This Week’s Videogame Releases

There are lots of great games hitting shelves this week! In the immortal words of Michael Buffer (or Triple H), “Are you ready?!?” Enslaved has been getting great buzz from the enthusiast press. I really liked this game at E3 2010 and can’t wait to jump into it. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow just might be … Continue reading “This Week’s Videogame Releases”

List of Nintendo 3DS Games in Development

Here’s a list of Nintendo 3DS games that are in development. It’s based on stuff I saw at E3 2010, assorted press releases, and the sizzle reel posted above. When you have a moment, please let me know which games have you excited for Nintendo’s next handheld console. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time … Continue reading “List of Nintendo 3DS Games in Development”

Nintendo 3DS Release Date: Japan February 26, America March 2011

Nintendo recently held a press conference in Japan, revealing the launch date of its Nintendo 3DS handheld console — February 26, 2011 in Japan and March 2011 in America/Europe. Longtime handheld gamers will be pleased to learn that Game Boy and Game Boy Advance titles will be available for download, similar to the Wii Virtual … Continue reading “Nintendo 3DS Release Date: Japan February 26, America March 2011”

3D Star Wars Movies Coming in 2012? Is Nothing Sacred?!?

Just when you thought George Lucas hasn’t done enough to tarnish the Star Wars franchise, it looks like the movies will hit theaters in 3D next year. Yes, Jar Jar Binks and those frickin’ ewoks will torture you in three dimensions. According to The Hollywood Reporter: Sources indicate that George Lucas is set to re-release … Continue reading “3D Star Wars Movies Coming in 2012? Is Nothing Sacred?!?”

NBA Elite 11 Delayed, NBA Jam Standalone Coming in 2010

That bad news is that NBA Elite 11 has been delayed. The good news is that NBA Jam for PS3 and Xbox 360 will be available as standalone products. EA Sports president Peter Moore recently blogged: NBA Jam will launch on the Wii, as scheduled, on October 5. NBA Jam won recognition this summer as … Continue reading “NBA Elite 11 Delayed, NBA Jam Standalone Coming in 2010”

Cammie Dunaway Leaving Nintendo on October 1

Nintendo of America has announced that executive vice president of sales & marketing Cammie Dunaway will be leaving the company on October 1, 2010. Here’s a press release quote from NOA CEO Reggie Fils-Aime: We appreciate Cammie’s contributions to Nintendo and the role she played in bringing the Wii and Nintendo DS experiences to millions … Continue reading “Cammie Dunaway Leaving Nintendo on October 1”

Ninja Gaiden 3 Revealed…With a Piece of Concept Art

At a private Tecmo-Koei dinner in Japan, Team Ninja’s Yosuke Hayashi unveiled Ninja Gaiden 3 with a piece of concept art. I love it! It reminds me of E3 meetings in the late ’90s when European developers would show me sketches of their game on a flip-book and bore me to tears about heady concepts … Continue reading “Ninja Gaiden 3 Revealed…With a Piece of Concept Art”

Coffee Talk #214: Five Things I Can’t Wait to See at TGS 2010

I’m so bummed that I’m missing Tokyo Game Show. Part of it is that it’s always incredibly fun hanging out with writer, developer, and PR friends in Tokyo. Part of it is that the karaoke is simply the best (I’ve never seen so many Pixies songs available anywhere else in the world). Lastly, part of it is that my tastes lean towards Japanese games and the announcements are usually super exciting for gamers like me. Here are five things I’m looking forward to hearing more about during TGS 2010.

Namco Bandai Confirms Keita Takahashi’s Departure

According to Gamasutra, Namco Bandai has officially confirmed the (much rumored) departure of Keita Takahashi. Best known as the creative force behind Katamari Damacy and Noby Noby Boy, Takahashi has a reputation for making refreshingly unique and original games. His departure isn’t too surprising. He’s currently working on designing parks for children and seems more … Continue reading “Namco Bandai Confirms Keita Takahashi’s Departure”

DanceMasters Gamescom 2010 Screens Are Frickin’ Hilarious!

Considering that most of you weren’t nearly as excited as I was with Dance Central at E3 2010, I’m guessing that most of you will not care about DanceMasters for Xbox 360. Stay with me though. This Kinect game is being made by the Dance Dance Revolution people and those peeps know rhythm games. More … Continue reading “DanceMasters Gamescom 2010 Screens Are Frickin’ Hilarious!”