Coffee Talk #120: What Bands Should Get Their Own Music Game?

My friend and I were talking about Green Day: Rock Band the other day. While we both like Green Day to a certain extent, we’re both puzzled as to why they have their own Rock Band game. Certainly there are better and more deserving bands, no? Perhaps it has everything to do with the band appealing to people in their ’30s and below, but shouldn’t bands like Queen and The Rolling Stones have their own Rock Band games before Green Day?

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the start of a new MLB season (go Yankees!), cute Didi Benami getting booted over the incredibly lame Tim Urban, and tomorrow’s Apple iPad launch, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

My friend and I were talking about Green Day: Rock Band the other day. While we both like Green Day to a certain extent, we’re both puzzled as to why they have their own Rock Band game. Certainly there are better and more deserving bands, no? Perhaps it has everything to do with the band appealing to people in their ’30s and below, but shouldn’t bands like Queen and The Rolling Stones have their own Rock Band games before Green Day?

To be fair, Queen does have their own Singstar game, but this conversation was focused on the Guitar Hero and Rock Band franchises. In that context you have Aerosmith, Metallica, Van Halen, and, of course, The Beatles. And coming soon…Green Day! Really?!?

With Green Day breaking down barriers to music games, I wanted to see what bands and artists you think should get their own Guitar Hero or Rock Band game. And no, The Monkees: Rock Band is not an acceptable answer.

Author: RPadTV

29 thoughts on “Coffee Talk #120: What Bands Should Get Their Own Music Game?”

  1. Jimi Hendrix this guy has a massive music library that most people probably haven't heard of. He may have had 4 studio albums when he was alive but that guy recorded so much in his studio he's made a lot of posthumous albums; i think he's up to like 9!

    I also agree with Rpad with the Rolling Stones RB, they would need one too. They have always been living in The Beatles shadow for some reason and their music has been around just as long as they have and they have been together (obviously) for all of that time.

    I just don't see how Green Day has so much of an extensive library that someone would want to play in RB; at the very most i see like 15-20 songs i would like to play a game would need like 45-50 songs and i don't see that many for them.

  2. @n8r

    Good choices! I think Fat Elvis, MJ, Motown and James Brown can have their own Singstar games. Just because they didn't play any instruments. I would buy the Muppets RB day one!

    I can't wait for the movie to come out, I hope Jason Segel doesn't mess that up.

  3. @ tokz

    The '68 Comeback was always my favorite too. However, he had the same band after that for the rest of his life.

    The Rock Band guitar could be paisley, dude.

  4. @n8r

    yeah Elvis was barely 6 foot tall. I've always wanted to go to Graceland but the gf isn't that fond of Elvis and i just can't find anyone else willing to go there. It's hard being the only Elvis fan my age and in my circle of friends.

  5. @N8R @Big Blak

    The keg might help increase sales though.


    I think that Green Day is getting their game right now because it is just more marketing for them right now. There is a musical somewhere in LA I thought that is based on American Idiot, they came out with two decently big albums just in the past few years. They were big in the 90's, and like N8R said before about cover bands in bars changing from classic rock to more 90's rock, this just follows in suit.

    They have a great support from their 90's hits, and they are big again in 2010 with a lot more people paying attention to them. GD: RB makes sense as much as I don't really think they should have it just because there are more deserving bands.

  6. @BigBlak

    No Doubt, a full keg would be needed! I think BSU would stand for Ball State University but i could be wrong.

  7. @bsukenyan

    I think I'm the only one who probably would've guessed it right since i've heard of ball state. You got to admit Big Blak had a good one with BodySlamU Kenyan.

  8. If I chose my name the way bsukenyan did, all of you would know me as shkpuddman (school of hard knocks).

  9. @Tokz_21

    Yeah no one else is probably close enough to have even heard of Ball State, unless you follow one season wonders in college football who somehow climb the AP polls to #14 and then crash and burn to finish the season. Or sub-par basketball, volleyball, softball, and baseball teams. The big things that BSU has is it is the most technologically advanced campus in the nation, it has an outstanding telecommunications dept., and a pretty good journalism dept. just because the tcom dept. is so good. Other than that there is nothing.

