Coffee Talk #74: Apple iPad and the Return of Gaming Magazines

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Roger Federer’s chances at the Australian Open, the wonderful mic skills of The Miz (he’s awesome), or a possible mag-lev train from Florida to California, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

While most consumers are focused on the hardware aspects of the Apple iPad tablet, a lot of analysts are amped for what it can do for the book and magazine industries. Assuming the screen is readable for a long period of time, I can see the device killing in the book market. Considering Apple’s longtime outreach in the education market and a rumored deal with a major textbook company, I can see the iPad killing at universities. I’m fairly certain the Amazon Kindle and the Barnes & Noble Nook will get stomped.

What I’m not certain of is if the iPad can “save” newspapers and magazines. I’m sure the hardware and format will let designers use the best elements of print and online, but I don’t know that it matters. The Internet has changed the way people look for and absorb information. Consumers are no longer tied to once voice like they were with one magazine or one newspaper. The Internet allows readers to cheaply jump from voice to voice, picking the content they like best.

That said, I miss the days when EGM, GamePro, and (especially) Next-Gen were the top sources of gaming information. I hope devices like the iPad kick-start a print Renaissance. What do you guys and gals think? Will the iPad help bring gaming magazines back? Would you even be interested in subscribing to an iPad magazine? Or has the Internet changed your reading habits forever?

Apple Tablet Most Important Thing Steve Jobs Ever Did?

“This will be the most important thing I’ve ever done.”

That’s (allegedly) what Steve Jobs has been telling senior Apple executives and colleagues in regards to the Apple Tablet. Those are bold words from a man that helped launch so many “insanely great” Apple products and helped Pixar become a movie powerhouse.

Is this more of Jobs’ Machiavellian marketing? Or does he really believe that the Apple tablet will change the world? Not to be morbid, but I think it’s a case of sentimentality caused by a near-death experience.

What do you think of Jobs’ words? Will the Apple tablet be the most important part of his storied career?


Today’s Poll: Tomorrow’s Apple Presser and You

Apple is holding a press conference tomorrow and it’s rumored to be unveiling quite a few new products. Some of the updates are expected (iLife), while others are like the Love Boat — exciting and new (iPad). I wanted to see which possible announcement has you the most excited. So please vote!

[poll id=”21″]

Google Giving Away Phones at GDC 2010 to Spur Development

Think Services has announced that “qualifying developers” that register for Game Developers Conference 2010 will receive a pair of Google Android phones: the Google Nexus One and the Motorola Droid. It’s a smart move by Google; its Android Marketplace lacks quality games and its competitors are making aggressive moves in the gaming space. Thousands of companies are trying to cash in on the installed base of Apple’s iPhone OS, while Palm recently released development tools that make porting games to its WebOS operating system (Palm Pre, Palm Pixi) much easier.

Now if I can just convince one of my development friends to register me as a designer so I don’t have to pay $529 for a Nexus One….

Apple Working with EA on iPad Games?

Apple is aiming to make a big splash with its iPad tablet next week and hopes that games from Electronic Arts will help generate interest in the product. While the iPhone and iPod Touch market is one of the fastest growing segments in the gaming industry, Apple hopes that developers will flock to its upcoming tablet. EA’s games could serve as an example to other developers. According to The Wall Street Journal:

Apple is also working with videogame publisher Electronic Arts Inc. to show off the tablet’s game capabilities, according to one person familiar with the matter.

While I’m sure the iPad (or iSlate or iTablet) will be a success, I’m certain that it will only do a fraction of the numbers the iPhone has done. A lot of people need phones and love the extended multimedia capabilities the iPhone offers. The iPad, on the other hand, appears to be a pure luxury; nobody needs a multimedia tablet with Internet capabilities. With that in mind, the installed base of the iPad will be a fraction of the iPhone’s, making it less appealing to developers.

The important thing to remember is that since both products will presumably be using iPhone 4.0 software, developers can write the bulk of the code for the iPhone and (again, presumably) optimize code for the larger tablet. Theoretically, it shouldn’t add too much additional work. I’ll ping some of my developer friends and see what they think.

If Apple and its partners deliver a healthy dose of games for the iPad, will that make the device more appealing to you?


AT&T Needs to Spend $5-Billion to Catch up to Verizon?

According to Gerard Hallaren, director of research at TownHall Investment Research, AT&T would need to drop some serious cash to get its network on the same level as Verizon’s — (using Dr. Evil voice) five-billion dollars!!! PC World has reported:

AT&T would need to spend about US $5 billion on its wireless network to catch up with the coverage offered by Verizon Wireless.

The $5 billion investment gap could expand to $7 billion because of the need for new backhaul capacity to link AT&T’s wireless network into the wired Internet, Hallaren said.

