Infamous 2 Duality / Morality Trailer

The fine people at Sucker Punch have released a new Infamous 2 trailer and revealed more on the game’s duality/morality system. Here’s the word from Sucker Punch’s Ken Schramm:

Karma moments from InFamous are now represented by character-driven dialogue and 3D mocap cutscenes. Your conscience comes into play with the introduction of Kuo and Nix, two NPC characters. Kuo is a NSA agent working to help Cole defeat the Beast. Nix is a New Marais native that grew up in the swamps around New Marias, whose hatred for Bertrand stems from witnessing him kill her family. She is your hedonistic guide that coaxes Cole into not thinking about the consequences of his actions.

As with most Sucker Punch products, I’m looking forward to this game. That said, I still can’t stop thinking of The Three Amigos whenever I hear its name. Hmmmm, perhaps my next DCUO character will be named “InFamous El Guapo”.

If you have a chance, please check out the trailer and share your thoughts.


Yvonne Strahovski Confirmed for The 3rd Birthday

In addition to announcing that The 3rd Birthday for PSP will be available on March 29, 2011, Square Enix confirmed that Yvonne Strahovski will be the voice of Aya Brea. This is exciting news on multiple levels. As you know, I’m incredibly psyched for the next chapter in the Parasite Eve saga. Strahovski is also hot. Here’s a clip from the press release:

Square Enix also revealed a celebrity voice cast for The 3rd Birthday, including Yvonne Strahovski of NBC’s Chuck as the voice of Aya Brea. “I was immediately interested when Square Enix approached me with the opportunity to play Aya Brea in The 3rd Birthday. I love Aya — she’s strong, driven and ready to take on the world,” said Yvonne Strahovski. “My goal was to bring all of her characteristics to life to really tell her story and create the best experience for all gamers.” Additionally, the mysterious Kyle Madigan is voiced by Jensen Ackles of the CW’s Supernatural. “The 3rd Birthday will pull players in immediately with its incredible graphics and character-driven story line,” said Jensen Ackles. “I felt like I was creating a movie.”

I bet you anything that those quotes are from the actors’ publicists and not the actors themselves. *snicker*

Seriously though, this is a great time to get excited for this game and look at pictures of Yvonne. Enjoy!

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DC Universe Online: Week One

I now have a full week of DC Universe Online under my belt and my character is at level 18. I’m still enjoying the game, but most of the same doubts remain from my first weekend in DCUO. A few other aspects of the game have been bugging me as well. Let’s go through the list in my rolling (not a) review of DCUO.

Voice Acting — DCUO’s voice acting is irritatingly inconsistent. There are some marvelous performance from Kevin Conroy (Batman), Mark Hamill (The Joker), and Arleen Sorkin (Harley Quinn) — voice actors with fantastic track records. Then there are disappointing performances from Dwight Schultz (The Flash) and Tracy Bush (Booster Gold). Frankly…they suck. The Flash sounds like a nob and Booster sounds like an even bigger nob.

Sure, I understand that Booster Gold hasn’t always been the best hero in the DC Universe. He’s attempted (and failed at) numerous get-rich-quick schemes and sold out his image for things like toothpaste commercials. Still, he has saved lives and the world on numerous occasions. His voice work in DCUO just makes him sound like a complete tool. I really, truly hate it.

Rescue Me! — The game’s scripted missions have been the same after 18 levels. It’s a lot of find X, beat up Y, and defeat boss Z. I’m still enjoying it, but there’s a recurring theme in these missions that’s really starting to bug me — a hero always needs rescuing. I’ve had to bail out Raven, Batwoman, Robin, Nightwing, Supergirl, Wonder Girl, and several other heroes that I can’t remember. In the comics they’re extremely capable beings. In DCUO, they can’t walk for more than 50 feet without getting kidnapped.

As a comic book fan, it’s off-putting. I’m supposed to be a new hero that’s still learning the ropes. The people I’ve saved are established characters that have pulled of marvelous feats time and time again. A scrub like me is supposed to be bailing them out?!? This would have made sense later in the game (maybe level 20?). Perhaps the writers could have used several of DC’s damsels in distress for the early portions. For example, it would have made more sense to me if The Flash needed my help saving his wife Linda Park while he was being assaulted by Gorilla Grodd.

Diversity — I spent some time doing “Wanted” missions, tackling really powerful villains that are impossible to take down alone. Teaming up with others to down Solomon Grundy and Bizarro was a real kick. The first time I did it was a complete accident. I was randomly running around Metropolis (at super speed) and saw four heroes beating on Bizarro. Naturally, I stopped to help. He was almost defeated by the time I got there, so I got a ton of experience for a minute of fighting. In my experience, you can always count on randomly passing heroes to stop and chip in.

The group missions I’ve tackled were fun too. Teaming up as a group of four, our party received various orders from Martian Manhunter. It was basically defeat X and gather item Y over and over again, but it was fun completing the task with strangers at various levels.

This week I plan on doing more PvP missions. Hopefully my character is ready for the challenge.

