Handmade Gamer/Nerd Jewelry at Fangirl Emporium

My Facebook friend Amanda has a really cool Etsy store called Fangirl Emporium. Right now she has a bunch of awesome necklace pendants for sale. Gamer neckwear includes a Pokeball from Pokemon, the Umbrella logo from Resident Evil, the Halo symbol, and more. Nerd neckwear includes a Klingon symbol from Star Trek, the bloody smiley face from Watchmen, the Starfleet symbol from Star Trek, and more. It’s pretty sweet stuff!

Kindly check out Fangirl Emporium when you get a chance and leave a comment if anything from Amanda’s store catches your eye. I’d totally wear the Pokeball…but put it on a necklace that’s more masculine.


Today’s Poll: Will Robin Stay Dead?

In Batman Incorporated #8, Robin (Damian Wayne) was killed. Batman’s fourth sidekick (and biological son) took a heavy beating, including a sword through the heart and getting impaled by so many arrows that he looked like Robin the Boy Pincushion. You’d think he’s a goner, except…

…this isn’t the first time a Robin has died. Jason Todd (Robin II) was murdered by the Joker, yet he’s prancing around as Red Hood these days.

…Damian’s mom is Talia al Ghul. She has access to those nifty Lazarus Pits that have enabled her father to live for hundreds of years. In fact, she used one of them to bring Todd back to life, so of course she’d use one for her own flesh and blood, right?

Then again, this is Grant Morrison we’re talking about. He’s written some incredible comics over the years, but he’s also written lots of head-scratchers. Who knows what he’s thinking? More importantly, what are you thinking? Will Damian Wayne stay dead? Vote in the poll below and expand on your answer in the comments section (please!).

[poll id=”177″]

On a side note, Robin being dead (even if it’s temporary) annoys me. While I enjoyed parts of the Batman “Death of the Family” story arc, I was disappointed that DC didn’t kill off any major characters. It made the whole event less powerful. Killing off Robin just after Death of the Family arc makes the Joker look like a knob. He spent months tormenting the Bat family and couldn’t kill one of them, yet here’s this new character making an impact by killing Robin. Oy.

Make Your Own Batman & Robin Meme

Hey guys! Sorry I’ve been MIA today. I’m working on a really complex video piece (and by complex, I mean that I don’t have the equipment that would make this project easy). For now, would you kindly play a game with me (in addition to ShufflePix)? Let’s create some RPad.TV-themed memes using the infamous panel of Batman slapping the bejeezus out of Robin. I’ve posted a really basic example above, but I’m sure you guys and gals will come up with funnier stuff. The meme creator is here. Game on!

Powerpuff Avengers Opening Theme

My friend Tim posted a link to this sweet alteration to The Powerpuff Girls opening theme. It has Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup decked out as different Avengers! Watch cute versions of Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor do battle with Powerpuffed versions of Galactus, Magneto, Thanos, and more. It’s an adorable clip that should being a smile to even the most jaded comic-book fanboy. Continue reading “Powerpuff Avengers Opening Theme”

Michael Bay Nabs Megan Fox For Ninja Turtles

Michael Bay has announced that Megan Fox will appear in the upcoming Ninja Turtles movie he’s producing. Many fans have speculated that Fox will play April O’Neil. While I’m totally down with seeing Fox in skimpy clothing, I’m a little bit scared of the movie. It has gone through some strange twists and turns, and I sincerely doubt it will be faithful to the source material. It’s suppose to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, but later transformed (get it?!?) into Alien Turtles and is now being referred to as Ninja Turtles. Rumor has it that Leonardo and the gang will not be the focus of the movie. Instead, it will allegedly star the turtles’ pal Casey Jones.

Hopefully the Fox rumor is true and the Casey Jones rumor doesn’t pan out. I loved the original Eastman and Laird comic books, so I’m hoping for something similarly grim and gritty. My fear is that Bay will make a big-budget version of that stupid TMNT cartoon. Oy.


