“Xbox Arcade” Games Easy Ports for Windows Phone 7

As many of you know, I’ve been anxious for details on how Microsoft’s upcoming Windows Phone 7 will interact with Xbox 360. Although Apple’s iOS is extremely popular and Google’s Android is growing at a crazy pace, Windows Phone 7 has a chance to stand out by positioning itself as the gamer’s mobile operating system. TechRadar was able to extract some details on WP7 from Microsoft’s Oded Ran:

There are four million Xboxes in the UK compared to 2.5 million iPhones; we’re now working with developers who know how to make games, and they’re able to port Xbox Arcade games to mobile phones easily.

Before you get too excited, it should be noted that not every Xbox Live Arcade game is an instant port to Windows Phone 7. From my understanding, XBLA games created with XNA will be easy ports. The majority of XBLA games are not made with XNA. That said, WP7 should bolster the use of XNA and give WP7’s games market a huge kick start.

*sigh* I’m still annoyed that this wasn’t shown at E3 2010.

Source via MobileCrunch

Milo and Kate for Xbox 360 Kinect is Coming: Do You Care?

Recently there was some controversy on whether Milo — the virtual indentured servant for Xbox Kinect that wowed some people and terrified others — was a real game or a tech demo. Microsoft’s American PR said one thing, but Microsoft Game Studios Peter Molyneux said something else. At the end of the day, it looks like Milo and Kate is an actual product. Sir Peter told GI Biz:

This is a full product that we’re working on. Poor Aaron Greenberg — he’s on the PR team, he hasn’t seen it since last year, so he came up with this stock answer that Milo is alive and well and living in Guildford but it’s still a tech demo. If I had spent time with him and showed him the game recently, he’d know what was going on…. All that technology that we showed at E3 last year actually does work.

While the internal Microsoft bickering is highly amusing, what I really want to know is if you care about this game. Whether it’s deserved or not, Molyneux has a reputation for not delivering on his grand promises. Milo received a ton of hype at E3 2009, but like so many Kinect projects, I don’t see how it’s fun. (Letting me beat Milo with a virtual stick would increase the entertainment value of this game by a factor of 14.) Do you care about Milo and Kate for Kinect?


Two Excellent Portal 2 Videos

Here are a pair of excellent Portal 2 videos for your drooling pleasure. As I mentioned in Coffee Talk #162, I didn’t have time to see the game at E3 2010, which totally bummed me out. The good news is that I can enjoy these videos with you and disccus ’em here! I know a few of you are Portal fans, so kindly check out these clips and let me know what you think (please)!

Tetsuya Nomura Talks The 3rd Birthday

I am incredibly psyched for Square Enix’s The 3rd Birthday, the not-quite-a-sequel to Parasite Eve. I was big fan of the first Parasite Eve game, but was disappointed in the second. I’m hoping director Tetsuya Nomura can bring the magic back for the series’ third chapter. In a recent interview with Famitsu, Nomura said:

The plan for this game was written many years back. We felt that we’d need a system that would show a uniqueness from the TPS (third person shooter) games that were being released in abundance overseas, and we came up with the Overdive system. But now a variety of TPS games are coming out. We felt that we’d need something more unique for this title, and we recently decided to add [the clothing system]. It’s something that could not be done with a rugged main character — something that would only work with Aya.

There are many who call it Parasite Eve 3. However, it’s not a sequel in the Parasite Eve series but a new piece of content called The 3rd Birthday. The tense battles that have a horror-action style, the event scenes which aim to be the highest level on PSP, the cut-ins that are made with overseas movies in mind — we believe you’ll be able to enjoy a somewhat adult world.

As much as I respect Nomura and love his games, I’m ignoring his statement that this isn’t a sequel. I don’t see how anyone can think this isn’t Parasite Eve 3. That aside, I can’t wait for this game! Anyone with me?


Coffee Talk#167: Who’s Your Favorite Boutique Publisher?

Here’s another simple Coffee Talk topic for you: who’s your favorite small publisher? In the gaming industry, it seems like every other story is about Activision or Electronic Arts, but smaller publishers are important to the business as well. I love that Atlus bring quirky Japanese games to America. I love that Nicalis helps small games like Cave Story get attention.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the NXT season one rookies being renamed “The Nexus”, the stupidity of penalty-kick shootouts, or class action suits against Apple, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Here’s another simple Coffee Talk topic for you: who’s your favorite small publisher? In the gaming industry, it seems like every other story is about Activision or Electronic Arts, but smaller publishers are important to the business as well. I love that Atlus bring quirky Japanese games to America. I love that Nicalis helps small games like Cave Story get attention. Small publishers give gamers access to lesser known games and developers. Publishers like Atlus and Nicalis add variety and character to a cookie-cutter business.

