Two Funny Batman Videos

Still riding high from The Dark Knight Rises? If so then you’ll dig these two videos that poke fun at Batman. The first one is a gem sent from my pal Cat. It’s a College Humor tale of how Gotham’s hero (as portrayed by Christian Bale) got his silly voice.

Next is a reenactment of the climactic battle between Batman and Bane…with Burt Ward’s Robin thrown in for a laugh. This fine bit of fighting and flippancy was made by Above Average Network.

After you’ve checked out the videos, please share your thoughts on them in the comments section!

Today’s Poll: Sexy Green Women in Fantasy/Sci-Fi

Inspired by Marvel’s announcement of the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, I wanted to pick your brain on a hugely important topic — sexy green women. Gamora, as you know, is the Guardian’s kick-ass martial-arts queen. She-Hulk sexily splits time between fighting bad guys and serving as an ace attorney. Yvonne Craig dazzled as Batgirl, but millions of nerds know her as a sexy green alien from the original Star Trek. Poison Ivy wears skimpy leaves and her passion for the environment is hot.

Which green fantasy/sci-fi babe do you like best? Kindly vote in today’s poll and discuss!

[poll id=”157″]

Random Thoughts on The Dark Knight Rises (Batman)

Thanks to a bunch of cats called The Avengers, my expectations were lowered for The Dark Knight Rises. I’ve enjoyed Christopher Nolan’s previous Batman movies, but I’ve also had several issues with the way the director has strayed from the comics. With lowered expectations and a love for comic-book purity in mind, I was blown away by The Dark Knight Rises. It’s not as much fun as The Avengers and it’s certainly more about Nolan’s interpretation of Batman than the comic books, but it’s a great superhero movie that wraps up this Batman trilogy nicely. Here are some random thoughts (not a review!) on The Dark Knight Rises. (Spoiler warning!)

Bane: Let’s get the bad out of the way first — Bane’s voice sucked. He sounded like Goldmember’s serious younger brother. I love the bad-ass South American character in the comics that’s driven by hate and powered by performance-enhancing drugs (this also describes most MLB players from 1995-2003). This movie’s Bane is very different. There were some aspects of this Bane that I liked. His fight scenes were fierce and he was the guy making things happen throughout the movie. I didn’t like that his mask pumped his body full of painkillers instead of performance enhancers. I also didn’t like the big reveal that he ultimately wasn’t the baddie behind all the machinations. Bane deserves his own stage. This version of Bane was a melange of coolness and annoyances.

Catwoman: Anne Hathaway was perfect as Catwoman. This is the Catwoman that I love in the comics — sultry, powerful, vulnerable, and morally scattered. Hathaway knocked it out of the park. If you like the version of Catwoman made popular by Devin Grayson and currently penned by Judd Winnick then you’ll love Hathaway’s Catwoman. To be completely honest, I also enjoyed that she spent a chunk of the movie riding a motorcycle that required her to stick her ass in the air. There were a lot of people that panned this casting choice going into the film. Many of them will owe Anne Hathaway an apology.

Full Circle: I really enjoyed how the movie used elements of the first two films and wrapped them up. Ra’s al Ghul and the League of Assassins live on in Talia al Ghul and Bane. The truth of Harvey Dent’s inglorious fall is revealed to Gotham. Scarecrow shows up…to be cool and creepy. Liam Neeson’s Ra’s al Ghul shows up in a hallucination (or Qui-Gon Jin was using the Force in the wrong movie). The movie ties everything together nicely and works splendidly as a finale.

Surprises: I had no idea that was Matthew Modine playing Deputy Commissioner Foley. Dude got old. In my head, I still see the young kid in Vision Quest. I also didn’t recognize Nestor Carbonell as Mayor Garcia. I think it’s hilarious that the guy that played Bat Manuel was in the last two Batman movies. Bwahahahahahaha!!!

Michael Caine: He was awesome, as expected, but he was also a bit of distraction for me. Since Bane sounded like Goldmember, I kept waiting for him to have a scene with Alfred Pennyworth and address him as “Aushtin Powas Faja”.

Batman: Christian Bale was pretty much the same. He was great at “acting” as the flippant Bruce Wayne. His Batman voice was over-the-top. He brought more physicality to Batman than any other actor that has played the character. After two movies, people have already made up their minds about Bale’s Batman. The third movie isn’t going to change anyone’s opinion. Personally, I like him as Batman, but agree that his voice can cross the line from intimidating to ridiculous.

Catwoman: Let’s take a moment to look at her again. Anne Hathaway is stunning.

Fernet: I love that Fernet Branca played a part in one of Alfred’s big scenes. It’s an under-appreciated digestif in America.

