Microsoft E3 2010 Press Conference: What Did You Think?!?

Thanks to everyone that joined me for my Microsoft E3 2010 press conference live blog. Now that the presser is over, I want to get your thoughts on MS’ showing. As for me, I was mostly bored with the content. Aside from Metal Gear Solid: Rising and Gears of War 3, I didn’t see much … Continue reading “Microsoft E3 2010 Press Conference: What Did You Think?!?”

Microsoft (Xbox) E3 2010 Press Conference Live Blog

After kicking off its E3 2010 press activities with an extraordinarily lame event (by most accounts), Microsoft hopes for a second wind with its Monday morning press conference. While Kinect (Project Natal) was the focus last night, look for big news on games, the evolution of Xbox Live, and more. Rumors are swirling about an … Continue reading “Microsoft (Xbox) E3 2010 Press Conference Live Blog”

E3 2010 Party Pics: B4 by 47 Communications

47 Communications’ B4 party is truly the best way to kick off E3. It’s a very chill event that serves as the calm before the storm (you know, when E3 explodes in all our faces). The party is kind of like the first day of summer camp. Everyone is just getting in and you get … Continue reading “E3 2010 Party Pics: B4 by 47 Communications”

Sunday Housekeeping: Pre-E3 Edition

It’s E3 week! Can you feel the love tonight?!? (Lion King lines Raymond? Seriously?!?) I’m off to my first E3 party in a few hours, but wanted to give you a heads up on my plans for the week. It’ll be so much fun talking about the show with you guys and dolls. – I’m … Continue reading “Sunday Housekeeping: Pre-E3 Edition”

Coffee Talk #160: Five Games I Can’t Wait to See at E3 2010

I’m so, so, so psyched for E3 2010!!! Like Phil Collins, I can feel it coming in the air tonight. With the show just around the corner, I get these random bouts of excited energy (I’m pretty sure this is what “Hulking up” is like). The energy has caused me to think about the five known games I’m looking forward to at this year’s show. Here they are!

Coffee Talk #158: If You Could Go to One E3 2010 Presser….

Every year, E3 kicks off with major press conference by the “big three” — Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony. These press conferences set the tone of the show and shape how things on the show floor are perceived. If you could attend one of these press conferences next week, which one would it be and why?

Coffee Talk #157: E3 Games That Excite You

E3 is next week! There are going to be oodles and oodles of fantastic games at E3 2010 — some of them you know about already and others are sure to surprise. I want to know what games you’re looking forward to learning more about at this year’s show. Shoot off one game you know about and one game you’re hoping for.

Microsoft Announcing Hulu on Xbox 360 at E3 2010?

Here’s a hot E3 2010 rumor by way of Gear Live — Microsoft will announce a premium version of Hulu that will be available on Xbox 360. The look would be similar to how Netflix shows up on the Xbox Live dashboard. A paid subscription would also be required. Remember, Hulu was rumored to be … Continue reading “Microsoft Announcing Hulu on Xbox 360 at E3 2010?”

PSN Premium Service to be Unveiled at E3 2010?

In addition to the rumors that Sony will announce the PSP2 at E3 2010, VG247 has heard that the company will also unveil a premium PSN service at its press conference. The service is said to include one free PSN title a month (from a limited selection) and a streaming music service similar to Spotify. … Continue reading “PSN Premium Service to be Unveiled at E3 2010?”

And the PSP2 E3 2010 Rumors Keep on Coming!

The PSP2 rumor mill is heating up (I’m not really sure if mills actually heat up, but let’s go with it). The latest info comes from VG247. The site’s sources told it the following: The PSP2 will have a touchscreen The system will likely come out in early 2011, not 2010 UK developers are already working on … Continue reading “And the PSP2 E3 2010 Rumors Keep on Coming!”