Coffee Talk #300: Observations From the RPad.TV Experience

Thanks for joining me for the 300th edition of Coffee Talk! I’m going to selfishly use today’s column to talk about my experiences with the site — both the good and the bad. As always, I’m going to stick to…

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, getting drunk on an airplane, Christina Aguilera flubbing vs. Whitney Houston lip syncing, or dried pineapples, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Thanks for joining me for the 300th edition of Coffee Talk! I’m going to selfishly use today’s column to talk about my experiences with the site — both the good and the bad. As always, I’m going to stick to the trusty Steve Raghunath binary system.

Good: Your support has been phenomenal — definitely beyond my expectations. I figured a few of you would come over from G4tv, but your readership and loyalty have been tremendous. When the site first launched, it was all you guys. Some of the original crew has stopped reading (or commenting anyway), but the traffic is better and more diverse than ever. You guys got it all started and kept things active with your excellent comments.

Bad: Publisher support has been poor. I was hoping for more event invites, coverage opportunities, and all that good stuff. Instead, some PR people have stopped sending me press releases and screens. Part of it is that I need to be more aggressive with PR people. Part of it is that some flaks have just completely dropped me because I no longer work for a major outlet. It’s disappointing because I need those content opportunities to keep the site growing. Creating original content from BlizzCon, DICE, GDC, etc. is just really, really expensive. Unless I get a large, random PayPal donation, I’m going to need a lot more publisher support to keep the site growing. If the support doesn’t come then I’ll really have to scale things back.

Good: I’m amazed that the site hasn’t attracted any flamers. All the comments I’ve had to delete were of the spam variety. I don’t recall having to delete any comments due to excessive profanity. I definitely haven’t had to delete any comments from readers wanting to flame it up. I’ve been super pleased with quality discussion here. Things get heated every now and then, but it’s almost always good and fun stuff.

Bad: I’m kind of disappointed that the site hasn’t attracted a flamer. For some reason, it would make me feel more “legit”. I’d also love to see how guys would respond to one.

Good: The site has been one of the most rewarding projects I’ve ever worked on. It’s fun mixing it up with you guys, writing the stories that I want to write, and growing something from scratch. It feels awesome when a story or video gets picked up by other sites and leads to a significant traffic spike. I feel proud when the site’s Alexa ranking goes up. When things go right, I often get the feeling of, “Yeah, I did that!” Rpad.TV is just behind Yahoo!’s Reset for my favorite work experience ever (I made a lot of money and got to travel around the world with my “best best”).

Bad: The site has also been one of the most stressful projects I’ve ever worked on. I’m pretty sure I haven’t been this poor since college. I stress out when traffic is down from the previous week (and forget that it’s way up from the year before). When the site’s Alexa ranking slides, I get sad. I sometimes have micro panic attacks, mild bouts of depression, and question whether I should be putting so much time into the site instead of looking for more freelance work. The highs are fun, but the lows can be…challenging.

Good: Ultimately, I still believe that I have a chance to create a site that can be a little bit different and offer content the way I think it should be served. It’s not there yet and it will take a lot of work, but I still believe that the site can continue to grow into something special. I’m proud of how things have progressed, but think it could be so much more. With more work and some luck (and a random donation from Bill Gate and/or Mark Zuckerberg), I think it’ll get there. I hope that all of you are still reading and posting comments when it does!

January Housekeeping

Last month was surprisingly strong for the site. I was expecting a big dip from an excellent November and December, but it didn’t pan out that way. Let’s break it down.

– Traffic in January 2011 was up almost 50 percent from January 2010. Thanks for all the visits and comments! My Sony NGP stories performed really well, which is nice since that’s some of the best writing I’ve done for the site in months.

– Amazon sales held steady too. I was expecting a huge drop-off from the holiday shopping season. Thankfully two of you bought consoles in January. Ha! I can’t count on you guys and dolls to buy consoles every month, but I appreciate all the purchases you make through my site. With some luck, February won’t be too big a drop-off from January.

– February should kick off an interesting few months for the site. I’ll be attending DICE, GDC, and PAX East. I’m hoping to serve up some fun video content from these events. I’ll be telling you about my DICE interviews shortly. I have some cool people lined up and hope to confirm a few more this week.

– I was wondering how you guys get to the site. Do you just have it bookmarked? Do you use the site’s RSS feed to get updates? Maybe it’s a channel on your iGoogle page? Please let me know, as there are some things that I might tweak depending on your usage habits.

PSA: $10 Off American Apparel T-Shirts!

Great news everyone! You can now get high-quality American Apparel t-shirts! The greater news is that for a limited time you can get them for $10 off!!! Between now and January 23rd, you can use coupon code LoveAA2011 for the discount. I’m a huge fan of American Apparel goods and I highly recommend them.

Thank you in advance for any purchases. I super appreciate them. With some luck and your support, the site will stick around for a long time.

Sunday New Year’s Housekeeping

– I hope everyone had a fun and safe new year’s eve! Let’s try to make 2011 better than 2010. Although last year was better than the last three months of 2009 for me, it still wasn’t a good year. With some luck and support, 2011 will rock.

– November 2010 was the best month ever for the site — both in terms of traffic and Amazon purchases. December was also very good, but traffic dipped expectedly during the holidays. Thanks to everyone for reading, commenting, and purchasing!

– The first three months of 2011 will be vital to the future of There are a lot of great content opportunities for me, but I need to scrounge up some money for travel. Hopefully it all works out and I’ll be able to serve up some great video content that will take the site to new levels.

– The video content continues to perform well for the site. In addition to being more lucrative than written content, video is getting linked and embedded from a variety of sites. Thanks to everyone that uses Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking tools to promote my content! It really makes a difference and I super appreciate it.

– Here’s an annoying reminder that in addition to Amazon purchases, you can help the site make it through another year by buying/gifting some merchandise and asking your rich uncles to donate to the site via PayPal.

– Let’s all conquer 2011 together! I wish all of you the best of luck with life, love, and work.

SlickyFats Shows Off His Swag!

RPadholic SlickyFats sent in these excellent pictures of his merchandise. The first photo has him, his shirt, and his mug posed in front of a television with on the screen — excellent composition! The second has his mug next to the legendary Bacon Fatty Melt — you know, the bacon cheeseburger that uses grilled cheese sandwiches as the bread. These are awesome Slicky! Thanks so much!!!

As an annoying reminder (sorry!), there’s still time to pick up some swag as a holiday gift.

Thanksgiving Aftermath

I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Mine was completely uneventful. My immediate family is currently scattered around the world — New York, the Philippines, Thailand, and Hawaii. I totally forgot to make any plans, so I stayed home with some TV dinners and Teen Titans trade paperbacks (a Teen Titan Thanksgiving?). I’m going to live through you! Tell me about the excellent food, family, and gaming you experienced on Thanksgiving.

Please don’t forget to talk about yesterday’s games in this week’s Fantasy Football Fallout, report your Black Friday findings here, and check out Amazon’s Black Friday specials!