Rock Band 3 Will Have a Keyboard: Do You Care?

I liked the conversation you guys had with yesterday’s “Do You Care?” article about Killzone 3. It was simple and totally fit in with the spirit of the site (you guys!). So let’s try it again! The demo for Green Day: Rock Band teased that Rock Band 3 will have a keyboard peripheral. A few of my journalist friends confirmed that they learned this at a recent press event (I’m guessing the info was/is under NDA). Do you care that Rock Band 3 will have a keyboard?

Personally, I think it’s great. On the ridiculous side, people can rock out to Europe or Jem and the Holograms. Being (more) serious, there are so many great songs with prominent keyboard or piano parts. Hell, just look at all the great Elton John songs that could take advantage of a keyboard peripheral. When I first heard about the news, Bon Jovi immediately popped into my head; David Bryan’s keyboard and piano playing are a really underrated facet of the band’s sound. He adds a great layer to so many Bon Jovi songs and his contributions are often overlooked.

So yeah! The question again is do you care that Rock Band 3 will have a keyboard? Well…do ya?!?

Legendary Pictures Acquires Rights to Mass Effect Movie

Legendary Pictures has acquired the rights to make a Mass Effect movie and is negotiating with Mark Protosevich (I Am Legend) to write the film’s script. According to The Hollywood Reporter:

Legendary Pictures has picked up rights to Mass Effect, the Electronic Arts-BioWare video game. Mark Protosevich, the scribe who wrote I Am Legend and worked on Thor, is in talks to pen the movie, which will be produced by Avi and Ari Arad as well as Legendary’s Thomas Tull and Jon Jashni.

I’m thrilled that a BioWare game is going to become a movie. Considering how broad the game is, there are so many ways Protosevich can go with the movie. What would you want the Mass Effect movie to focus on? Any casting ideas?


Coffee Talk #150: Do You Want to Control Games with Your Voice?

Google Android’s voice recognition is pretty outstanding. I’ve been loving it on the Evo 4G and I’m surprised that it works so well. The voice capabilities of the phone got me thinking — if voice recognition can be effective on a mobile phone with a 1GHz processor, then shouldn’t it just completely rock on a console with a multi-core CELL chip? Sure, games like Seaman and Hey You Pikachu were gimmicky, but I think the right developer could use today’s voice recognition and console power in a really fun way.

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Crystal vs. Lee on American Idol, getting a job for Mike Brown, or American hockey teams, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

Google Android’s voice recognition is pretty outstanding. I’ve been loving it on the Evo 4G and I’m surprised that it works so well. The voice capabilities of the phone got me thinking — if voice recognition can be effective on a mobile phone with a 1GHz processor, then shouldn’t it just completely rock on a console with a multi-core CELL chip? Sure, games like Seaman and Hey You Pikachu were gimmicky, but I think the right developer could use today’s voice recognition and console power in a really fun way.

A real-time strategy game created with voice command in mind would be cool. Whether it’s like Pikmin or like StarCraft, voice could totally work for the genre. Personally, I’d love a strategy RPG (Disgaea, Final Fantasy Tactics) that used voice controls. The game I see in my head (I’d show it to you, but it would be messy getting in there) uses customary SRPG gameplay combined with several voice-specific twists.

Do you think voice-controlled games could be fun? Would you even want one? Or is it a matter of a developer creating a cool voice experience and making you want it? Do you see a genre that would work well with voice? Share your thoughts (please)!

Insomniac Signs with EA Partners, Will Go Multiplatform

Insomniac Games (Ratchet & Clank, Resistance) has signed a publishing deal with EA Partners. After 16 years (spanning 13 titles) of developing games exclusively for Sony PlayStation consoles, the developer has decided to branch out with EA Partners. Incomniac founder and CEO Ted Price told Gamasutra:

It was the desire to reach more players. We’re extremely happy with the loyal PlayStation 3 fan base, and our goal now is to take our games to a broader player base — to go to Xbox 360 as well.

We’ve been building to this point for a while. We have multiple teams working at Insomniac. We have a team dedicated to this project. We are dedicating new technology for the Xbox 360. As a company, we are taking more time for all our projects to make sure we can really polish them up and make sure fans have the best experience possible.

This is a great deal for EA Partners, which gets to publish games from one of the best developers in the world. Although Price insisted that his company’s commitment to Sony will remain strong, it has to be seen as a blow to the PlayStation 3. Sony’s exclusive relationship with fantastic developers like Insomniac, Naughty Dog, and Sucker Punch helped differentiate its first-party games from the competition’s. It’s great that more gamers will get to experience Insomniac’s games, but it definitely sucks for Sony that it has to share the love.

Honestly, I’m still in a bit of shock. I haven’t had my coffee yet and this is big news to wake up to. How do you boys and girls feel about it?


Today’s Poll: The Miz (WWE) vs. Miz (Lumines)

Today’s poll is for Miz supremacy! Let’s meet the combatants.

WWE’s The Miz (Challenger): To use his catchphrase, “He’s The Miz…and he’s awesome!” Whether you love listening to his excellent promos or love to hate him, The Miz has come a long way from MTV’s The Real World. He used his fame from that reality show to make his way to WWE Tough Enough. From there he signed with the company. Although numerous WWE Superstars have given him a hard time backstage due to his reality television background, The Miz has carved out a successful career and is one of WWE’s most entertaining performers .

