RPad.tv E3 2011 Live Blog Schedule

Howdy boys and girls! I’m going to try live blogging the major press conference on my iPad 2 tethering off of a Verizon LTE connection. I’ve done dry runs and it should work, but I won’t really know if it will work under real-world conditions until I do it. If everything goes as planned, I’ll be live blogging the Microsoft, Electronic Arts, Sony, and Nintendo pressers. Please, please join me if you can, because your comments are what makes these live blogs awesome!

Here’s the schedule.

Monday June 6
Microsoft: 9:30AM PT
Electronic Arts: 12:30PM PT
Sony: 5PM PT

Tuesday June 7
Nintendo: 9AM PT

Author: RPadTV


12 thoughts on “RPad.tv E3 2011 Live Blog Schedule”

  1. Will you be adding info on this post or will there be a new post or window for the blog?

  2. Thumb typing in portrait on the iPad 2 is okay. The low light pictures on this thing suck. I'm curious to see if I can even upload them in coveritlive.

  3. Overall I have to give the Apple keynote a C-. Lion was just as uninteresting as it appeared the last couple of months. iOS 5 really is only bringing new notifications to the table. The new messenger is fine and all but is closed platform.

    Now iCloud…I'm not impressed. My mail syncs across all platforms already and I dock my phone everyday. So the calendar thing is pretty moot. It's a nice feature if you don't have a home office setup I suppose. Then again…if you have enough going on where you use iCal then you more than likely have a home office. The music thing isn't important to me. I have all of my music on my iphone, iMac, and Time Machine. That is enough really. I don't care to be charged $25 per year to listen to music I didn't purchase from iTunes.

    Overall…pretty meh. At least they didn't showcase a Kinect at any point. Seriously though, I'm not sure the software needed the tweaks they announced beyond the iOS notifications. This is the first time in over 5 years I haven't been excited by any of the announcements made.

  4. Not a problem Ray. Did you decide on the unattached BT keyboard or the dock?

      1. Haha awesome. I feel like the villain from Tomorrow Never Dies when I use my iPad for stuff like that. I've gotten pretty good with the one hand typing.

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