Coffee Talk #158: If You Could Go to One E3 2010 Presser….

Every year, E3 kicks off with major press conference by the “big three” — Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony. These press conferences set the tone of the show and shape how things on the show floor are perceived. If you could attend one of these press conferences next week, which one would it be and why?

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the Celtics being totally lame at home, Russell Brand’s genius starting to be recognized, or the Harry Potter theme park, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Every year, E3 kicks off with major press conference by the “big three” — Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony. These press conferences set the tone of the show and shape how things on the show floor are perceived. If you could attend one of these press conferences next week, which one would it be and why?

Would you pick Microsoft? MS was the first company to realize that modern press conferences have a theatrical aspect to them and put on the first E3 pressers that were cool enough to be televised. Sony usually has the most technically impressive press conference, but its executives aren’t the best public speakers (hell, Kaz Hirai looked like he was boring himself last year). Nintendo’s recent pressers have been way more about the mainstream, but the company has the best “character” execs. Reggie Fils-Aime is the best speaker from any of the big three, Satoru Iwata’s English is totally charming, and seeing Shigeru Miyamoto in person is always thrilling.

So which presser would you pick and why? Tell me, tell me, tell me (please)!!!

Author: RPadTV

41 thoughts on “Coffee Talk #158: If You Could Go to One E3 2010 Presser….”

  1. Microsoft.

    I could use a big laugh while watching overweight kids, geriatrics, and soccer moms all flailing their arms about like crazed monkeys with bees on their arms.


  2. It depends.

    I'd normally pick MS because of the show and spectacle they tend to put on… but if Kevin Butler is doing the Sony presser, I'd have to go with Sony.

  3. I want to say Microsoft just to see what they have to show for Natal, but I really just want to see what Sony has to say. Also I agree with N8R, Kevin Butler there would make it all worthwhile. I always look forward to his commercials. Favs are a toss up between the MAG commercial and the Uncharted 2 Hot GF one.

  4. MS just to see how they're going to pawn Natal on us but if i heard KB VP of whatever was going to be there presenting something, i'd be at Sony's presser.


    don't forget the MLB10 w/ joe mauer and the GOW 3 one too.

  5. Konami, so I can see what Kojima is up to.

    Hardware…hmmm…probably Sony this year. Nintendo would just bother me.

  6. Sony's. They should be showing LBP2, Killzone 3, Infamous 2, GT5, The Last Gaurdian, and hopefully Syphon Filter 5, Twisted Metal, Starhawk, 8 Days, The Getaway, and Agent. It's all about the games.

  7. Using EasyTether on my Evo 4G. Here are the results.

    Download: 1.72Mbps

    Upload: 0.15Mbps

    Ping: 119ms

    Also, thanks for keeping the site active while I was away. I had a meeting with Shacknews to talk about E3. I'll be working for those guys this year, but will have some content for this site too! Now it's off to Intelligentsia to get my bag of E3 coffee beans and finally headed home!

  8. I have decided to emulate Slicky. I walked around work today with Pandora playing Romantic Period classical music on low volume…I had my own personal theme today.

  9. @Ray

    Is that a normal UP speed for Sprint in your area? My ATT up is typically that low which I find disappointing.

    1. @smartguy I'm not yet sure what normal is for Sprint. That test was done near UCLA. Near my apartment in Koreatown I sometimes get faster upload speeds than download speeds.

  10. I also just watched the WWDC keynote…amazing how he read a lot of the speculations after that Giz story hit. Truly awesome.

  11. You live in Koreatown? Is there a Chinatown? Am I confusing the two?

    I ask simply because NOLA doesn't have a town inside of it. Irish Channel and Garden District are about as distinctive as it gets. I really need to visit California.

  12. @Smartguy

    THE BEST WALK AROUND MUSIC!!! Pandora Create TED LEWIS & HIS BAND Station!!!

  13. @slicky

    LOL, I created a Station based on Michael Jackson. I really want to walk around to the Thriller album tomorrow. Perhaps I will do that before lunch and then Ted Lewis after lunch.

    Your idea has to be one of the most brilliant ever.

  14. @smartguy

    what station creates Romantic Period classical music? What do I type in?

  15. I typed in Piano Concerto and it actually popped up with selections to be more specific

  16. @Ray

    wow, that's a lot of asia inside of L.A. lol. NOLA is a dwarf city compared to most big cities.

  17. @Ray

    If you ever go visit that place let me know. I'll buy the beers and buy you some food.

  18. I would have to say Microsoft, but I would probably say the same thing every year for the past several only because I am a bigger supporter of the 360 and xbox1. I just like the system and find it more entertaining, so I would rather see what is in store for me. Nintendo would have lost me when they came out with the gamecube, really didn't like it as much as the N64. And I might have gone to Playstation's when the PS2 was on top pre-xbox1.

    Software side of the things I am really curious as to what Valve is going to show. Still disappointed about Portal 2 being delayed until next year though :(

  19. So I'm a little mad right now. I just spent $10 on Battlefield 1943 (as usual I'm showing up late to the party) but it was on sale and I have been wanting to play it for a while. Sat to down to try it out after it finished downloading…and it won't connect so I can't play.

  20. @bsu

    that sucks, but it is very worth $10. I need to pick mine up again, after I download it to my ne PS3 of course, man this is really really sucking.

  21. @Slicky

    Yeah it looked like a good game before, but when it went on sale I figured that was the time to get it. I'm just not sure why it isn't connecting, I checked my connection strength on a few other games and they all said it was fine, so I am thinking something is wrong with my upload speed through my ISP…which will be changing pretty soon when I move to my new apartment in a couple months thank god!

  22. @bsu

    make sure you EA account info is correct. That game rocks btw. Wish the new battlefields had fighter planes. Nothing sweeter than dropping the bombs on a tank full of people.

  23. @smartguy

    You rocking your walk around music today? I got my Ted Lewis station running and it keeps reminding me of the radios on Fallout 3.

  24. @Slicky @Smartguy

    I might have to try this walking around with a soundtrack all day thing sometime. Idk if I could stand to do that all day though.

    I did finally get to play some Battlefield 1943 last night though, I don't know what changed but it all of a sudden worked.

  25. @bsu

    You should give it a go. When the right songs plays at just the right moment it can make your entire day.


    dang it would be hard for me to walk around with Thriller playing and try not to bust out some Thiller moves.

  26. Isn't Microsoft throwing two pressers this year? One for Natal and their normal one. I'd go to the non Natal presser because lets face, both Sony and Nintendo s' are going to be all about motion control and if Microsoft throws an extra one for Natal, that means the other one might have less motion control thrown at you than the other pressers.

  27. @slicky

    I had just got to work and went to get some coffee. I was standing by the coffee pot wearing my suit and tie with my phone in my left breast pocket playing ever so lightly.

    I had the hardest time keeping a straight face. There were half a dozen ppl getting coffee. This is brilliant.

  28. @ray

    I had to google what HBK was (found a youtube vid) That would be hilarious.

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