Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters Wondercon Screens

Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment showed off Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters at WonderCon 2011. Here are the screens. There’s some cool stuff here. I love the one of Hal Jordan facing off against Thaal Sinestro. Naturally, Hal makes a construct shaped like a giant fist (where’s the giant boxing glove?!?). The manhunters look pretty menacing. Sadly, Hal’s costume looks like a rotting piece of salmon nigiri.

Check out the screens and let me know what you think (please)!

[nggallery id=52]

Author: RPadTV

4 thoughts on “Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters Wondercon Screens”

  1. OOOOOOOOH! Do I spy some glorious on rail asteroid shooting screens?!? Sorry… that came out badly. Screens look cool… but then this is a movie game. We'll have to see what the actual gameplay is like.

    1. I'm expecting an average game at best, but I'm probably going to enjoy the hell out of it because it's Green Lantern! I can't wait to see more of the alien GLs. They look rad in the movie and I expect them to look rad in the game.

      1. Truth! The footage they released from Wondercon looks completely bad ass.

        "Everyone knows the oath…."

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