Microsoft E3 2010 Press Conference: What Did You Think?!?

Thanks to everyone that joined me for my Microsoft E3 2010 press conference live blog. Now that the presser is over, I want to get your thoughts on MS’ showing. As for me, I was mostly bored with the content. Aside from Metal Gear Solid: Rising and Gears of War 3, I didn’t see much that was fun or compelling. Et vous?

Author: RPadTV

21 thoughts on “Microsoft E3 2010 Press Conference: What Did You Think?!?”

  1. Microsoft basically just showed off why that studied showed that no one gives a crap about motion controls. There was nothing ground-breaking or magic there.

  2. I was liveblogging in spirit… but thankfully I missed the non-sensationalism of it.

    In all fairness, it was gonna be kinda hard for them to top last year's presser. They had the Beatles for christ's sake.

  3. @slicky

    no i don't think they did.

    This is why i'm going to hold off on buying this new 360, knowing MS they are going to bundle it around the holidays. i agree with smartguy, the kinect inspired demos were a lot like the Wii games just now they're in HD. I'm looking forward to MGS and Gears of War 3.

  4. That was horrible. Some of those Nat……err, Kinect demos were completely staged. Where was the huge megatons that we were promised? Was it the timed exclusive COD map pack deal? MS really dropped the ball this year. And why are they dodging the price of Kinect?

  5. Hahahaha, if your ISP doesn't support ESPN3(60) then you can't get it lol. That's good. So isn't that why we need net neutrality? So an ISP cannot prevent you from using a paid for service? I'd be real pissed if I was on a capped ISP and couldn't have the option.

    Gamestop lists the price at $150

  6. it's a good thing comcast just added Espn 3(60) support recently. I am able to watch some sporting events that i can't get at times. did they say when this will be available??

  7. Did you guys notice that there will be no NFL football on the ESPN Xbox stream deal?

  8. @Forza

    Um thanks for letting me walk around a car and sit in it but not actually drive it. Show some game play. The car walk around is the same thing you do on any dealer site with a virtual tour.

  9. @tokz_21 He actually had a valid point and Paul Pierce admitted it. The Celtics blew a lot of games in the fourth quarter in the regular season. Totally different rules in the playoffs though.

  10. @smartguy/rpad

    oh im not saying that he was wrong in saying it or that he was out of line. I pointed it out because it was good for him to be wrong. It just shows that regular season stats cannot be applied to the playoffs

  11. That was a bore. As soon as they started talking about Kinect, it all went down hill. They should have spent more time on games than shovelware. And nothing new for Live on top of it?

  12. @tokz

    of course they can. I think Boston got a string of luck in the last few minutes of that game last night. I think the Lakers win the next two and get another title though. If only one other guy would have been productive they could have pulled it off.

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