Fake Steve Jobs Addresses iPhone 4 Reception Issue

In a post titled “You @ssholes need to stop sending emails to me about this antenna issue“, Fake Steve Jobs has hilariously addressed the iPhone 4 reception issues plaguing numerous first-world countries. The post is the funniest thing I’ve read all month and I highly recommend checking it out. Here are some choice clips:

First of all, this is not a big issue. If you’re experiencing this, most likely it’s not the phone at all — most likely you’re just living in a place where there’s bad reception, in which case the solution is simple: you need to move.

Or maybe you’re living in a place with good reception but you just need to buy a bumper for your phone and/or wear latex gloves while holding the phone.

Or you can try going bare-handed and just learn how to hold your goddamn phone properly. Either way, it’s no big deal.

AllThingsD says if it’s really true that all mobile phones have this exact same problem, “why haven’t we heard complaints like this about `every wireless phone?’ Why hasn’t RIM issued instructions for a proper BlackBerry handhold?”

The answer, of course, is that RIM doesn’t care about customers the way we do. Honestly, what other company has a billionaire CEO who will sit at his desk for hours and hours personally answering thousands of emails, one after another, telling people how to hold his product? And can I tell you how hard I am fighting the urge to suggest to people that they try shoving the thing up their butt and see what kind of reception they get then?

It’s just brilliant, brilliant stuff. Head on over to Fake Steve’s site and read it in its glorious entirety!


Hulu Possibly Coming to iPad, PS3, and Xbox 360: Do You Care?

You’ve already heard the rumors that Hulu is headed for the Apple iPad and Microsoft Xbox 360. Today rumors are swirling that it’s headed for the PlayStation 3 as well. Do you guys and gals care about Hulu on portable devices and consoles?

I think Hulu is a great service, but I’ve never used it consistently. I’ll go through phases where I watch a ton of Hulu for weeks and don’t touch it again for months. Perhaps my usage will be different when it’s available on something that I use more for entertainment than work. Perhaps Hulu on a console is just what I need…or perhaps not. I’d like to have it on my consoles, but I won’t lose any sleep if it doesn’t happen. How about you? Kindly make your selection in the poll and elaborate in the comments section.

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Apple Gives Official Statement on iPhone 4 Reception Issues

Apple has released an official statement on the iPhone 4 reception issues that some users have been complaining about. I think it’s pretty hilarious. Check it out:

Gripping any mobile phone will result in some attenuation of its antenna performance, with certain places being worse than others depending on the placement of the antennas. This is a fact of life for every wireless phone. If you ever experience this on your iPhone 4, avoid gripping it in the lower left corner in a way that covers both sides of the black strip in the metal band, or simply use one of many available cases.

I agree with RPadholic smartguy — Apple should be giving away its “bumper” cases for free if they really clear up the issue. Now don’t get me wrong, I still think the iPhone 4 is an impressive piece of hardware, but Apple’s “solution” to this problem cracks me up.


Coffee Talk #164: Five Things That (Sadly) Weren’t at E3 2010

As brilliant as E3 2010 was, there were a few things I was hoping to see that didn’t make it. In some cases, perhaps they were just rumors. In other cases, the publisher wanted to save the game for another trade show. Whether the product is too early or the development team is in disarray, I was still bummed not to see the following.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, American football (soccer) totally rocking, 10+ hours matches at Wimbledon, or whether sleeping with a Kardashian results in a championship, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

As brilliant as E3 2010 was, there were a few things I was hoping to see that didn’t make it. In some cases they were just rumors. In other cases the publisher wanted to save the game for another trade show. Whether the product is too early or the development team is in disarray, I was still bummed not to see the following.

  1. Windows Phone 7 and Xbox Live: Microsoft has a ton of work to do if it wants to successfully compete with Apple iOS, Google Android, and Palm WebOS. Connectivity with Xbox Live  is one way Windows Phone 7 can stand out.
  2. The Last Guardian: This was on my most wanted list going into the show. I was severely bummed it wasn’t there.
  3. Beyond Good & Evil 2: So many writers were sure this game was going to be at the show. It wasn’t. Never trust game writers (verbal entertainers are another story).
  4. PSP2: I was pretty sure this wasn’t going to happen at this year’s show. Going head-to-head with Nintendo’s 3DS outing would have been silly. Still, I really wanted to see what changes Sony planned to make with its second at-bat in portable gaming.
  5. Final Fantasy Tactics (iPhone): Shortly before the show started, I heard that my favorite game of all time was headed for the iPhone. While Square Enix showed a teaser video of the iPhone version of FFT, I really wanted to get my hands on it. Oh well, it’s only a few months away.

