Two Trailers That Scare Me: Arthur and X-Men First Class

Here are two trailers of movies that I desperately want to be good. The clips also scare me, because there’s a chance that the movies will fail…hard. Above is Arthur, starring Russell Brand and Helen Mirren. On the plus side, Brand is awesome (yes, I have a man crush on him) and Mirren is legendary. Luis Guzman appears to have a hilariously understated role too. All that said, it’s going to be so tough to compete with Dudley Moore’s original, Brand’s Arthur appears sober, and the trailer reeks of a heavy handed “money can’t buy happiness” message.

Next is X-Men: First Class. On the plus side, Bryan Singer helped craft the story, there are a ton of babes in the movie, and several of the mutants look incredible (Beast, Emma Frost, etc.). Unfortunately, Singer isn’t directing the film, which is a shame because he did a nice job with the first two X-Men movies. There are also some portions of the trailer that are just wince inducing.

Still, I’m going to (naively?) hope that both of these movies will be fun. As a Russell Brand mark and a comic-book nerd, I want both to do well. When you have a moment, check out the trailers. I’d love to hear what you think of them.

Author: RPadTV

12 thoughts on “Two Trailers That Scare Me: Arthur and X-Men First Class”

  1. That X-Men trailer really sucks.

    If they think they're gonna get me in a theater for 72 minutes of reading "This video contains content from FOX and Marvel Entertainment, one or more of whom have blocked it on copyright grounds"… then they are COMPLETELY crazy.

    1. Ha, ha. With some movies as bad as I've seen, watching a movie that just says "This video contains content from FOX and Marvel Entertainment, one or more of whom have blocked it on copyright grounds" for 72 minutes would actually be an improvement. For example; Herbie; Fully Loaded, Freddy Got Fingered, Sweet November, The Notebook, and Batman & Robin, etc.

      Anyway, I'm not sure about Arthur, but if the X-Men; First Class has Bobby Drake in it (as it damn well should!) then I will see it no matter how craptastic it is. After all, I did see X3 (*hurk*!)…. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.


      1. Aww, c'mon! That's like saying Batman & Robin gets props for having rubber bat-nipples on the suits since I'm into S&M.


  2. X-Men First class looks…..well…..not like anything I want to see. Sorry. And this coming from a HUGE X-fan. It just seems like they're trying to find a way to clump as many characters I don't care about into one movie, slap Professor X and Magneto in there and try to get my money. I say rental…..maybe.

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