The Price of Being Batman and Iron Man

Ever wonder what it would cost to be Batman or Iron Man? Yeah, I’ve never thought about it either. Thankfully (for your amusement), the people at HomeOwnersInsurance.com have! Check out the large infographic below that breaks down what Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark have have to pay to maintain their superhero lifestyles. Costs include equipment, housing, staff, transportation, and more. The final bill is…ouchie. Continue reading “The Price of Being Batman and Iron Man”

Yet Another GI Joe: Retaliation Trailer

The countdown to GI Joe: Retaliation continues with a new trailer! This time around:

  • There’s more mountain-top ninja-fighting with Snakeyes and Jinx
  • One of the coolest scenes of mass destruction is shown
  • It’s revealed that Zartan is standing in for the POTUS
  • The Rock is still awesome
  • Channing Tatum still sucks
  • Old Bruce Willis is still kinda cool

Continue reading “Yet Another GI Joe: Retaliation Trailer”

Jason Momoa to Play Drax the Destroyer?

Jason Momoa (best known as Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones) has allegedly been offered the role of Drax the Destroyer in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Latino Review reports that Momoa killed his screen test and was offered the part. The site says that his agents are working on finalizing the terms.

While I loved Momoa in Game of Thrones, a lot of moviegoers thought he was lame in the latest Conan the Barbarian movie. No matter what he brings to the table, I’m certain that Momoa will be exponentially better than former WWE Superstar Dave Batista would have been. Last month it was rumored that Batista was in the running for Drax. Thankfully, comic-book fans will be spared Batista’s acting.

What do you think of Jason Momoa as Drax the Destroyer? Will he bring his Khal Drogo fierceness? Or will he sputter like Conan?


Justice League Movie in Peril?

By the fire pits of Apokolips! Rumors are swirling that Warner’s Justice League move is falling apart. With Marvel (Disney) enjoying enormous success with The AvengersIron Man, and several other movie franchises, Justice League was supposed to be DC’s mega-team superhero blockbuster. Badass Digest’s Devin Faraci wrote:

I’ve now heard from multiple sources that the Will Beall script for Justice League has been scrapped. The story from each source is the same: it’s terrible. Some sources seem to think the whole movie is going to fall apart and never happen, while some believe that Warner Bros will keep moving forward, unwilling to lose the superhero arms race.

The studio has been unable to get the interest of a quality director, reportedly because of the script. Without a script and without a director, Justice League seems unlikely to meet a 2015 release. The question is will it ever be released at all?

I’m somewhat bummed by the news. While I enjoy all kinds of comics, I’m definitely more of a DC guy than a Marvel guy. It would have been awesome to see the Justice League hit the silver screen in all their glory. That said, I haven’t been satisfied with many DC movie projects. Super Returns was mediocre, Green Lantern was traumatizing, and The Dark Knight series was more of a Chrisopher Nolan franchise than a series of Batman movies (loved parts of it, other parts…not so much).While a Justice League movie has the potential to be awesome, I would prefer no movie at all rather than a Green Lantern-like crap fast.

Any of you bummed by this Justice League development? Do you think the movie will see the light of day? Or will it be totally scrapped?


Superman Unbound Trailer

Here’s the trailer for Superman Unbound, DC’s upcoming animated film based on Geoff Johns’ acclaimed Superman: Brainiac run. In addition to Superman and Brainiac, Kal-El’s cousin Kara Zor-El is a prominent player in the story. This makes me happy, because Supergirl is totally hot. More seriously, I really enjoy Superman storylines that cover Kryptonian history. Hearing about Kandor, Zod, and the like fleshes out Superman’s Kryptonian heritage. A lot of writers focus on his wholesome upbringing in Smallville, but dude is an alien and it’s fun to explore that side of him.

Kindly check out the trailer when you have a chance and let me know if you’re interested in Superman Unbound. How do you think it’ll measure up against DC’s other excellent animated features like Batman: Under the Red Hood and The Dark Knight Returns?