E3 2011 Microsoft Press Conference Live Blog

It’s time for Microsoft’s E3 2011 press conference! Microsoft is the only one of the “Big Three” that hasn’t confirmed new hardware for the show. Will the company counter with some hot games? How will it take Kinect to the next level? You think there’s a chance that there will be a hardware surprise? Follow this live blog and find out!

Coffee Talk #362: Random Pre-E3 Chatter

Yesterday’s E3 festivities were fantastic. I went to the excellent B4 party held by47 Communications and caught up with all sorts of groovy friends. Game Informer’s Andy McNamara dropped a…

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the villainous Heat stealing yesterday’s game in Dallas, the villainous Rafael Nadal beating the noble Roger Federer in another French Open final, or stupid PR agencies down the block from your apartment, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Yesterday’s E3 festivities were fantastic. I went to the excellent B4 party held by47 Communications and caught up with all sorts of groovy friends. Game Informer’s Andy McNamara dropped a ton of weight and looks fantastic. I’ve dubbed him Andy Mc Lite. BioWare’s Dr. Greg appears to be hitting the weights. His biceps were pretty impressive. Naturally, I accused him of using steroids and/or HGH. After the party some of my industry friends from Japan wanted to get a large American burger, so we went to The Counter. The gaijin portions kicked their asses.

Socializing aside, it was great confirming a bunch of pre-E3 rumors. Most of what you’ve been hearing is true. Some of the best stuff I heard about and two games that are supposedly awesome won’t even be at the show. It looks like those games/products will be Tokyo Game Show 2011 or E3 2012 announcements.

Since I’m going to be hopping around downtown Los Angeles all day, kindly chat it up in the comments section. Please let me know any hot E3 rumors that interest you and I’ll try to follow up on them. I’m also counting on one of you to keep me up to date with Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference keynote. I wish I could be up in San Francisco for that as it sounds exponentially more interesting than Microsoft’s presser.

RPad.tv E3 2011 Live Blog Schedule

Howdy boys and girls! I’m going to try live blogging the major press conference on my iPad 2 tethering off of a Verizon LTE connection. I’ve done dry runs and it should work, but I won’t really know if it will work under real-world conditions until I do it. If everything goes as planned, I’ll be live blogging the Microsoft, Electronic Arts, Sony, and Nintendo pressers. Please, please join me if you can, because your comments are what makes these live blogs awesome!

Here’s the schedule.

Monday June 6
Microsoft: 9:30AM PT
Electronic Arts: 12:30PM PT
Sony: 5PM PT

Tuesday June 7
Nintendo: 9AM PT

Coffee Talk #361: Stupid Crap You’ll Hear From E3 2011

The Electronic Entertainment Expo is the most amazing trade show in the world. It’s such a cool and unique spectacle. There’s really nothing else like it…but that doesn’t mean you won’t hear stupid…

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Klatch’s El Salvador Orange Bourbon, Stuart Scott still bringing his A-game while battling cancer, or hot garbage you hear from PR people, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

The Electronic Entertainment Expo is the most amazing trade show in the world. It’s such a cool and unique spectacle. There’s really nothing else like it…but that doesn’t mean you won’t hear stupid crap coming out of the show. Every year you hear about journalists whining and complaining about covering E3. They’ll write about how their feet hurt, how the food sucks, how they have too many appointments, etc. At the end of the day, they still get to see awesome videogames way before the general public. That beats the hell out of coal mining or shoveling dung at the zoo. For the life of me, I’ll never understand why journalists complain about going to an event that millions of people dream about attending.

One stupid thing I expect to hear over and over again at E3 2011 is how awesome the screen is on the Sony NGP/PlayStation Vita. I’m sure it will be a great screen, but I also expect a lot of writers to be all, “This AMOLED screen is amazing because it’s AMOLED!!!” A lot of videogame journalists can’t tell you the difference between TFT LCD, IPS LCD, OLED, AMOLED, Super LCD, Super AMOLED, and Super AMOLED Plus screens. They’ll rave about technology they don’t understand, simply because it’s new to them and the press release told them that it’s awesome (and they can’t be bothered to do research). I expect to read several articles that mention how awesome the Vita’s screen is, but don’t explain why it’s awesome and how it compares to other screen technology.

How about you guys and gals? What dumb stuff do you expect from E3 2011?

Coffee Talk #360: How E3 Has Changed Over the Years

E3 has changed a lot over the years. When it first started, console and PC games dominated the landscape. As the PC market declined and the console market boomed it became all about…

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Justin Timberlake rumored to be dating Ashley Olsen, the underwhelming Windows 8 debut video, or dishonest PR people you want to smack, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

I’ve been to every Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) save for one (I was having too much fun in Thailand and accidentally stayed there). E3 has changed a lot over the years. When it first started, console and PC games dominated the show. As the PC market declined and the console market boomed, it became all about the latter. Journalists for enthusiasts videogame outlets were shocked by the emphasis on motion at E3 2010; all the casual games for Kinect, Move, and Wii had several people proclaiming that the unofficial theme of E3 2010 was “It’s Not for You!”.

E3 2011 has more changes in store. The popularity of Android, iOS, and Facebook games has changed the market. I was surprised by how many meeting requests I received from mobile and social game publishers. I understand that these segments of gaming offer the most new opportunities, the most growth, and new money, but I was still surprised by all the cash these publishers are dropping on E3 2011.