Conclusion: If you look at Nolan’s Batman world on its own then you’ll think that The Dark Knight Rises is an undeniably great superhero movie. The storytelling is fantastic and most of the performance are strong. This 165-minute film moves at a brisk pace thanks to some slick action and clever directing. Staunch comic-book purists will have problems with the way some of the characters were rewritten and Nolan’s interpretation of these characters, which is a shame because they’re missing out on enjoying a perfectly fine film by being overly stringent. While I had more fun with The AvengersThe Dark Knight Rises is a better movie on several levels — directing, cinematography, acting, score, etc. As a summer blockbuster, Marvel’s movie wins. As a film, The Dark Knight Rises is superior.

Rush Limbaugh on The Dark Knight Rises Bane Conspiracy

Congratulations to Rush Limbaugh for saying the stupidest sh*t I’ve heard all year! The popular conservative commentator believes that the Bane character in The Dark Knight Rises is part of a left-wing conspiracy against Mitt Romney. Limbaugh believes that the villainous Bane will get voters to think negatively about Bain Capital and Romney.

Wow. This is just beyond stupid. I must invoke the immortal words of and ask, “What’s wrong with the world momma?!?”

Justice League: Earth’s Final Defense Coming to iOS

Netmarble has revealed that Justice League: Earth’s Final Defense will be submitted to the App Store and should be available for your enjoyment on the iOS device of your choice around August. The game looks like a classic beat-’em-up featuring DC’s finest heroes and heroines. The trailer shows Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Flash in action. Secondary heroes will be used as “support cards” that augment powers. While the gameplay doesn’t appear to be anything earth shattering, I’m completely down for a Justice League brawler on iOS. As a comic-book nerd, I love the alternate costumes shown in the trailer.

Check out the clip when you have a chance and let me know what you think. Are you excited for Justice League: Earth’s Final Defense?

Thomas Jane Returns as The Punisher in “Dirty Laundry”

Thomas Jane reprises his role as The Punisher in the short movie Dirty Laundry. It’s powerful, visceral, and frickin’ awesome. Jane — famous for fighting smart sharks and portraying Mickey Mantle — totally owns the role. Check out the clip and let me know what you think (please)!

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as…Lobo?!?

Ladies and gentleman, The Rock says this: Dwayne Johnson could be playing DC Comics’ Lobo in the near future. Fans of the maniacal, genocidal, and suicidal Czarnian will be pleased to learn that the actor formerly known as The Rock tweeted, “Rumors of me possibly playing LOBO are true. Joel Silver and Brad Peyton working on it now. That could be fun.”

Personally, I’m not too high about the possibility. In my mind, Lobo requires an exaggerated ridiculousness that can only be achieved with CG. Furthermore, I loved the rumor of The Rock playing Black Adam in a possible Shazam movie. That works way better in my head. What do you think of the prospect of The Rock playing Lobo?


Coffee Talk #497: Your Comic-Con 2012 Favorites

There was so much to go gaga over at Comic-Con 2012. The movie trailers and announcements were brilliant. The videogame showings were boss. What were your favorite Comic-Con 2012 happenings? Let’s start with the games. Epic had a great show with Gears of War: Judgement and Fortnite…

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Danny Garcia’s stunning upset victory over Amir Khan, the rapidly declining prices of SSDs, or the Jeremy Lin saga, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

There was so much to go gaga over at Comic-Con 2012. The movie trailers and announcements were brilliant. The videogame showings were boss. What were your favorite Comic-Con 2012 happenings? Let’s start with the games. Epic had a great show with Gears of War: Judgement and Fortnite. While I’m thrilled for the company’s success on a personal level, the videogame announcement that won me over was Deadpool. Marvel’s merc with a mouth is one of my favorite characters of all time. I’m thrilled that he’s getting very own adventure and I can’t wait to enjoy the game’s writing. Duct tape!!!

The movie trailers, panels, and announcement were killer too. I’m sure all of you were pleased to learn that Arnold Schwarzenegger confirmed a sequel to Twins. Most people seemed excited by the latest Iron Man and Superman footage. Fans of minor characters were happy to see The Guardians of the Galaxy getting a movie (Gamora is hot, btw). Obviously Captain America was always going to have a sequel, but I marked out when Captain America: The Winter Soldier was revealed. I love the Winter Soldier character. The revamped Bucky Barnes is cool and modern. He also fits into that tweener category of superheroes that I enjoy. I’m totally amped to see Winter Soldier on the big screen.

Now it’s your turn! What were your favorite movie and videogame happenings of Comic-Con 2012?

Deadpool Trailer Says, “Suck It Wolverine!”

At Comic-Con 2012, Activision revealed that it’s set to publish a Deadpool game developed by High Moon Studios. Now the trailer is here! I love the look and tone of the trailer. It absolutely captures the feel of Marvel’s lovable merc with a mouth. The wise cracks, the dueling inner monologue, the love of boobies, etc. are brilliant.

My one wish is that the game has several duct tape jokes…because Deadpool loves duct tape. He loves the way it tapes. He loves the sound it makes. He loves saying it. Duct tape. Duct tape. Duct tape. Duct tape. Duct tape. Duct tape.