    I might have to reconsider what I make BSU stand for considering Big Blak's interpretation.

  10. @Ray

    I updated my firmware last night on my PS3. It "advises" you to reformat your hard drive if you already have Linux installed. So me thinks the update kills Linux either way.


    Dude that is clever as hell and I have heard of BSU, just didn't click that way in the good ol' noggin.

  12. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say this again…


    Complete with dead dog and blood spraying peripherals. You work the props into the show as well. TOTALLY a rated M game.

    Aside from that:

    Michael Jackson
    The Muppets (ANIMAL!)
    Alice Cooper
    Bad Religion
    Beach Boys
    James Brown

    I could go on… I might later.

  13. @n8r
    Wow! the ’68 special was my favorite from all of Elvis’ work. I always loved Fat Elvis’ work. I see your point now. I guess my thinking was more towards the general people that don’t follow music the way you do. I think they would sell more games as singstar games and not RB or GH ones.

  14. @n8r
    That would be awesome! Maybe they could incorporate the PS Move or Natal and you can swivel your hips or do karate chops or kicks during the song!

  15. @ toxz

    Withe early rockabilly Elvis, his band was only 3 pieces. The next era, was the Jordanairres. That, you could wire up a few mics for.

    My point is, Elvis’ band was always kick ass. I too preferred his later years though. The thing that struck me as odd when I went to visit Graceland, was Elvis’ clothes. I’m 6’3″ and about 180 lbs… I wouldn’t have fit in any of his clothes. Even the jumpsuits from the 70’s. All of them would ride up my crotch. Maybe I just always thought Elvis was bigger than he really was.

    My brother and i however managed to swipe some dirt from Elvis’ grave. I told my one friend in Pittsburgh about it and he said “Why didn’t I think of that when I was there?” I then told him “My brother even ate some.” to which my friend replied “Damn, that was smart.”

  16. I really think Slipknot should have their own music game, think of all the plastic instruments they wouldn’t have to make. There is already drums, guitars/basses, mics, turntables, all they would need is….more drums?

  17. @BigBlak
    I never thought of Slipknot. Korn would be a good one either but i don’t think they would sell as much as the real mainstream bands out now with games and that’s probably why we won’t see them.

  18. also, I make it well known, I think, that I am a huge Red Hot Chili Peppers fan, so I would love to see them get a big deal like that. I think they have plenty of songs in their library that could fit into RB or GH, and they have a good style that would be catchy enough to get a lot of fans to play their songs on the game.

  19. @N8R Tokz & BodySlamUKenyan (what is the bsu lol?)

    Only if the keg is full at the time of purchase, then you would have to drink to adjust the pitch lol

  20. @Big Blak @Tokz_21

    Tokz got it right, it stand for Ball State University.

    The kenyan part came from high school and I just started using it in screen names and what not because I never really had any other nicknames to use. I ran track and cross country, and I was (still am) a tall, skinny, lanky white kid who could run fast. All of my friends used to say I ran like a Kenyan because they are some of the fastest distance runners in the world, and are usually tall, skinny, and lanky guys.

  21. @Big Blak

    Yeah not too many people have heard of Ball State, so I don’t really expect people to get that part as much. I also kind of expect that the kenyan part gets confusing for people too, because my fiance is the black one in the relationship. People hear kenyan, see me, and get confused as hell. haha

  22. @ BSUKenyan

    Dude thats so true lmfao I figured you had girlishly looking hands. I’M SORRY (said like the scene in Goodfellas where Rays’ character Henry (no not you Ray lol) slaps his wife for pulling a gun on him and she screams (tada) I’m sorry).

  23. Theres a big difference between bands that deserve a game and bands that would make a fun game. I think I could see DMB having a rockband game, But I wouldn’t play it just because I don’t think it would be fun. I would much rather have a Hendrix or Rage just because I think the guitars from both of those guys are bad ass

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