What Are You Playing This Weekend?

I’ll be playing Green Day: Rock Band for a good chunk of the weekend. I’m reviewing the game for Machinima…but honestly, I rather not be playing anything. I want to rest my eyes. I want to rest me ears. Next week my senses are going to be blitzed by E3 2010! I’m excited for the … Continue reading “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

Power Gig: Rise of the SixString Uses “Real” Guitar: Will it Work?

Seven45 Studios has announced that it has signed Eric Clapton, Kid Rock, and the Dave Matthews Band to provide songs for its upcoming game, Power Gig: Rise of the SixString for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Considering that music games had a relatively poor year in 2009, you’d think a company would be nuts to … Continue reading “Power Gig: Rise of the SixString Uses “Real” Guitar: Will it Work?”

This Week’s Console Game Releases

Last week was pretty much a dud, but this week’s videogame releases are here to save the day! On the multi-platform front you have Green Day: Rock Band and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11. The Nintendo DS has Mega Man Zero Collection for those of you looking for some old-school platformer excitement. Last, but certainly … Continue reading “This Week’s Console Game Releases”

Steve Jobs WWDC 2010 Keynote Live Blog

It’s time for another thrilling Apple World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) keynote by his royal worshipfulness Steve Jobs! The new iPhone is expected to debut today, but there are lots of other interesting goodies rumored to appear too — free MobileMe, iTunes OTA service, MacMini update, MacBook Air Update, Safari 5, and more. Let’s see … Continue reading “Steve Jobs WWDC 2010 Keynote Live Blog”

What’s Going Down at Apple WWDC 2010?

Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference kicks off on Monday and the Internet is ablaze with speculation on what’s up the company’s sleeves. The announcement of the new iPhone is expected, but there are lots of other interesting rumors floating around. Some are thinking that Apple will finally announce other carriers for the iPhone, others are pointing … Continue reading “What’s Going Down at Apple WWDC 2010?”

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

I think I’m finally over my Scrabble phase (well…mostly). This weekend I want to jump back into the world of gamers’ games! I have Alan Wake and Split / Second waiting on my Xbox 360. This seems like a fine weekend to tackle both. On the downloadable front, I’m going to give Rocket Knight a … Continue reading “What Are You Playing This Weekend?”

Coffee Talk #151: Where Do You Play Games?

Whether I’ve “known” you for a few weeks or few years, one thing we have in common is that we love to play games. You’re probably thinking, “Duh!”, but stay with me for a sec. One thing I don’t know about you is where you play games. Do you have your living room decked out with a crazy surround-sound system? Perhaps you prefer playing in bed while leaning on your favorite pillow. Maybe you’ve constructed an elaborate man/woman cave for gaming. Today I want to hear all about your gaming setup. So please take this poll and tell me about your rig!

Coffee Talk #150: Do You Want to Control Games with Your Voice?

Google Android’s voice recognition is pretty outstanding. I’ve been loving it on the Evo 4G and I’m surprised that it works so well. The voice capabilities of the phone got me thinking — if voice recognition can be effective on a mobile phone with a 1GHz processor, then shouldn’t it just completely rock on a console with a multi-core CELL chip? Sure, games like Seaman and Hey You Pikachu were gimmicky, but I think the right developer could use today’s voice recognition and console power in a really fun way.

HTC Evo 4G Part II: Battery Life, WiFi Hotspot, Kickstand, and More

After three full days (going on four) with the Evo 4G, here are more thoughts on this excellent HTC phone. This time around I’m covering battery life, the kickstand, more thoughts on the screen, streaming video using Qik, and how the phone works as a WiFi hotspot. If you haven’t read my initial impressions yet, … Continue reading “HTC Evo 4G Part II: Battery Life, WiFi Hotspot, Kickstand, and More”

Today’s Poll: The Miz (WWE) vs. Miz (Lumines)

Today’s poll is for Miz supremacy! Let’s meet the combatants. WWE’s The Miz (Challenger): To use his catchphrase, “He’s The Miz…and he’s awesome!” Whether you love listening to his excellent promos or love to hate him, The Miz has come a long way from MTV’s The Real World. He used his fame from that reality … Continue reading “Today’s Poll: The Miz (WWE) vs. Miz (Lumines)”