This Week’s Videogame Releases

It’s not big week in terms of the number of games coming out, but it’s frickin’ huge for enthusiast gamers! On Xbox 360 there’s BioWare’s Mass Effect 2, which a bunch of you were looking forward to. The PlayStation 3 has MAG, if you’re interested in getting your multiplayer groove on in mind-shattering numbers. Wii fans have Tatsunoko VS. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars and No More Heroes 2 to look forward to. As for the handheld systems? I didn’t notice anything worth mentioning or making fun of.

Are you buying any of these games this week? (If so, feel free to use those handy Amazon links above! *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*)

Google Giving Away Phones at GDC 2010 to Spur Development

Think Services has announced that “qualifying developers” that register for Game Developers Conference 2010 will receive a pair of Google Android phones: the Google Nexus One and the Motorola Droid. It’s a smart move by Google; its Android Marketplace lacks quality games and its competitors are making aggressive moves in the gaming space. Thousands of companies are trying to cash in on the installed base of Apple’s iPhone OS, while Palm recently released development tools that make porting games to its WebOS operating system (Palm Pre, Palm Pixi) much easier.

Now if I can just convince one of my development friends to register me as a designer so I don’t have to pay $529 for a Nexus One….

Coffee Talk #72: What Game Remakes Do You Dream Of?

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, your pick for the Superbowl, the huge infrastructure gap between AT&T and Verizon, or whether Allen Iverson deserves to be in the NBA All-Star game, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Tetsuya Nomura’s comments on the rumored Final Fantasy VII remake added fuel to the fire of a story that’s never going to die. Millions of gamers want it. Square Enix would be stupid not to do it. All three console manufacturers would love it on their system. People are going to keep speculating on a new FFVII until it’s finally made. The whole thing made me wonder about the games you want to see remade.

As for me, FFVII is on the top of my list, but not for the reasons most people want it. Although I enjoy the world now that it was fleshed out by Advent Children and Crisis Core, I still don’t think VII is one of the best Final Fantasy games. It’s arguably the most important, but I had more fun with IV, V, VI, and X. I want the game to be remade because the videogame world will go absolutely apesh|t for it. It’ll be huge! I’ll have loads of fun writing about it and discussing it with y’all. While I’d certainly be interested in playing a remade and improved version of FFVII, I’m far more interested in the game for the chaos and excitement it would cause.

Today I wanted to see what games you wanted remade. Any blasts from the past that you want modernized? Maybe it’s a game that fell short at the time but would excel with current technology. Leave a comment and let me know (please)!

Final Fantasy XIII Special Edition Details

UK retailer Play has revealed details on the Final Fantasy XIII special edition. (Be sure to hit the break for a photo of all the goodies!) The limited edition package will include:

  • Special fliptop packaging
  • Final Fantasy XIII Original Sound Selection — Soundtrack CD including a selection of music tracks from the game that are especially chosen for this Limited Collector’s Edition by composer Masashi Hamauzu. The CD is presented inside a slipcase featuring artwork from Final Fantasy XIII, and also liner notes that are written by the composer.
  • ‘The World of Final Fantasy XIII‘ — Hardback book featuring character artwork, CG rendered artwork and environments from across the game production.
  • Exclusive Art Prints — 3 highly collectable art prints showing artwork of the Eidolons, powerful summoned allies of the lead playable characters in Final Fantasy XIII.
  • Unique ‘Brand of the l’Cie’ decal — Collectable decal featuring this most iconic symbol from the game storyline.

Remember, this is for the PAL version of the game. The North American version could be different.

For those of you buying the game, are you going to buy the special edition or go plain vanilla?

Source via OXCGN

Tetsuya Nomura Says “No” to Final Fantasy VII Remake

In a recent interview with Famitsu, Square Enix’s Tetsuya Nomura (the James Brown of videogame development) said “no” to a Final Fantasy VII remake…for now. Andriasang translated the following Nomura comment:

Fans are looking forward to an oft rumored remake of FFVII, but I don’t believe this will happen for the time being. However, it’s possible that he will appear in other titles as a guest character.

Millions of fans around the world would love this game and I think it’s only a matter of time until it gets made. Nomura is the key to making it happen. At this time he’s way too busy and he doesn’t appear to be interested. I maintain that it would be the perfect launch title for the PlayStation 4 or PlayStation Portable 2. FFVII remake = insane system seller.

