A Quick Fix for Google Nexus One 3G Issues?

Some Google Nexus One owners have been complaining about an issue with the phone constantly switching between Edge and 3G signals. The problem drains battery life, impacts call quality, and affects data throughput. One well known tech blog was able to solve the problem by changing a few settings. Here’s the fix from jkontherun:

In “Settings,” I went to “Wireless & networks.” Look for the “Mobile Networks” option at the bottom of this listing. The next screen has a “Network Operators” section — tap it. Your Nexus One will search for compatible GSM networks in the area. Once it’s complete, you’ll see the choices, which will consist of T-Mobile and/or AT&T. You’ll also see a choice to Select Automatically — tap it and your phone should say “Registered on network.” That’s it. That’s all I did and I immediately saw the phone jump from EDGE to T-Mobile’s fast 3G network.

As I mentioned in another story, I was fairly certain that the problem was on the software side. This quick fix indicates that my assessment is correct and I should get a Nobel Prize of some sort. If you happen to have a Nexus One and have been plagued by the frequency switching issue, please let me know if this fix works for you.


Author: RPadTV


5 thoughts on “A Quick Fix for Google Nexus One 3G Issues?”

  1. @RPad – as I was playing Dragon Age late in to the evening last night I thought of another one. Every time Leliana talks about her home I sing in my head "Orlais.. Orlais..Orlais, Orlais, Orlais!

    Don't know if that translates without tune but it's like Olay!

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