Sony Details Heavy Rain Chronicles Pre-Order Bonus

Heavy Rain Chronicles

Sony Computer Entertainment of America product marketing manager Jefferson Dong (who I want to call The Donger, but probably shouldn’t) has detailed the pre-order bonus for Heavy Rain. Instead of some stupid accessory or dumb goggles, gamers that pre-order Heavy Rain will get more gameplay in the form of Heavy Rain: Chronicle One — The Taxidermist. The Donger Dong dropped the 411:

What exactly are The Heavy Rain Chronicles? Each Chronicle will offer unique, stand-alone, playable short stories featuring one of Heavy Rain’s main characters, and a storyline taking place either before or after Heavy Rain’s original narrative. Similar to Heavy Rain, each episode will offer a unique journey and different outcomes based on the players’ decisions and actions.

To me, additional content is way more of an incentive to pre-order than some stupid statue that will just collect dust in my living room. Heavy Rain is already #2 on my most wanted games of 2010 list and I’m totally down with The Heavy Rain Chronicles. Anything that adds to the characters, world, and story of what should be an outstanding game is awesome. In fact, I might go downstairs to GameStop and pre-order it now!


Author: RPadTV

4 thoughts on “Sony Details Heavy Rain Chronicles Pre-Order Bonus”

  1. Would it be retarded of me if I were to pre-order and later buy this game before actually getting my PS3? …Because I am giving it some serious consideration.


  2. Stupid goggles!!!!!! Rot in hell sir!


    I only like preordering from Amazon…would that count?

  3. @Iceman

    If you're seriously going to buy a ps3 in the future then no it's not a retarded thing to do since

    they'll most likely charge for this content.

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