What Are You Playing This Weekend?

I’m totally into Final Fantasy XIII. I just started chapter eight and I really don’t understand why some people have bashed the game. The music is great; Masashi Hamauzu knocked it out of the park with a ton of pressure on him (mainly for not being Nobuo Uematsu). I started digging the gameplay after five hours and really enjoyed it after nine — I don’t understand the criticism that the game takes 25 hours to get going. The story is confusing at first, but a lot of the people that criticize the story go nuts over Final Fantasy VII’s, as if that story made a whole lot of sense. Plot aside, I’m really loving the characters. They’re different and interesting, dealing with a ridiculous situation in ways I can identify with.

So yeah! I’m completely satisfied with FFXIII so far and I’m excited to play more of it over the weekend. How about you? What are you playing this weekend?

Coffee Talk #120: What Bands Should Get Their Own Music Game?

My friend and I were talking about Green Day: Rock Band the other day. While we both like Green Day to a certain extent, we’re both puzzled as to why they have their own Rock Band game. Certainly there are better and more deserving bands, no? Perhaps it has everything to do with the band appealing to people in their ’30s and below, but shouldn’t bands like Queen and The Rolling Stones have their own Rock Band games before Green Day?

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the start of a new MLB season (go Yankees!), cute Didi Benami getting booted over the incredibly lame Tim Urban, and tomorrow’s Apple iPad launch, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

My friend and I were talking about Green Day: Rock Band the other day. While we both like Green Day to a certain extent, we’re both puzzled as to why they have their own Rock Band game. Certainly there are better and more deserving bands, no? Perhaps it has everything to do with the band appealing to people in their ’30s and below, but shouldn’t bands like Queen and The Rolling Stones have their own Rock Band games before Green Day?

To be fair, Queen does have their own Singstar game, but this conversation was focused on the Guitar Hero and Rock Band franchises. In that context you have Aerosmith, Metallica, Van Halen, and, of course, The Beatles. And coming soon…Green Day! Really?!?

With Green Day breaking down barriers to music games, I wanted to see what bands and artists you think should get their own Guitar Hero or Rock Band game. And no, The Monkees: Rock Band is not an acceptable answer.

Mafia II Developer Diary: Story and Characters

Here’s a cool developer diary for the upcoming Mafia II. The game is kind of flying under the radar, but I suggest keeping an eye on it. I saw it last spring and was very intrigued by its potential. The video features 2K’s director of creative production Jack Scalici, senior producer Denby Grace, cinematics director Thomas Hrebicek, and associate producer Alex Cox.

Jack is awesome because he likes to drink at my San Francisco dive bar.

Iron Man 2 Behind-the-Scenes Developer Video

Here’s an excellent video that gives you a behind-the-scenes look of the upcoming Iron Man 2. I guarantee you that this sequel will be way better than the original game. Sharing their insights are Sega Studios SF studio director Constantine Hantzopoulos, creative director Kyle Brink, development director Michael McHale, associate producer Beejey Enriquez, and producer Dean Martinetti.

McHale is an awesome guy. I’ve known him for like a decade and he’s just a sharp, sharp individual. Plus, he has awesome MacGyver hair. Martinetti is also a really cool guy. I met him randomly at a San Francisco dive bar and we bonded over being transplanted New Yorkers.

Anyway, check the video out and let me know what you think of the game (please)!

Harmonix and MTV Working on The Monkees: Rock Band

How do you follow up an excellent game like The Beatles: Rock Band? With The Monkees: Rock Band of course! In addition to bringing the musical stylings of Davey Jones, Mickey Dolenz, Mike Nesmith, and Peter Tork, the game has a few new twists that differentiate it from other music games. For example, maraca and tambourine accessories will be used in the game to accurately convey Jones’ contributions to the band.

In today’s press release, Harmonix CEO Alex Popodopoulous said:

You know, I never really liked The Beatles, but everyone at MTV wanted a game based on them. This is the game I wanted to make. Unlike that game with John, Paul, George, and Ringo, I’m interested in the music this time around. Working on a Monkees game is such an honor and such a personal project.

In terms of movies, it’s like when Matt Damon makes a Bourne movie to make the money. That’s The Beatles: Rock Band. Then he makes the fruity-guy-that-plays-golf-and-talks-to-horses movie that he loves. That’s The Monkees: Rock Band.