Now it’s your turn! Was there anything you were expecting to “see” at E3 2010 that no-showed? Leave a comment and let me know (please)!

iPhone 4 Having Reception and Display Issues?

It looks like a number of iPhone 4 units are having reception and/or display issues. On the reception side, several users have claimed that signal can be lessened by touching certain points of the phone’s metal band, which also serves as an antenna. Earlier in the month, Professor Gert Frolund Pedersen predicted this issue via Comon:

Human tissue will in any event, have an inhibitory effect on the antenna. Touch means that a larger portion of the antenna energy turns into heat and lost. This makes the antenna less efficient to send and receive radio signals.

As for the display issues, a number of users have reported and sent pictures of yellow bands appearing on the display. Gizmodo has several photos and user reports.

Yesterday Rpadholic N8R mentioned that he was probably going to wait for the second batch of iPhone 4 units, waiting for Apple to work out the initial kinks. Do either of these issues make you want to hold up on your purchase? Or are you still enamored with this beautiful and technically impressive phone?

White iPhone 4 Delayed Until Second Half of July

Apparently it’s harder to build white iPhone 4s than black ones. Apple has explained the delay behind the white iPhone 4 model in an official statement:

White models of Apple’s new iPhone 4 have proven more challenging to manufacture than expected, and as a result they will not be available until the second half of July. The availability of the more popular iPhone 4 black models is not affected.

Initially I thought the black model was better looking, but after seeing how it’s a mad fingerprint magnet and considering the rarity of the white model…I kind of want a white one. And no, I’m not selling out on my race.


Get Your iPhones Ready: iOS 4 is Available Now

Apple has released iOS 4 today. If you’re running an iPhone 3G or 3GS that isn’t jailbroken as well as the latest generation of iPod Touch media players, then you should download it straight away to take advantage of the new features. If you get a chance, let me everyone here know what you think of iOS 4.

Analyst Predicts That T-Mobile Will Get the iPhone

Just in case you were getting tired of all those iPhone-to-Verizon rumors, Kaufman Bros. analyst Shaw Wu has thrown a change-up by predicting that T-Mobile will be the next American iPhone carrier. According to All Things Digital, Wu told his clients:

Currently, T-Mobile’s 3G service (UMTS/HSPA) supports 1700 MHz and 2100 MHz frequencies while AT&T supports 850 MHz and 1900 MHz frequencies. Interestingly, both the new iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS support 3G at the 2100 MHz frequency and, from our understanding, the technical hurdle to support T-Mobile is minor compared to supporting CDMA technology at VZ and Sprint.

I would love an iPhone 4 on T-Mobile. A (seemingly) great phone coupled with T-Mobile’s excellent pricing?!? Sign me up — especially if the phone takes advantage of T-Mo’s HSPA+ build-out. That said, T-Mobile has the smallest footprint of the four major American carriers. While it would advantageous for Apple to be on multiple carriers, Sprint or Verizon would probably be better choices.

At the end of the day, I’m totally writing this off as more garbage spouted by an analyst. This information is only slightly more meaningful than a Sprint CSR telling a customer that the iPhone is headed for Sprint in Q3.

Would any of you be interested in an iPhone on T-Mobile?


Sprint CSR Tells Customer iPhone Coming in Fall 2010

A Sprint customer service representative allegedly told a customer that the Apple iPhone is coming to Sprint in Fall 2010. Last month I told you about a rumor that Apple has ordered 10-million CDMA iPhones from Pegatron, which is mobile technology Sprint uses. The peeps at Skattertech have also speculated that the iPhone is destined for Sprint. Before I get ahead of myself, here’s what supposedly went down with the Sprint CSR according to a poster on Sprint Users:

Denise went ahead to say go ahead and get the iPhone, that is a toy compared to the EVO. She then said if you leave you will not be able to take advantage of Sprint getting the iPhone in the Fall. I think that she only told me that to retain me.

Personally, I think this rumor is bunk. I’m leaning towards the CSR being dishonest with the customer. There’s also a chance that the customer made the whole thing up. Either way, I don’t see the iPhone 4 going to Sprint…

…but how crazy would that be?!? Even though Sprint is third out of the big four, I consider it the biggest loser of the bunch. Getting the iPhone would take it from zero to hero. Sprint’s pricing is second-best out of the big four and its network is arguably second best (especially when you factor in its roaming agreement with Verizon). Imagine an iPhone with reasonably priced service on a network that doesn’t blow chunks?!? Yeah…that’s too crazy to be real.