Sitting back in my rocking chair and smoking my pipe, it’s fun to think about how E3 has changed over the years. How about for you as a gaming enthusiast? Have you noticed any major changes in E3? How has the show changed for you? Do you still see it as the Super Bowl of gaming? Or have events like PAX taken away some of E3’s luster?

Coffee Talk #359: E3 Press Conference Battle Royal!!!

Before the E3 show floor opens, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony crank their hype machines to 11 and set the tone with their press conference. What I really want to know is which E3 2011 press…

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, rumors of Blake Lively posing nude, bamboo combs, or your favorite mustard, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

One of the most fascinating (and expensive) parts of E3 is its press conference. A handful of large publishers hold pressers, but the ones that matter most are held by the console manufacturers. Before the show floor opens, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony crank their hype machines to 11 and set the tone for E3. This year will surely be the same. What I really want to know is (Lenny Kravitz) which E3 2011 press conference are you looking forward to the most and why?

Nintendo and Sony will definitely be showing off new hardware. What will Microsoft do to compete with that? Which console will have the most exclusives? How about the best ones? How many times will Sony say, “I’m sorry.”? These are all things to consider when making your choice. So kindly pick one in the poll and expand on your choice in the comments section.

[poll id=”119″]

This Week’s Videogame Releases

There are a pair of interesting games coming out this week. First up is Hunted: The Demon’s Forge. I’m looking forward to this action-RPG. It’s made by the peeps at inXile (The Bard’s Tale), a company founded by Interplay OG Brian Fargo. It looks like an evolved version of Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance (one of my favorite games last generation). Fighting fans looking for action on the go will want to check out BlazBlue Continuum Shift II. Hardcore fighters raved about the first game and the second looks like it will deliver complexity that most portable fighters lack.

Any of you picking up new games this week?

Call of Duty Elite: To Pay or Not to Pay?

Activision has officially announced details on its Call of Duty Elite online service. Offering advanced stat tracking and social features, Call of Duty Elite will have a free version and a premium version with a monthly fee. The primary goal of the service (in my opinion, anyway) is to keep Call of Duty gamers away from other shooters by offering “sticky” features. Here are some bullet points from the press release:

  • Connect: Call of Duty Elite gives players unprecedented control over their multiplayer experience, transforming it into a true social network. Players can compete against friends, players of similar skill levels and players with similar interests, join groups, join clans, and play in organized tournaments. They can also track the performance, progress and activity of their entire network, both in the game itself, as well as through mobile and web interfaces. Elite will be an “always on” way for players to connect with the Call of Duty community.
  • Compete: Call of Duty Elite establishes the most exciting, competitive environment in a multiplayer game. Players will have available a constant stream of events and competitions, tiered to group them with those with similar abilities. Both in-game and real-world prizes will be rewarded to all skill levels.
  • Improve: Call of Duty Elite is like having a personal online coach. It provides players with a dynamic strategy guide that tracks their statistics and performances down to the most minute details. It can show gamers how they stack up against their friends or others in the community. Tools and information are provided so players can learn and up their game.

This is a brilliant move from Activision and a glimpse at the future of game publishing. The $60 buy-and-bye model is dying. DLC updates — both free and paid — help extend the lifespan of some games, but not others. Selling the socialization of gaming was the obvious next step, but it’s mostly uncharted territory for console game publishers. A unified system that allows you to stay in the game whether you’re on your console, work PC, mobile phone, tablet, etc. is genius for large, established franchises.

What do you think of Call of Duty Elite? Are you interested in the service? Would you be willing to pay for the premium service?

Read My L.A. Noire Review (Please)!

My review of L.A. Noire for Machinima went up last week. Kindly check it out if you have a moment. If you have two moments, please leave a comment over there. Here’s a clip from the review:

Team Bondi did a wonderful job of creating an enjoyable game that takes interactive storytelling to a new level. The production values and graphics are up there with Heavy Rain, but the gameplay is more appealing to longtime gamers. Rockstar fans that were expecting another Grand Theft Auto need to understand that L.A. Noire is a very different type of game. It’s subtle, deliberate, and atmospheric. It’s also just a well-crafted game that offers an atypical type of fun.

L.A. Noire was a big surprise for me. I haven’t enjoyed a Rockstar game this much in a long, long time. The company releases great stuff, but most of it doesn’t click with my personal preferences. I understand that its previous games are great and certainly understand why they’re great, but they’re usually not my kind of thing. L.A. Noire was totally my thing…and I wasn’t expecting it to be. Very cool.


Coffee Talk #358: Your Most Wanted Games of E3 2011

The next few editions of Coffee Talk will be about E3 2011. Today, let’s talk about the games you’re looking forward to learning more about at E3 2011. A bunch of my industry friends are high on…

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, the U.S. Postal Service nearing collapse, Apple’s iOS 5 announcement on Monday, or day trips to Chicago, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

The next few editions of Coffee Talk will be about E3 2011. Today, let’s talk about the games you’re looking forward to learning more about at E3 2011. A bunch of my industry friends are high on BioShock Infinite. I’m looking forward to learning more about Final Fantasy XIII-2. Comic book fans are psyched to get more details on Batman: Arkham City. A lot of people are expecting Hideo Kojima to announce a big release that will hit in 2012 — 25 years after the first Metal Gear game was released.

What games are you looking to learning more about? I’ll spend part of E3 2011 digging up info on the games you’re psyched for. So start naming them (please)!