Although AT&T has been spending more money to improve its network, I wouldn’t expect Verizon-quality service any time soon — certainly not in this economy. Of course there’s always the chance that the Wireless Fairy will fly down from the heavens and improve AT&T’s network with a wave of her magic wand.


Apple Replacing Google Search with Microsoft Bing on iPhone?

[Update: 11:11AM PST] Apple’s iPhone is the most popular consumer smartphone on the market, while Google’s search engine is the leader in that space. They’re two great tastes that go great together, right? Wrong! Since Apple and Google are competing in more and more areas, the war between the two is getting ugly. The latest rumor is that Apple is in talks with Microsoft to use Bing as the default search engine on the iPhone. According to BusinessWeek:

Apple is in talks with Microsoft to replace Google as the default search engine on its iPhone, according to two people familiar with the matter. The talks have been under way for weeks, say the people, who asked not to be named because the details have not been made public.

You know things are getting nasty when Apple is enlisting the aid of Microsoft. *sigh* On a macro level, I wish Apple and Google would knock it off. I like several products from both companies; I don’t want to choose sides. On a micro level, I don’t care for Bing. A few of my friends swear by it, but I’ve been pretty unimpressed so far. Plus, I’m just used to Google’s search results.

What do you think of the news? Would you be irritated by Bing being the default search engine on your iPhone or iPod Touch?

Update: A reader just reminded me that Bing is the only search engine available on several Verizon phones. This might be a stretch, but perhaps iPhone 4.0 software has Bing as the default to make way for a future Verizon product?]


A Quick Fix for Google Nexus One 3G Issues?

Some Google Nexus One owners have been complaining about an issue with the phone constantly switching between Edge and 3G signals. The problem drains battery life, impacts call quality, and affects data throughput. One well known tech blog was able to solve the problem by changing a few settings. Here’s the fix from jkontherun:

In “Settings,” I went to “Wireless & networks.” Look for the “Mobile Networks” option at the bottom of this listing. The next screen has a “Network Operators” section — tap it. Your Nexus One will search for compatible GSM networks in the area. Once it’s complete, you’ll see the choices, which will consist of T-Mobile and/or AT&T. You’ll also see a choice to Select Automatically — tap it and your phone should say “Registered on network.” That’s it. That’s all I did and I immediately saw the phone jump from EDGE to T-Mobile’s fast 3G network.

As I mentioned in another story, I was fairly certain that the problem was on the software side. This quick fix indicates that my assessment is correct and I should get a Nobel Prize of some sort. If you happen to have a Nexus One and have been plagued by the frequency switching issue, please let me know if this fix works for you.


Aliph Unveils Jawbone Icon Bluetooth Headset with MyTalk

Aliph has announced its latest Bluetooth headset in its lauded Jawbone line — the Jawbone Icon. The design is shorter and fatter than previous models, while the excellent noise cancellation is allegedly improved. The most notable addition is MyTalk, which lets users update and customize features via downloadable apps. Here’s a snippet from the press release:

Aliph — maker of the market-leading Jawbone Bluetooth headset and inventor of NoiseAssassin, the world’s first and only military-grade noise-eliminating technology — today unveiled its most sophisticated product yet, Jawbone ICON. Jawbone ICON offers unprecedented ease of use and audio quality as well as an industry-first software platform called MyTALK that lets users personalize and update their Jawbones via the web. Jawbone ICON will be available for $99.99 beginning January 18 in six unique design personas.

I’m a big fan of Aliph’s products and currently use a Jawbone Prime with my PlayStation 3 and mobile phones. Provided you can achieve a good fit, there isn’t a Bluetooth headset I’d recommend more. The Icon seems like an incremental upgrade on the hardware side, with some interesting potential through MyTalk.

Out of curiousity, what Bluetooth headsets do you ladies and gents use?

Apple Talking iLife, iPhone 4.0, and iSlate on January 27?

According to Fox News, Apple’s January 27th event will focus on iLife, iPhone 4.0, and the highly anticipated Apple tablet (possibly called the iSlate or iTablet). Some tech reporters suggested that the MacBook Pro line would get a much-needed refresh to include Intel’s latest quad-core CPUs. Fox’s Clayton Morris reported:

I spoke to a source at Apple this morning, before the invite hit my inbox, who said the event would likely focus on three projects: The tablet device, iPhone 4, and a new round of iLife 2010 software. While we won’t see new iPhone hardware just yet, we will see the next-generation software.

The Apple tablet and iPhone 4.0 software go hand in hand, so that’s not surprising. Some people will be disappointed that iLife will be a focus, but I think it’s fantastic software suite that’s one of Apple’s great differentiators for casual consumers. I was personally hoping for some Intel quad-core love for the MacBook Pros or even the 21.5-inch iMac, but it looks like that will come another day.

Any thoughts on the possible Apple leak?
