Coffee Talk #131: You Down with DLC (Yeah You Know Me!)

Yes, today’s column was totally inspired by Naughty by Nature’s “O.P.P.”, which has been stuck in my head for the last hour. Anyway, I wanted to see what your issues were with DLC. Perhaps I’m getting soft in my advanced age, but I’m not really angry about things like DLC on day one or DLC on a retail disc being unlocked over time. “Features” like that piss some gamers off. I can see why, but I also see how these types of DLC are useful in halting used-game sales.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, former light heavyweight champion Tomasz Adamek schooling Chris Arreola (a really fat heavyweight), Javier Vazquez sucking in Yankee pinstripes, or today’s BlackBerry announcements, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Yes, today’s column was totally inspired by Naughty by Nature’s “O.P.P.”, which has been stuck in my head for the last hour. Anyway, I wanted to see what your issues were with DLC. Perhaps I’m getting soft in my advanced age, but I’m not really angry about things like DLC on day one or DLC on a retail disc being unlocked over time. “Features” like that piss some gamers off. I can see why, but I also see how these types of DLC are useful in halting used-game sales.

Like I said, I don’t have a problem with these DLC deterrents, if you will (said like Dusty Rhodes). How do you feel about them? Do they irritate you? Do they make you not want to buy certain products? Or are they an acceptable nuisance? Maybe you’re like me and it doesn’t really bother you? Share your thoughts on the matter (please)!

Street Fighter High is Totally Awesome!

Street Fighter High is the best video I’ve seen all month. It puts several of Super Street Fighter IV‘s world warriors in a high-school drama. Screw Glee. I want to watch more Street Fighter High! Highlights include a Ryu vs. Ken football rivalry, C. Viper dealing with teen pregnancy, Sakura’s crush on Ryu, Ryu’s crush on Chun Li, Chun Li’s crush on Guile, Cammy and Juri being the new girls in school, and Blanka not being able to get a date.

Watch it! It’s awesome!!!

Blast From the Past: Reset Episode 8

Tony Hawk games, Nintendo “Revolution” talk, Star Wars: Battlefront 2, and an epic lightsaber fight — there’s plenty for you to enjoy in this episode of Reset. It’s fun looking back at the Wii; I don’t know anyone that thought it would be the success it turned out to be, including my two distinguished panelists. The lightsaber fight with Ruby still cracks me up. Check it out!

Part 1 Activision’s Tony Hawk titles have been thrilling gamers for years. The action-sports excitement continues with the upcoming Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland for consoles and Tony Hawk’s American Sk8land for Nintendo DS and Game Boy Advance. Ruby checks out both games and finds out what new features the pair brings to the skate park. And yes, this was filmed at the event where Raymond got in trouble for stealing beer.

Part 2 Nintendo is trying something truly unique and different with the controller for its upcoming system, the Revolution. Eschewing the conventional gamepad, the Revolution will feature a wireless controller with motion sensors. It sounds wacky, but it might be the defining factor that will make Nintendo stand out from its competitors. Two industry experts — freelancers Christian Nutt and Chris Kohler — drop by Yahoo! Studios to reveal details on the controller and discuss the impact it will have on gaming.

Part 3 Rebels and Gungans and Ewoks! Wow! Ruby engages in some Jedi training and checks out LucasArts’ exhilarating action game Star Wars: Battlefront 2. Our little Padawan gets the skinny on the game’s new features while interviewing in a Princess Leia steel bikini (just kidding…or so you think). In addition to the interview, Ruby and Raymond get up to some mischief at the event and take on Boba Fett.

Coffee Talk #130: Games You’ve Enjoyed Thanks to Friends

For the most part, we all know what kind of games we’ll like and won’t like. Every now and then, a surprise comes our way. One of the best ways to receive a gaming surprise is through friends. A great friend of mine recently dropped by for lunch on his way back up to San Francisco. We’ve gone through a lot together, but there’s one game that always reminds me of him: Culdcept. I admit that I would have totally ignored this game if he didn’t put it on my radar. Thanks to him, I’ve gotten dozens of hours of entertainment from a game I wouldn’t have tried on my own.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Tim Tebow going so early in the draft, the Yankees’ first triple play in more than 40 years, or whether the world is passing Nokia/RIM by, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

For the most part, we all know what kind of games we’ll like and won’t like. Every now and then, a surprise comes our way. One of the best ways to receive a gaming surprise is through friends. A great friend of mine recently dropped by for lunch on his way back up to San Francisco. We’ve gone through a lot together, but there’s one game that always reminds me of him: Culdcept. I admit that I would have totally ignored this game if he didn’t put it on my radar. Thanks to him, I’ve gotten dozens of hours of entertainment from a game I wouldn’t have tried on my own.

Do you have any gaming surprises like that? Are there any games you like or love thanks to recommendations by friends? Surely there must be a game you would have dismissed but didn’t, thanks to a pal telling you about it. I want to hear your friends-turn-you-onto-game stories today!

