What Are You Playing This Weekend?

As most of you know, I’ve been spending the last few weeks playing The Moving Game, which is something you need to play every now and then, but also utter crap. Thankfully, I’m done with that…experience. Now I’m playing the slightly better Unpacking Game. To keep myself somewhat sane, I’ve shoved all the non-essential boxes into the … Continue reading “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

Vaping Diaries #67: Five Pawns President Interview

Here’s an interview I conducted with Five Pawns president and founder Rodney Jerabek. I first came across Five Pawns e-liquids at Vaping Ape LA and was immediately impressed. The company makes some really delicious juices that are unusually rich and complex. It was great spending time at Five Pawns HQ and learning more about the … Continue reading “Vaping Diaries #67: Five Pawns President Interview”

Snarky PlayStation 4 Meme Should Be a Real Sony Ad

This PlayStation 4 meme that pokes fun at the Xbox One’s vaunted television features should be a real advertisement. It’s a simple message that has an element of truth, has a witty edge, and will get the fanboys riled up. While Microsoft is looking to control the entire living room, Sony appears more focused on games. … Continue reading “Snarky PlayStation 4 Meme Should Be a Real Sony Ad”

Coffee Talk #587: Excessive Nerd Rage and You

Nerd rage is a funny and often ridiculous thing. The world has many problems — damage to the environment, malnourishment, and homelessness, for example. Yet dorky debates often escalate the point where you’d think people were more interested in solving the “Han shot first” dilemma than making sure kids have enough to eat. Sure, it’s sometimes hard to maintain perspective and it can be fun engaging in geeky arguments, but this week was out of hand. Look at the nerd rage that dominated the Internet this week: the “controversy” over Alice Eve’s half-naked scene in Star Trek, the pronunciation of GIF, and anger over the Xbox Onemore

Xbox One Press Conference Summary and Analysis

Sony fired first with its PlayStation 4 salvo and today Microsoft fired back with an Xbox One counterattack. Due to professional conflicts, I am not permitted to write about the performance of executives at the press conference. I’ll leave that to you. Thankfully, I am allowed to respond to any judgements you make about how … Continue reading “Xbox One Press Conference Summary and Analysis”

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

Okay. My heel pain has been downgraded to heel soreness. That nasty surprise attack from food poisoning has been vanquished. I still have some remnants of a cold, but it’s not as bad as it was earlier in the week. That means it’s time to play Packing II! Yeah, moving a few weeks before E3 … Continue reading “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

Coffee Talk #584: Xbox Infinity, Good Name or Bad?

Sorry for the late start today, guys and gals. On top of my busted heel, I’ve caught a cold. I’m going to blame it on the weather shifting from 70F to 90F in a week. Anyway, one of the latest rumors on Microsoft’s next console is that it will be called Xbox Infinity. A few of my sources said that the name is legit, while a few have said that it’s not. Let’s forget about that for now and judge the name Xbox Infinity. Do you love it or hate it?…more

Vaping Diaries #57: Ahlusion Review IV

Ah, another Ahlusion review. These are always fun to do because the company is so good. My excellent friend Glenda was over this week and tried some of the Ahlusion goods I had. She had a moment that reminded me of one of Alan Rickman’s lines in Bottle Shock; she got quiet after vaping them and … Continue reading “Vaping Diaries #57: Ahlusion Review IV”

Microsoft Xbox “Reveal” Event on May 21, 2013

Microsoft has sent out invites for a press event on May 21, 2013 and is flooding social media with the tag #XboxReveal. The event is months after Sony’s PlayStation 4 reveal and weeks before the E3 2013 trade show. Since all of you know what’s coming, let’s have some goofy fun with this one. I … Continue reading “Microsoft Xbox “Reveal” Event on May 21, 2013″

Torment: Tides of Numenera Blows Past Kickstarter Goal

inXile Entertainment’s Kickstarter pitch for Torment: Tides of Numenera has blown bas its $900,000 goal in less than a day. The game “continues the thematic legacy” of Planescape: Torment, one of the most critically acclaimed PC RPGs of the ’90s. The game frequently comes up in conversations I have with old-school PC gamers, often starting with, “You … Continue reading “Torment: Tides of Numenera Blows Past Kickstarter Goal”