Sony Unveils Official PS3 Wireless Headset for $99

Sony Computer Entertainment America has unveiled the official wireless headset for PlayStation 3. It comes with an MSRP of $99 and connects to the PS3 through a USB transmitter. The headset appears to be stylish, but it’s interesting that it uses a USB transmitter instead of Bluetooth technology. Although Bluetooth would have allowed for more … Continue reading “Sony Unveils Official PS3 Wireless Headset for $99”

Amazon Now Selling More Kindle Books Than Paper Books

Amazon has announced that in less than four years, it is now selling more Kindle books than paper books — hardcover and paperback combined. While the e-book market is booming, the numbers are still surprising and impressive. Here are some factoids from Amazon’s press release: Since April 1, for every 100 print books has … Continue reading “Amazon Now Selling More Kindle Books Than Paper Books”

Today’s Poll: Should Superman Be an American Citizen?

In a back-up story in Action Comics #900, David Goyer had Superman renounce his American citizenship. This short story has been getting a lot of mainstream press coverage. Some people are outraged by Superman “ditching” America. Some people think it’s a modern twist. Before we discuss further, please keep in mind that Goyer’s short story … Continue reading “Today’s Poll: Should Superman Be an American Citizen?”

Nintendo Wii Successor Coming in 2012: Do You Care?

Nintendo has confirmed that its next home videogame console will arrive in 2012. The mystery console, with the purportedly ridiculous controller, will be shown at E3 2011. Here’s a clip from Nintendo of Japan’s investor relations page: Nintendo Co., Ltd. has decided to launch in 2012 a system to succeed Wii, which the company has … Continue reading “Nintendo Wii Successor Coming in 2012: Do You Care?”

Check Out My Review of De Blob 2 (Please)

If you have a moment, please head on over to and check out my review of De Blob 2. The original was cool and full of potential. The sequel made some improvements, but also took several steps back. I’m going to guess that the publisher didn’t give the developer enough time and/or money to … Continue reading “Check Out My Review of De Blob 2 (Please)”

This Week’s Videogame Releases

So many great games out this week!!! Leading the way are Pokemon Black/White and Dragon Age II. But wait! There’s more!!! Baseball fans have Major League Baseball 2K11 and MLB 11 The Show to keep them happy until opening day. Whether it’s catching imaginary animals and giving them the Michael Vick treatment, swords and sorcery, … Continue reading “This Week’s Videogame Releases”

Coffee Talk #311: Apple Aggressively Invading Gaming?

There’s an interesting Apple vs. Nintendo buzz at GDC 2011. A lot of people in the business thought it was brazen or dickish for Apple to hold its iPad 2 presser around the same time as Nintendo’s GDC keynote…