Vaping Diaries #91: Vaping vs. Smoking Presentation

My dear friend Glenda posted this excellent “Vaping vs. Smoking” presentation (embedded below) by Jonas M Rudolfsson Luster on my Facebook wall. It’s a straightforward, informative, and charming slideshow about what vaping is and what it isn’t. The e-cigarette business has been booming for the last few years and it looks like the rapid growth will continue. The biggest potential deterrent to vaping is misinformation — especially misinformation being spread by big-tobacco companies and (especially) big pharmaceutical companies. This presentation does an outstanding job of explaining why vaping is exponentially better for people than smoking.

Millions of people have improved their health and quality of life by switching from smoking to vaping. There are all kinds of proposed laws that seek to limit the growth of the e-cigarette business and limit access to e-liquids. Many of these laws are rooted in ignorance (at best) or paid for by your friends at [insert big pharmaceutical company name here]. Hopefully projects like this outstanding presentation will help citizens and lawmakers understand what vaping truly entails.

Pass this link around and help people learn about vaping (please)!


Author: RPadTV