #6, I thought it would be an excellent idea to talk about the spandex game of your dreams. So let’s do it!

As for me, there are two games DC Comics games that I’d love to see. The one that’s more likely is a Green Lantern title. With the success of the Nintendo Wii and motion controls from Microsoft and Sony coming in 2010, there’s a decent chance that the Green Lantern game of my dreams will be made. It would star Hal Jordan (and hopefully Guy Gardner) and use motion controls to create various power-ring constructs. It could be something unique and imaginative if handled by the right developer.

The second super-hero game I want will never happen. It’s just too late. I want a buddy-action game, similar to Army of Two, starring Blue Beetle and Booster Gold. The JLI era of Justice League was one of my favorite comic-book runs of all time. It was unique and hilarious, but still contained enough action to keep traditionalists happy. My Blue and Gold game would be full of fast-paced action and high-tech gadgets, but the dialogue would be key. The game would be full of witty quips, immature insults, and tons of “bwahahahaha” laughter that Beetle and Booster were famous for back in the day.

As a special shout out to my friend at Marvel — make a frickin’ Quasar game already!!!

Anyway, let me know about the super-hero videogame of your dreams. Kindly list the character and describe your game. Quantum bands for life!!!

Big Surprise: Final Fantasy XIII is a PS3 System Seller

Square Enix should give itself a pat on the back for selling more than 1.5-million copies of Final Fantasy XIII in less than a week. Sony should be kissing the company’s ass for the game being responsible for “the highest one week total ever for the system” (in Japan) according to Andriasang. Citing numbers from Famitsu, the site claims that 245,406 were sold between 12/14 and 12/20.

While some American journalists are whining about FFXIII’s gameplay (hi Kohler!), there’s no doubt that this will be a monster hit worldwide. The game has already conquered Japan. The rest of the world is next in March 2010.


Japanese Man Marries Nintendo DS Character

A Japanese gamer has married a character from Love Plus, a Nintendo DS title from Konami’s Tokimeki Memorial series. Reuters has reported:

The man, who prefers to use his online moniker SAL9000, met character Nene Anegasaki while playing dating simulation game Love Plus.

They got married a few weeks ago, broadcasting their ceremony live on Japan’s version of video-sharing website Youtube.

The image of gamers has progressed greatly in the last decade. Unfortunately, some idiot marrying a Nintendo DS character will have the world thinking that we’re all losers that live in our parents’ basement. Thanks a lot SAL9000. Moron.

Thanks to N8R for sending this in!


Blizzard Will Definitely Make Console Games Again

Blizzard is undeniably one of the best and most successful developers of PC games, with huge franchises like World or Warcraft and StarCraft. Gamers that play exclusively on consoles are missing out on Blizzard’s magic…but that will change one day. In an interview with Gamasutra, two company directors explained why Blizzard focuses on PC games and promised that it will eventually return to console gaming. Senior director Samwise Didier said:

We’re working on PC because it’s familiar to us and it’s relatively easy and it’s not changing formats every other year and there aren’t three different versions. Console, we have to worry about [those things].

The promise to return to consoles was made by production director J. Allen Brack, who said:

Continue reading “Blizzard Will Definitely Make Console Games Again”

Sony Details Heavy Rain Chronicles Pre-Order Bonus

Heavy Rain Chronicles

Sony Computer Entertainment of America product marketing manager Jefferson Dong (who I want to call The Donger, but probably shouldn’t) has detailed the pre-order bonus for Heavy Rain. Instead of some stupid accessory or dumb goggles, gamers that pre-order Heavy Rain will get more gameplay in the form of Heavy Rain: Chronicle One — The Taxidermist. The Donger Dong dropped the 411:

What exactly are The Heavy Rain Chronicles? Each Chronicle will offer unique, stand-alone, playable short stories featuring one of Heavy Rain’s main characters, and a storyline taking place either before or after Heavy Rain’s original narrative. Similar to Heavy Rain, each episode will offer a unique journey and different outcomes based on the players’ decisions and actions.

To me, additional content is way more of an incentive to pre-order than some stupid statue that will just collect dust in my living room. Heavy Rain is already #2 on my most wanted games of 2010 list and I’m totally down with The Heavy Rain Chronicles. Anything that adds to the characters, world, and story of what should be an outstanding game is awesome. In fact, I might go downstairs to GameStop and pre-order it now!