Tetsuya Mizuguchi (Champion): Out of respect (and because he’s just a super-cool guy), I’ve listed Mizuguchi-san as champion. Formerly a game designer and producer at Sega, Mizuguchi went on to start Q Entertainment. Known for crafting extremely stylish and addictive games, his design work includes Sega Rally Championship, Rez, Space Channel 5, Lumines, and more. He also produced Every Extend Extra, Meteos, and Gunpey. To put it simply, his games rock.

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As much as I’ve been enjoying The Miz’s work over the last two years, Mizuguchi-san has been entertaining me for way longer. I’m going to vote for him. Which Miz will you vote for?!? Make your selection in the poll and explain your answer in the comments section if you have time.

GameStop Soft Launches its PowerUp Rewards Affinity Program

GameStop has soft launched its PowerUp Rewards affinity program in select areas. The full launch will take place in Fall 2010. It’s not terribly different from the current Edge program. Here’s a link to PowerUp Rewards’ details or you can scan this nifty graphic below.

Are you currently a GameStop Edge member? Any of you planning on signing up for PowerUp Rewards? Do you feel it’s worth paying for?


Killzone 3 Will be in 3D: Do You Care?

Sony has officially announced Killzone 3 for PlayStation 3 and confirmed that it will be playable in stereoscopic 3D. While it’s important for Sony’s first-party games to push new technologies and Sony as a whole to offer games that encourage consumers to buy its stereoscopic 3D televisions, I was wondering how much it matters to you. Do you care that Killzone 3 is in 3D? Does it make you want a 3D television? Or will it take more than that? If so, how much more?

Independent Game Store Owner Speaks Out Against EA Online Pass

Electronic Arts sent waves throughout the gaming industry with its announcement of EA Online Pass. Essentially a deterrent to used-game sales, Online Pass charges $10 to gamers that buy used titles and want to access all their purchase’s online features. Ubi Soft has stated that it will likely use a similar solution and it’s looking like this will become the norm. I’ve gotten into several Twitter arguments about the matter, since it’s unclear how “the $10 solution” directly benefits developers. I see publishers getting richer, while decreasing gamers’ choices and screwing retailers.

With all of that in mind, I loved this video by Chett Muzzalupo, owner of Level One Games, an independent game store in Dublin, Ohio. Muzzalupo shares his (justifiably angry) perspective on EA Online Pass. Just in case you’re checking this on a mobile browser or can’t watch the video at work, here are some select quotes:

I’m appalled. I’m completely appalled.

This is about destroying the buy-sell-trade business. This is about stopping the sale of used games.

This doesn’t help you. This doesn’t help me. This helps EA and no one else.

If this becomes the standard of all games, potentially it can kill every store like mine.

Again, it’s a fantastic rant and I encourage you to watch it. Naturally, I want to hear your thoughts on the matter. Do you think EA Online Pass if bad for the business? Do you think it will indirectly benefit developers by forcing gamers to buy new games? Or do you think it’s mostly a way for publishers to make more money?

I’m going to interview Muzzalupo tomorrow morning. If you have any questions you’d like me to ask, please leave them in the comments section.

Coffee Talk #149: Console Gaming Without Consoles?

I’ve been thinking a lot about how Google TV, the Chrome Store, and HTML5 can change gaming. Seeing a version of LEGO: Star Wars running on HTML5 and delivered through the Chrome Store made a lot of lights go off in my head (What? You don’t have lights in your head?!?). The next day, Google announced Google TV along with its launch partners. “A-ha!” I said to myself, “There’s the final piece of the puzzle!”

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, Lost vs. Sopranos finale, 24 ending tonight, or Cleveland firing Mike Brown, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

I’ve been thinking a lot about how Google TV, the Chrome Store, and HTML5 can change gaming. Seeing a version of LEGO: Star Wars running on HTML5 and delivered through the Chrome Store made a lot of lights go off in my head (What? You don’t have lights in your head?!?). The next day, Google announced Google TV along with its launch partners. “A-ha!” I said to myself, “There’s the final piece of the puzzle!”

Picture this: playing complex HTML5 games on a Sony television with Google TV built in — no console required! Sure, a web game will never be as impressive as one running on a proper console, but for most people LEGO: Star Wars graphics are completely acceptable. You know the millions of people that are fiending on casual and social games? I can easily see them “graduating” to a more involved experience in HTML5 games. If Google want it, the company could become a big player in the home gaming space.

What do you guys and gals think? Do you see a future playing games without a box and with a service like Google TV? Do you think I’m giving Google too much credit here? I know several of you are still weeping over the Lost finale, but give the matter some thought and leave a comment. I’d love to chat about this with you!

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

This weekend is going to be tough for my “hardcore” games. I really want to play Alan Wake, but it will probably have to wait a few days. Most of my attention will be going to my HTC Evo 4G — it’s needy like that. I also need two more victories in Scrabble for Hasbro Family Game Night to get another Achievement. So yeah! That’s what I’ll be doing this weekend — enjoying my new phone and winning Scrabble games.

How about you? What’s on your weekend playlist?