Netflix Picks: Iron Man Extremis Motion Comics

It’s time for everyone to share their Netflix streaming movie recommendations! I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the Iron Man: Extremis motion comics. Based on the critically acclaimed run written by Warren Ellis and illustrated by Adi Granov, Extremis tweaked Iron Man’s origin and gave him new abilities to play with. It’s great storytelling and art that’s brought to life by quality voice acting and slight animation.

My first taste of motion comics, Astonishing X-Men, was disappointing. Part of it was that the animation was poor; I kept thinking that a pair of eight-year olds were moving comic-book panels and filming it. The animation in Extremis is noticeably better. Part of it was that the first few issues of Astonishing X-Men are among my favorite X-Men comics and I didn’t like the way they translated to motion comics (the voice acting was uneven). While I was familiar with the events of Extremis going into my viewing, I never read the whole thing. Perhaps going into it without preconceived notions helped.

If you happen to stream my pick, I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. Now its your turn to suggest one movie we should all watch. Please make sure it’s available on Netflix streaming.

Random Thoughts (Not a Review) on Thor

I caught a screening of Thor (Imax 3D) last night and was pleasantly surprised. Here’s the spoiler-free  summary: it’s worth seeing. Kenneth Branagh did a fine job directing what’s arguably the toughest movie in The Avengers series. It’s hard to convey the awesome power of a Norse god (Branagh did this) and it’s easy to get caught up in ridiculous mythology (Branagh avoided this pitfall). The movie is well paced and entertaining with some beautiful set pieces and great action scenes. While I didn’t enjoy it as much as Iron Man 2, I liked Thor on its own and as part of the lead-up to The Avengers. Now here are some random observations, criticisms, and silly thoughts on the movie. Spoilers ahead!

Costumes: The Asgardian costumes worked way better than most people expected (I had faith they would work). A lot of my friends ranted about how ridiculous the Asgardians looked in the stills released to magazines. I had no problem with the costumes in the movie. They looked fine on the Asgardian sets and appropriately out of place on the Earth sets. They also looked much better in motion than in stills — even Anthony Hopkins’ Odin getup!

Action: I love how modern action movies convey power. That’s one problem I always had with the original Superman movies — his punches never seemed epic. When someone like Superman or Thor lands a punch, people in the next county should feel it. Whether it was Thor bashing frost giants in the face or him decimating the ground with Mjolnir, the blows had an impact worthy of a god.

Warriors Three: I loved that these guys were in the movie and were mostly true to Stan Lee’s designs. That said, I would have done things differently. Fandral would have been played by Cary Elwes. Volstagg would have been green screened so that he’d be ridiculously large compared to his two companions. Hogun wouldn’t have sounded Asian; the character was modeled after Charles Bronson after all. When the Warriors Three and Sif were walking into town, there’s a hilarious bit with the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent calling it in. That was my favorite joke in the movie.

Loki: I was really impressed with Tom Hiddleston’s Loki. He had more depth than any other character in the film. Hiddleston did a wonderful job of making Loki seem charming, manipulative, and damaged all at once. I hope he gets some time to shine in The Avengers.

Thor: While Loki arguably stole the show, I was satisfied with Chris Hemsworth’s performance. From the trailers I knew he’d have the action elements down. I was pleasantly surprised by his charm. He also did a good job at transforming from an arrogant godling at the beginning of the movie and a more understanding deity at the end.

Signs: Of course there was a Stan Lee cameo, but I loved the use of signs in the movie for nerd shout-outs. There was one billboard that said, “Home of the Vikings”. That’s an obvious gag. There was another one that ended with, “Journey into Mystery”. That’s a super-cool and nerdy gag. Longtime comics fans will know that Journey into Mystery became Thor’s book starting with issue #83.

Chick Flick?: A lot of fanboys I know were worried that the movie would have too many scenes with a shirtless Chris Hemsworth. That wasn’t the case at all. His shirtless scenes were brief. If anything, there’s a lot of eye candy for guys and lesbians. Natalie Portman (Jane Foster) was a beautiful braniac. Kat Dennings (Darcy Lewis) was snarky, super cute, and charming. Jaimie Alexander (Sif) had the sexy warrior goddess thing going. There were plenty of beautiful women in this movie.

Hawkeye: When Thor is trying to get Mjolnir back from S.H.I.E.L.D., one soldier  goes for a bow instead of a gun. As a Hawkeye fan, I totally marked out. Of course this soldier ended up being Clint Barton! I hope he gets some bad-ass scenes in The Avengers.

Asgard or Mondrian?!?: Most of the set pieces were good, but there was one set that looked more like an Ian Schraeger hotel than a room in an Asgardian palace. It was kind of disorienting.

Black Heimdall: He was cool.

The Destroyer: He was cooler.

I was very satisfied with Thor. The action was great and the bits of humor were fun. The movie flowed nicely and I love what these Marvel movies are building towards. As a standalone movie, I enjoyed Thor. As part of The Avengers I liked how this tale is different from the Iron Man movies and presumably different from the Captain America movie. The movie succeeded in entertaining me, making me want to rewatch the Iron Man movies, and increasing my anticipation for the Captain America and The Avengers movies.

Of course I can’t wait to discuss the movie with you! If you catch Thor, kindly share your thoughts on the movie.

Today’s Poll: Should Superman Be an American Citizen?

In a back-up story in Action Comics #900, David Goyer had Superman renounce his American citizenship. This short story has been getting a lot of mainstream press coverage. Some people are outraged by Superman “ditching” America. Some people think it’s a modern twist. Before we discuss further, please keep in mind that Goyer’s short story hasn’t been confirmed as canon. I’m sure that after DC is done giggling about all the press coverage, it will confirm that it’s not canon. Anyway, I wanted to look at this issue from a few angles and have y’all vote in today’s poll.

