Today’s Poll: Which iPhone 4 Color is Sexier?

Now that Steve Jobs’ reality distortion field has dissipated a bit, I wanted to get your thoughts on the two iPhone 4 colors. They are both gorgeous devices that look incredibly well made. Which one is sexier to you?!?

[poll id=”52″]

Author: RPadTV

15 thoughts on “Today’s Poll: Which iPhone 4 Color is Sexier?”

  1. I'm getting the white one. That way I can tell me and my girlfriend's phones apart. I also like the way it looks.

  2. To quote Wesley Snipes in Passenger 57:

    "Always bet on black"

    (unless of course I'm playing Big Blak in Scrabble… then it's an even bet)

  3. Black without question.

    @N8R – Howard Stern used to refer (probably still does) as Wesley Snipes as the "Blackest of Black Men."

  4. Sorry, I meant "apparently". I don't know what the hell is wrong with me today.


  5. gotta say black. I'm sorry but I think the white is for girls. now my brother has a white 3GS and will probably a white 4 but he's not exactly batting for the right team.

  6. I just thought of something. Since the back of the phone is flat and made out of glass…

    I wonder how many people are going to end up snorting cocaine off the back of their phone?

  7. @smartguy – well fair enough. Either way I am pumped about the new glass they are using. same material is used on Helicopter glass. No more breaks for me… haha

    I've always loved the glass screen though. It's great for the contrast ratio and completely scratch resistant. I'm stoked to have the front and back be scratch resistant now

  8. @shockwave

    indeed. Honestly I have been mulling it over more and more and I'd take whichever color is available to me. I'd like to see the white model in person.

    I cannot wait to have this. I'm on vacation the week it comes out so I hope to grab it that Friday when I get back in town.

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