How many of you would buy a FFVII remake?


What Are You Playing This Weekend?

Another week…another gaming weekend! I’m looking forward to curling up with my games this weekend, partially because there’s some stuff I really want to play and partially because I’m totally over this rain (come on Los Angeles!!!). I’m thrilled that Vandal Hearts: Flames of Judgement was released for PlayStation Network and Xbox Live. I love, Love, LOVE “tactics”-style games and I’m sure this one will captivate me.

For quickie game sessions, I know I’ll be playing Skee Ball on my (sim-less) iPhone. It’s so simple and so addictive — absolutely perfect for a cheap iPhone game. There was this one time (not at band camp) when I meant to play the game for five minutes…and ended up playing for two hours. So yeah, I kind of dig this one.

As always, I want to know what’s on your weekend playlist!

Dead or Alive Paradise Brings Big-Boob Physics to the PSP

Of course I’d come across this trailer of Dead or Alive Paradise (PlayStation Portable) on the same day that I posted an article on positive females in gaming. That’s not to say that the ladies of Dead or Alive aren’t positive. It’s just that most people look at them for their…buoyant physics. This trailer features plenty of big-boob physics on the diminutive PSP. Be careful as you’re watching it; I don’t want any of you to lose an eye.

Coffee Talk #71: Your Favorite Videogame Heroines

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the Supreme Court’s alarming decision on campaign contributions by corporations, what the Apple tablet means for gaming, or Brees vs. Favre, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

For decades, videogames have been largely enjoyed by males. While I’m thankful that more and more ladies have been enjoying games, there’s no denying that games have been a “guy thing” for a long time. Despite that — or maybe because of that? — the business has had its fair share of outstanding heroines. From Ms. Pac-Man to Samus Aran to Lara Croft, gaming is full of women that kick ass.

My favorite gaming heroine is Yuna from Final Fantasy Fantasy X. I found her to be more thoughtful and realistic than most videogame characters. Her stilted and unsure speech was absolutely charming and unique. She’s not the typical blow-you-up-with-guns character, but if you crossed her path she’d wipe you out with a summon. I loved how she gained confidence throughout the game’s tale and blossomed into a wonderful hero. Of course it helped that she starred in an excellent game (let’s ignore FFX-2 for a moment).

Today I wanted to see who your favorite videogame heroine was. Do you prefer gun-toting ladies like Joanna Dark? Or maybe the emotional powers of Princess Peach? Leave a comment and let me know (please)!

Foto Showdown Videos Set Bar for Unintentional DSi Comedy

Check out these two videos of Konami’s Foto Showdown for Nintendo DSi. The tech is pretty fun — the game lets you snap photos and transform them into characters in the game. More importantly, these videos are unintentionally hilarious. I love the sister in the vids. She should get an Oscar or an Emmy for her outstanding performance, particularly in the second clip.

I don’t understand the bully character though. He has the good sense to nail the little brother in the head with a ball, but doesn’t beat him up and steal his DSi. What kind of half-assed bullying is that?!?

Also, am I the only one that’s scared of someone snapping a picture of his schlong to use as an in-game character?

Apple Working with EA on iPad Games?

Apple is aiming to make a big splash with its iPad tablet next week and hopes that games from Electronic Arts will help generate interest in the product. While the iPhone and iPod Touch market is one of the fastest growing segments in the gaming industry, Apple hopes that developers will flock to its upcoming tablet. EA’s games could serve as an example to other developers. According to The Wall Street Journal:

Apple is also working with videogame publisher Electronic Arts Inc. to show off the tablet’s game capabilities, according to one person familiar with the matter.

While I’m sure the iPad (or iSlate or iTablet) will be a success, I’m certain that it will only do a fraction of the numbers the iPhone has done. A lot of people need phones and love the extended multimedia capabilities the iPhone offers. The iPad, on the other hand, appears to be a pure luxury; nobody needs a multimedia tablet with Internet capabilities. With that in mind, the installed base of the iPad will be a fraction of the iPhone’s, making it less appealing to developers.

The important thing to remember is that since both products will presumably be using iPhone 4.0 software, developers can write the bulk of the code for the iPhone and (again, presumably) optimize code for the larger tablet. Theoretically, it shouldn’t add too much additional work. I’ll ping some of my developer friends and see what they think.

If Apple and its partners deliver a healthy dose of games for the iPad, will that make the device more appealing to you?