  • One argument for Superman being American is that his values were shaped by being raised by two excellent parents in a small town in Kansas.
  • The argument against him being American is that he’s from Krypton and in America illegally. Why hasn’t Lex Luthor made a big deal about Supes’ birth certificate?
  • Does it matter if Superman is American as long as Clark Kent is paying taxes? Is Batman’s citizenship different than Bruce Wayne’s?!? Oh wait, Batman is an S-Corp now….
  • More than any other character in comics, Superman is the world’s hero. Wouldn’t he serve better in that capacity by not being a citizen of any country?

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X-Men: First Class International Trailer is…

…not nearly as scary as the first one…but it still worries me. Banshee looked really cool in the trailer. Aside from that I saw a lot of over-acting. Yes, I understand that mutant persecution is supposed to be a serious issue, but these guys make it seem like an episode of Days of Our Lives.

Anyway, check out the clip and let me know what you think (please). Is it better than the first one? Does it give you hope for the movie?

Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters Wondercon Screens

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment showed off Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters at WonderCon 2011. Here are the screens. There’s some cool stuff here. I love the one of Hal Jordan facing off against Thaal Sinestro. Naturally, Hal makes a construct shaped like a giant fist (where’s the giant boxing glove?!?). The manhunters look pretty menacing. Sadly, Hal’s costume looks like a rotting piece of salmon nigiri.

Check out the screens and let me know what you think (please)!

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DCUO Free DLC Adds Two-Face, Mxyzptlk, and More

Sony Online Entertainment has released some free DC Universe Online DLC that includes Batman villain Two-Face and Superman baddie Mr. Mxyzptlk. Here’s the laundry list of details from SOE senior producer Wes Yanagi…

Sony Online Entertainment has released some free DC Universe Online DLC that includes Batman villain Two-Face and Superman baddie Mr. Mxyzptlk. Here’s the laundry list of details from SOE senior producer Wes Yanagi:


  • Two-Face Instance: Following Harvey Dent/Two-Face on a mission into The Penguin’s hideout, players will aim to take out his latest smuggling operation. The kicker? You don’t know if he will help or hinder your efforts – the chances are 50/50 and everything depends on the flip of a coin!
  • Legends PvP: Harvey Dent/Two-Face will be added as a playable character in Legends “Play as Iconic” Player vs Player mode.
  • New Attacks: Call in your own mob of goons to keep your opponent occupied as you unleash a suppressive bullet spray, oil drum trap or grenade launcher.
  • Flip-of-the-Coin Abilities: Switch powers based on which side the coin lands: the Two-Face side deals more damage and DoT attacks and the Harvey Dent side gives more control, knockdowns and stuns.

Seasonal Content

  • Mister Mxyzptlk: Experience Metropolis transformed by the presence of Mister Mxyzptlk and his fellow 5th dimensional supervillain tricksters.
  • Multi Player Race: Players can assume the guise of a 5th Dimensional Denizen and play tricks on fellow races over the skies of Metropolis.
  • New Gold Collections: New encounters with 5th Dimensional Denizens dressed as Leprechauns guarding a Pot Of Gold that players will need to find and collect coins from while the leprechauns try to stop them in various amusing ways.

Additional Updates

  • Batcave 3 Raid: Level 30 players are brought face-to-face with The Dark Knight himself. Unfortunately, he’s been infected with a virus and has teamed up with the all-powerful Brainiac’s Avatar of Technology.

I’m planning to hop back into DCUO shortly and I’m really looking forward to encountering Two-Face. He’s one of my favorite Batman villains (just ignore Tommy Lee Jones’ horrible version). Hopefully some of you will join me. The only thing that could stop us is my iPad 2. (Playing games on a new gadget is more powerful than a batarang.)


WonderCon Green Lantern Trailer is Awesome!!!

Thanks to RPadholic tokz_21 for sending me the iTunes link to the awesome Green Lantern trailer shown at WonderCon 2011. The footage is now available on YouTube (embedded above) and I highly recommend checking it out. I completely marked out when I saw alien Green Lanterns like Sinestro, Kilowog, Tomar-Re, and Abin Sur. Hal’s costume still looks like a rotten piece of salmon nigiri to me and Hector Hammond looks stupid, but I still went nuts for the footage.

Check it out and let me know what you think (please)!

Amy Adams to Play Lois Lane in Superman Reboot

Warner Bros. has announced that Amy Adams will be playing Lois Lane in the upcoming Superman movie. This is a brilliant casting decision. Adams is known for being able to play delightfully airy characters (Enchanted) and edgier characters (The Fighter).  I can totally see Adams deftly switching from an obnoxiously aggressive newspaper journalist to a damsel in distress.

I fully expect Adams to be the best Lois Lane ever. Margot Kidder did a fantastic job in the original Superman films, but Adams has already proven to be a more capable actress. Kate Bosworth was completely tepid in Superman Returns; if Adams is breathing, she’ll surpass that performance. As long as she has a good script to work with, I have no doubt that Amy Adams will take Lois Lane to new heights.

What do you think of Amy Adams playing Lois Lane? Do you think she’ll kill it? Or will she pull a Kate Bosworth?


Official Captain America Movie Trailer is Awesome

I totally marked out over this Captain America trailer. It was cool seeing Howard Stark (Iron Man’s dad) being part of the Super Soldier Program. Seeing the skinny version of Steve Rogers was neat. The quick glimpse of the Red Skull was well done. I loved seeing Cap in costume and my heart soared watching his shield fly through the air. I had my doubts about Chris Evans, but as a comic-book nerd I’m sold on the movie.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the trailer. Check it out when you have a moment.