Congratulations to Sgt. smartguy!!!

Please join me in congratulating RPadholic smartguy for becoming a…let me see if I have this right…sergeant for being a senior tax manager for a law enforcement agency. In WWE terms, I believe this makes him a cross between Sgt. Slaughter and Irwin R. Schyster. I’m also certain this makes him one of the few RPadholics that’s allowed to carry a gun (legally). Now it’s time to start scripting a new RPad.TV original series featuring smartguy harassing people that haven’t filed their taxes.

Off to DICE 2012!

Howdy guys and dolls! I’m off to Las Vegas for DICE 2012. As many of you know, this is my favorite gaming-industry event by a Queens Blvd. mile (country miles are meh). I’m looking forward to some excellent networking, catching some outstanding panels, attending the Interactive Achievement Awards, and chatting with some of the most creative people in gaming. Also…video poker!

I’ll be checking on the site between sessions and drinks networking. I’ll also be posting pictures on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter. It’ll be just like attending with me (minus the hangover)!

Thanks For Playing!

Thanks to everyone that played (or chatted while the rest of us played) Scrabble and Uno on Xbox Live last night. As per my 2012 gaming resolution, I want to make sure we do these Invitational play sessions regularly. In a few weeks I’d like to give the PS3 a go and play some poker on PlayStation Home as per RPadholic N8R’s suggestion. I also want to hear about any suggestions you have for games. Let’s try to keep things to downloadable titles so that nobody has to go to a game store to participate.

Please leave your game suggestions for future PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 Invitationals in the comments section!

Read Me on CuteMonster (Please)!

If you have a chance, please read this interview I did with CuteMonster. It’s a cool web site whose “mission is to provide a resource for Dads with young children.” In the interview I talk about videogame consoles, tablet computing, motion, and all that good stuff.

The site’s owner, Vincent Daly, is an old coworker of mine from Happy Puppy. I want his site to do well, so please give it a look and leave a comment if you have time.

A Very Chick Magnet Christmas

Big thanks to RPadholic N8R for sending in all these fantastic Christmas photos for his magnet. Some of them are pics of the magnet nestled in his Christmas decorations. I love his Simpsons set! Other pics include the magnet in the ring with several WWE Superstars, including my boy Bryan Danielson Daniel Bryan! Check ’em out.

[nggallery id=82] Chick Magnet: Nightshade’s WWF IC Belt

Haven’t done one of these in a while. If you guys and gals still have your magnets, please send in some holiday-themed photos if you have the chance. For now, please enjoy this excellent picture from RPadholic nightshade386. He put his magnet on a classic WWF — not WWE! — Intercontinental Championship! The Honky Tonk man would be proud.

Share Your Black Friday Loot

Since I’m going to be spending most of today in the air and a couple of hours in Chicago, I’m going to miss most of the Black Friday madness. I did manage to pick up two items before I left. First is The Social Network for $10. It’s a fantastic movie and I’m really looking forward to hearing the two commentary tracks. The other goodie I picked up is a Hario Buono kettle. Water control is so important when using pour-over methods like my beloved Chemex. The Buono is used by many baristas I know. It’s one of the best out there for the price.

When the dust clears, please let me know what Black Friday deals you scored. And please, please, please don’t forget to check Amazon’s various Black Friday offerings.

Samsung Galaxy Nexus Live Blog Announcement

Here’s a heads up that I’ll be live blogging the Samsung Galaxy Nexus press conference featuring Google Android Ice Cream Sandwich. The presser kicks off on October 18, 2011 at 7:00PM Pacific Time. I hope a bunch of you join me so that we can watch the event together and make wise-ass comments. It’ll be fun!