Still Fun? — Yeah, I’m still enjoying the game, especially when I get to team up with my friends. I’m still marking out when different heroes and villains make appearances in my adventures. I love earning and finding new gear that makes my hero even more powerful. But, I’m still not sure I want to play for more than the 30-day trial. I have an aching suspicion that the repetitive mission structure will bore me and the novelty of the cameos will wear off. Let’s see how it goes after another week!

As always, if you have any questions about my experience with DCUO, please leave a comment. If you’d like to play with me — and it would be way more fun if you did — I’m “RPad TV” on the Crisis server.

QuakeCon 2011 Dates Announced: August 4-7

Bethesda PR has announced the dates for QuakeCon 2011. This year’s show will take place from August 4 to 7 at The Hilton Anatole Hotel in Dallas, Texas. It still feels weird typing that Bethesda is announcing id events. Ha! Anyway, here are some details from the press release:

QuakeCon will once again host North America’s largest BYOC (Bring-Your-Own-Computer) LAN party, with thousands of gamers hooking their systems up to play on a world-class network.

QuakeCon also offers nonstop fun and entertainment for those that don’t bring their own computers. Bethesda Softworks will offer the first chance anywhere for gamers to get their hands on upcoming titles, and the world’s leading technology companies will be on hand to demonstrate their latest hardware and software in the 45,000 square foot exhibit hall. Every day of QuakeCon is packed with contests, entertainment, announcements, panel discussions, and parties!

QuakeCon is the one major gaming show that I’ve yet to attend but would really like to. Perhaps I’ll go to this year’s show…though August in Texas sounds pretty gross.

How about you? Any of you interested in QuakeCon 2011? Wouldn’t marking out during a John Carmack panel be awesome?!?

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

I’ll spend most of my gaming time this weekend being heroic in DC Universe Online. I’m still enjoying the game, but I’m still not sure I want to play for more than a month. I keep waiting for the game to kick it up a notch…and it hasn’t happened yet. My copy of LittleBigPlanet 2 arrived. I played the hell out of the single-player mode during “super secret project” August. I’m looking forward to giving it another whirl and playing some user-created levels.

How about you? What’s on your weekend playlist?

BioWare Reveals Facebook Unlockable Dragon Age II Content

BioWare has revealed the unlockable content for Dragon Age II that can be snagged through its Facebook game Dragon Age Legends. Players can obtain Evra’s Might (ring), Evra’s Trophy Belt, Air of Confidence (ring), the Ivo Family Crest (necklace), and Dura’s Blue Flame (necklace). Here are the descriptions from BioWare’s Ethan Levy:

Evra’s Might
When Evra gained notoriety by defeating the Blood Sisters of Vehnstel, he was wearing his signature ring. Although the massive size of the solid gold ring attracts attention, it served a more practical purpose for Evra: he used it to punch demons in the face, sometimes felling them in a single blow.

Evra’s Trophy Belt
This grisly belt is filled with monstrous teeth, chipped blades, scraps of fur, and armor fragments. Each piece is said to be a trophy collected by Evra during his many adventures.

Air of Confidence
After averting a disaster at the Circle of Markham, Evra was given this ring by the First Enchanter. Though the Air of Confidence is not as eye-catching as his other famous ring, it is said that Evra always wore it, even when sleeping. The exact magical properties of the Air of Confidence are a subject of much speculation amongst minstrels.

Ivo Family Crest
Evolving over the years, the crest of House Ivo has become much more ornate than Paragon Ivo’s original design. This ancient golden amulet bears the original crest. Though the engravings are simple, the stark lines are somehow deeply stirring.

Dura’s Blue Flame
This weathered silver amulet has passed through many hands over the years. A deep blue sapphire almost glows in a certain light. Although time has faded its intricate engravings, the amulet has a certain majesty about it.

As I mentioned last November, social gaming is a great way to get audiences on the hook for a retail game. Dragon Age Legends will whet the appetites of longtime Dragon Age fans and possibly create some new ones. Getting unique items to use in Dragon Age II is just a sharp, sharp move. I can’t wait until Dragon Age Legends is out of beta!

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Square Enix Releases Crystal Defenders for Android

Square Enix has released Crystal Defenders for Google Android phones. Already popular for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, Crystal Defenders is a strategy (think Tower Defense) game that uses characters, jobs, and art from the Final Fantasy Tactics world. The game is priced at 600 yen. Looking it up on my T-Mobile G2 shows a U.S. price tag of $7.30.

Square Enix has had great success on iOS (that rhyme was completely unintentional, btw), but hasn’t had a significant release on Android market until now. If there’s one aspect of Android that completely sucks (a technical term) compared to iOS, it’s gaming. Hopefully Square Enix does well with Crystal Defenders and brings its other games to the Android platform. With some luck, perhaps the upcoming iOS version of Final Fantasy Tactics will appear in the Android Market too! Ah, what a lovely dream….

493 Pokemon Drawn as Cute Anime Girls

You must, Must, MUST check out this graphic of 493 Pokemon drawn as adorable anime girls (well, most of them are girls). Some of the interpretations are just awesome. I’m impressed with the art and admire the effort put into these drawings. To give you an idea of the art style, look at the interpretation of the three legendary beasts posted above.

Check out the drawings and let me know which ones caught your eye (please!).

Source via Geekologie