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

Jet lag is still kicking my ass (to be fair, I’m not putting up much of a fight), but I’m finally ready to get back to some real gaming! I’m totally jumping back into Final Fantasy XIII. Hopefully my timing with paradigm shifts won’t be too bad after two weeks away from the game. If I remember correctly, I’m in chapter 10. FFXIII has been a really enjoyable experience so far and from what I understand, the best is yet to come. I really don’t understand what some people have been complaining about. Stuff it haters!

As always, let me know what you’re playing this weekend!

Coffee Talk #129: Should Digital Downloads Be Taxed?

RPadholic tokz_21 sent me this interesting article on digital downloads being taxed. The article focused primarily on movies and music, but it could easily apply to games as well. I don’t know what the deals are in the states you live in, but in California downloadable goods aren’t taxed. On one hand, I save some money. On the other hand, I do feel like I’m cheating (just a little bit).

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Madden’s new cover boy, Tim Urban finally getting the boot from American Idol, or flip phones in 2010, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

RPadholic tokz_21 sent me this interesting article on digital downloads being taxed. The article focused primarily on movies and music, but it could easily apply to games as well. I don’t know what the deals are in the states you live in, but in California downloadable goods aren’t taxed. On one hand, I save some money. On the other hand, I do feel like I’m cheating (just a little bit).

Obviously nobody wants to pay more money, but I wanted to see if you think digital downloads should be taxed. Be honest! Should downloads be treated like other goods you buy? Or should the state be hands-off? Do you feel like you’re depriving your state of funds by purchasing digitally or through online retailers that don’t charge tax? Leave a comment and let me know (please)!

Iron Man 2 Dev Diary: Behind the Music with Lamb of God

The latest Iron Man 2 developer diary tells the story of how Sega and Lamb of God teamed up on the game. Members of the band and the dev team talk about the collaboration between developer/publisher and band. Lamb of God’s single “Hit the Wall” is the game’s official theme song. It’s a cool clip and I hope you check it out!

Coffee Talk #127: What Magazines Do You Read?

To be completely honest, this edition of Coffee Talk is 30% self serving. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, Amazon currently has some great deals on magazines — including some “buy-one-year-get-two-years deals. If there’s anything there that interests you, a subscription would really help out the site. That said, I’m also genuinely curious to learn what kind of magazines you ladies and gents read.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Mosley/Mayweather 24/7, your batting average being higher than Mark Teixeira’s, or losing iPhone prototypes at a bar, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

To be completely honest, this edition of Coffee Talk is 30% self serving. As I mentioned a few weeks ago, Amazon currently has some great deals on magazines — including some “buy-one-year-get-two-years deals. If there’s anything there that interests you, a subscription would really help out the site. That said, I’m also genuinely curious to learn what kind of magazines you ladies and gents read.

I subscribe to a bunch of magazines…but don’t read most of them since the Internet keeps me filled with info. I have ESPN: The Magazine, mainly for “Insider” access. I read Entertainment Weekly to keep up with pop culture. The books I receive, but usually don’t get to include Tennis, Interview, GQ, and The Atlantic. All of those subs are Internet specials that cost a few dollars. The sole gaming magazine I receive is Game Informer; EIC Andy was nice enough to put me on the comp list and I’m friends with a bunch of those guys, so it’s nice to read their work.

Now it’s your turn! What magazines do you read regularly?

Coffee Talk #126: Would You Pass on a Console Due to Child Labor?

The National Labor Committee (NLC) posted an interesting report on a Chinese factory that makes several Microsoft products — including Xbox 360 controllers and remotes. As you can imagine, the factory’s conditions were deemed horrid. Children as young as 16 allegedly work shifts exceeding 15 hours in an extremely small space without air conditioning. The workers allegedly sleep 14 to a room and can only take sponge baths.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Sergio Martinez achieving boxing greatness at 35, the disgusting tale of Edwin Valero, or the first round of the NBA playoffs, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

The National Labor Committee (NLC) posted an interesting report on a Chinese factory that makes several Microsoft products — including Xbox 360 controllers and remotes. As you can imagine, the factory’s conditions were deemed horrid. Children as young as 16 allegedly work shifts exceeding 15 hours in an extremely small space without air conditioning. The workers allegedly sleep 14 to a room and can only take sponge baths.

Microsoft corporate vice president Brian Tobey claimed that Microsoft inspects the factory regularly. He recently stated on the company’s corporate blog that, “We take the allegations raised this week quite seriously. Another comprehensive on-site audit of the facility will be conducted next week, with a specific goal of investigating the allegations raised in the NLC report. In addition, we will have monitors on site pending the results of the inspection.”

There are loads of products we buy and use that are manufactured under harsh conditions like the ones pointed out by the NLC. My question for you today is this: If you were aware that a gaming product you want was built in a factory that exploited teenagers and had inhumane working conditions, would you still buy it?