Today’s Poll: Are You Buying Halo Reach This Week?

My friend Ted has been bugging me to add more polls, so take this! Obviously Halo Reach is the big game this week (certainly this month and possibly this year). What I really want to know is…are you gonna go my way? are you buying it this week? Kindly vote and discuss.

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The First PlayStation Move Game I’ll Play Is…

Heavy Rain, of course. Yeah, I’ve already played a bunch of the PlayStation Move launch titles, but this is the first game I’ll dive into. Sony Computer Entertainment America product marketing manager Jefferson “The Donger” Dong announced that PlayStation Move support for Heavy Rain arrives on September 22. I’m all over that!

Are any of you going to give Heavy Rain another go with PlayStation Move? Are there any Move games you’re interested in?


Coffee Talk #212: WWE NXT’s AJ Lee is My Ultimate Woman

Thanks to WWE NXT, I have found my new “ultimate woman” for the next decade — AJ Lee. She’s obviously a beautiful woman that wrestles, but I’ve learned that she loves comic books and videogames. I don’t see how you can beat this combination. She could beat the crap out of baby seals with a baseball bat she made from a tree plucked from a rain forest she decimated and I’d still adore her. She seems to be the perfect combination of beauty, brains, athleticism, and nerdcore.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, NFL week one, your favorite MTV VMA 2010 moments, or the big HTC/Nokia events this week, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Thanks to WWE NXT, I have found my new “ultimate woman” for the next decade — AJ Lee. She’s obviously a beautiful woman that wrestles, but I’ve learned that she loves comic books and videogames. I don’t see how you can beat this combination. She could beat the crap out of baby seals with a baseball bat she made from a tree plucked from a rain forest she decimated and I’d still adore her. She seems to be the perfect combination of beauty, brains, athleticism, and nerdcore.

In case you were wondering (and even if you weren’t), Zoe Flower, my dearest BB, was my ultimate woman last decade. Now she’s an ultimate mommy. Given her new stage in life and the new decade, it seemed like the perfect time to find a new ultimate woman. May the reign of AJ Lee be a tremendous one!

Naturally, I want to know what you think of AJ. Do you have an ultimate woman? Is there anyone you can think of that can match AJ’s blend of beauty and geekiness?

This Week’s Videogame Releases

This is a pretty huge week for the videogame business. In the short term, Halo Reach is out and it will surely be one of the biggest games of 2010. PlayStation Move is also out this week; while analysts are unsure of its short-term impact, Sony will be trying to make it a big deal for years to come. Lastly, Lord of the Rings: Aragorn’s Quest hits several platforms…which is great for gamers still living in 2004.

I know that some of you are buying Reach (thanks so much for those Amazon orders!). Anyone else want to fess up to their Halo purchases? Any other games on your wish list this week?

Coffee Talk #211: Gaming Binds Us Together

Warning: I’m going to get a little sappy on you today. You see, as I was in Asia playing Wordfeud for Android with Big Blak and Slickyfats, I was amazed at how gaming brought us all together. Whether it’s reading the stuff I write, talking it up in the comments section, or playing games together while thousands of miles apart, gaming binds us (like The Force in Star Wars). It’s just a powerful and awesome thing.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Felix Hernandez’s case for the AL Cy Young Award, Shelley Malil accidentally stabbing his girlfriend more than 20 times, or when the hell the MacBook Air will be refreshed, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Warning: I’m going to get a little sappy on you today. You see, as I was in Asia playing Wordfeud for Android with Big Blak and Slickyfats, I was amazed at how gaming brought us all together. Whether it’s reading the stuff I write, talking it up in the comments section, or playing games together while thousands of miles apart, gaming binds us (like The Force in Star Wars). It’s just a powerful and awesome thing.

I “met” most of you while I was at G4tv and for various reasons, we just clicked. I’m incredibly honored that you followed me here and spend part of your day with me. Sure, we talk about sports, pop culture, tech, GHM, and Adam Lambert icons, but at the end of the day we were brought together by our love of games. After all the crazy things that have happened to me in the last year, I’m just amazed by it all and super appreciative of your company/support.

Before I get misty, I’d love to hear some of your stories on how gaming introduced you to friends and loved ones. Hopefully it sets us all up for feel-good weekends!

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

After hopping around Asia for a few weeks, adjusting to life in America, and combating jet lag (it’s winning), I’m ready to resume my gaming life! I’ve played a bunch of “Witch Hunt” for Dragon Age: Origins and will likely give it another run or two this weekend. Aside from that, there are a bunch of PSP games I want to play. My copy of Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep arrived yesterday and I’m excited to jump into that world again. My PSP Memory Stick has copies of Disgaea Infinite and Cladun waiting to be played too.

How about you? What’s on your weekend playlist?

NPD Console Sales Figures Top 10 Games of August 2010

[Michael Buffer voice] Are you ready?!? And now…the top ten games…of August 2010 as cited by NPD Group. Let’s get ready to rumble!!! [/Michael Buffer voice] Here they are:

[Michael Buffer voice] Are you ready?!? And now…the top ten games…of August 2010 as cited by NPD Group. Let’s get ready to rumble!!! [/Michael Buffer voice] Here they are:

  1. Madden NFL 11 (Xbox 360): 920,000
  2. Madden NFL 11 (PS3): 893,600
  3. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii): 124,6000
  4. Mafia 2 (Xbox 360): 121,600
  5. New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo DS): 110,400
  6. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii)
  7. Mafia 2 (PS3)
  8. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox 360)
  9. NCAA Football 11 (Xbox 360)
  10. Wii Fit Plus (Wii)

Nobody should be surprised that Madden topped the charts. I was very surprised that New Super Mario Bros. for DS made it back to the top ten. That’s pretty crazy. I’m happy for the peeps at 2K that Mafia 2 did well. On a petty note (and one that I can’t entirely explain), I’m please that Just Dance is nowhere to be found.

Any thoughts on August’s top ten?!? Shout it out in the comments section (please)!

Namco Bandai Confirms Keita Takahashi’s Departure

According to Gamasutra, Namco Bandai has officially confirmed the (much rumored) departure of Keita Takahashi. Best known as the creative force behind Katamari Damacy and Noby Noby Boy, Takahashi has a reputation for making refreshingly unique and original games.

His departure isn’t too surprising. He’s currently working on designing parks for children and seems more interested in that than videogames. As recently as last month he seemed disenchanted with the direction the gaming business is headed. He told CVG:

I’m actually not thinking about a future in games. It’s not that I’m not interested in them, but I want to try lots of different things. At E3 I saw people putting on speeches but I thought the future seemed a bit dark. The 3D games didn’t spark my interest. I think motion control’s a bit old now, I don’t think those games are the future. It all seemed a bit dull.

I sincerely hope Takahashi ends up making games again. In an industry full of copycats and countless World War II shooters, Takahashi always had something cheerful and original to offer. Are any of you guys going to miss him?

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This Week’s Videogame Release

I’m still getting back into the swing of things in America, but as far as I can tell there’s only one interesting game out this week: Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions. As a comic-book nerd and videogame nerd, I’m all over this one…except that the “Witch Hunt” DLC for Dragon Age: Origins is also out this week. Sorry Spidey, BioWare takes priority over you.

Any of you down with Shattered Dimensions? Perhaps there’s something else on your wish list for this week? Remember, with great power comes….