As for my favorite boutique publisher, I’m going to go with NIS America. I love Nippon Ichi Software games, especially Disgaea and its various spin-offs. The company brings over loads of great RPGs that are different, cute, and fun. Plus, prinnies are awesome.

Now it’s your turn! Who’s your favorite small publisher?

Read My Green Day: Rock Band Review on Machinima (Please)

I meant to post this last week, but forgot. Do you have the time…to listen to me whine? If so, I’d super appreciate you checking out my review of Green Day: Rock Band for Machinima.com. I enjoyed the game, but wished MTV and Harmonix went with a Guitar Hero: Metallica approach and included artists that influenced the band (Sex Pistols, Ramones, The Clash, etc.). It would have broadened the game’s appeal and made it look less ridiculous following The Beatles: Rock Band.


Pokemon Black/White Dated for September 18…in Japan

Nintendo of Japan has announced that Pokemon Black and Pokemon White will be released on September 18, 2010. If the company’s pattern holds true then expect a North American release around April 2011. *sigh* I’m kicking myself for dropping Japanese class after one semester. Being able to read Japanese would have been incredibly useful in this line of work. Ah well…capricious youth.

Danny Fong Rocks the Pokemon Theme Song A Capella

My old Pokemon nemesis Jimbo sent me a link to this completely awesome a capella performance of the original Pokemon cartoon theme song (North American version). Danny Fong did an excellent job with this and should win a medal or a trophy or something. Check it out and let me know what you think (please)!

Coffee #166: Is PlayStation Plus a Better Value Than Xbox Live?

Sony made a bold move at E3 2010 with the announcement of PlayStation Plus. A premium addition to its PlayStation Network service, PlayStation Plus launches tomorrow, June 29. It’s available for $17.99 for three months or $49.99 for 15 months (one year + a three-month bonus). For this chunk of change you get free PSN games, the Qore video-magazine, PSN discounts, automatic update downloads, full-game trials, and more. Here’s a PlayStation Blog post with more details.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, your pending application to be a FIFA referee, the summer of LeBron kicking off this week, or A-Rod + Cameron D, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Sony made a bold move at E3 2010 with the announcement of PlayStation Plus. A premium addition to its PlayStation Network service, PlayStation Plus launches tomorrow, June 29. It’s available for $17.99 for three months or $49.99 for 15 months (one year + a three-month bonus). For this chunk of change you get free PSN games, the Qore video-magazine, PSN discounts, automatic update downloads, full-game trials, and more. Here’s a PlayStation Blog post with more details.

On paper, PlayStation Plus looks like a better value than Xbox Live Gold. Microsoft’s excellent service gives you online play, access to certain content, and discounts on games. It”s different from PlayStation Plus in that gamers are primarily paying for online play with Xbox Live Gold. Sony’s service is more about non-essential (but valuable) content and services. That said, people love console wars and will compare the two no matter how different they are, so I might as well do it here too. Ha!

I’m excited to see how well (or not) PlayStation Plus works. For now, let’s discuss which service offers the better value, on paper. Do you favor Microsoft’s rock-solid and time-tested Xbox Live Gold? Or do you think PlayStation Plus is where it’s at? Kindly vote in the poll and elaborate in the comments section!

[poll id=”56″]

Shigeru Miyamoto Says That Cats Are Like Girls

During a roundtable discussions at E3 2010, Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto revealed that cats were originally part of Nintendogs, but they didn’t behave quite right. For example, when dogs are happy they wag their tail. Cats…not so much.

As with several Miyamoto games, a lot of the ideas behind Nintendogs + Cats were derived from his personal experience. As many of you know, a lot of his ideas from Zelda came from playing in caves, likewise for Pikmin and gardening, and finally Nintendogs and his family dog. Miyamoto picked up a kitten and was fascinated by the way it interacted with his dog.

Miyamoto jokingly stated that cats are similar to women:

Cats are interesting. They’re kind of like girls. If they come and talk to you, it’s great. If you go and talk to them, sometimes it doesn’t turn out so well.

Too true Mr. Miyamoto. Too true.