Here they come…walking down the street!

Update April 2: Yes, this was an April Fools’ Day post.

Final Fantasy VII Confirmed for Fall 2011 for Xbox 360 in Japan

Square Enix finally confirmed the highly anticipated remake for Final Fantasy VII. The game has been in development for about a year and will be released in Fall 2011 for Xbox 360 in Japan. European and North American release dates haven’t been announced. In a prepared statement, superlative producer Tetsuya Nomura said:

We’re tired of hearing about this god damn game. It’s not even that good. Hell, Final Fantasy XIII is way better and white people around the world have been panning it because they don’t know what they’re talking about. Honestly, I’m just working on VII so everyone will shut the hell up about the damn remake.

Pretty crazy, hey?

Update April 2: Yes, this was an April Fools’ Day post.

UFC Undispited 2010 Tutorial Video Featuring Marc Laimon

This excellent UFC Undisputed 2010 tutorial video has MMA coach Marc Laimon and THQ producer Neven Dravinski talking about some of the game’s new features. Topics covered include the new sway system, cage physics, the updated submission system, and more. Check it out!

Coffee Talk #117: What Was Your Favorite Game of Q1 2010?

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Shawn Michaels’ awesome farewell speech, Jon Heder bailing on Will Ferrell over creative differences, or N8R’s silence on the Big Ben situation, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

There were so many outstanding games released in the first three months of 2010. It was extraordinary. Best of all, it had something for everyone. Whether you love shooters, action games, RPGs, or sports, there was an excellent game with your name on it in Q1. Today’s Coffee Talk is all about your favorite game of Q1 2010. So kindly take the poll and back up your opinion in the comments section (please)!

[poll id=”33″]

Coffee Talk #116: Don’t Believe the Hype!

No, today’s Coffee Talk is not about Public Enemy. It’s about videogame hype and disappointment. You see, over the weekend I played a lot of Final Fantasy XIII. Obviously, it was one of the most anticipated games in years. Surprisingly, the reactions to the game — from critics and gamers — have been all over the place. Some love it, while others find it incredibly disappointing. I don’t remember the last time a game this big received so many negative reactions.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, whether Shawn Michaels is really retiring, the idiocy of Arthur Abraham, or Big Ben not reporting to the Steelers’ voluntary conditioning camp, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

No, today’s Coffee Talk is not about Public Enemy. It’s about videogame hype and disappointment. You see, over the weekend I played a lot of Final Fantasy XIII. Obviously, it was one of the most anticipated games in years. Surprisingly, the reactions to the game — from critics and gamers — have been all over the place. Some love it, while others find it incredibly disappointing. I don’t remember the last time a game this big received so many negative reactions.

Personally, I don’t understand what all the uproar is about. I’m 13 hours in and I’ve really enjoyed the game. It’s not the best or my favorite Final Fantasy game, but to me FFXIII lives up to the hype. And Reona Rewis completely rules.

Today I wanted to see which “big” games have disappointed you. Do you recall any games with monstrous hype that left you wondering what the hell the big deal was? (In case you were wondering, my choice would be Fable, but this is way more about what you guys and gals think.) Use today’s column as your Monday therapy and rant about over-hyped games that left you flat…or worse.

Final Fantasy IX Coming to PlayStation Network Soon?

With Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII already available on Sony’s PlayStation Network, you’d think that the release of Final Fantasy IX for PSN would be automatic, no? For some reason, Square Enix producer Shinji Hashimoto had to pitch his bosses on the release. Here’s what he had to say on the Square Enix Members Twitter page as translated by Andriasang:

The presentation went well. The result will come on Friday. Everyone, please pray.

As Hammer said, “You’ve got to pray just to make it today.” Sorry, I don’t know where that came from.

Hopefully Hashimoto was just playing with Final Fantasy fans. I don’t understand why FFIX wouldn’t be released for PSN. Gamers will surely download it. I’m personally looking forward to this one since I never finished the game (for reasons that I don’t remember). While I didn’t care much for Zidane, I was totally fascinated by Vivi and Steiner cracked me up. I’d love to be able to beat the game on my PSP. Hopefully there will be some good news about FFIX on PSN this Friday.

How about you guys and gals? Any interest in downloading FFIX?

Source via Andriasang