Shacknews Previews Batch One

Hey guys! Here’s the first batch of E3 2010 previews I’ve written for Shacknews. If you have a chance, please check ’em out. Feel free to discuss them over there or over here. Be nice to the Shackers if you choose to visit, okay?

SplatterhouseIt’s bloody and has an area informally referred to as the “Butt Plug Microwave Room”.

NBA Jam — It’s ugly, but good old-school fun.

Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom — This is my sleeper hit of the show. It’s kind of like Ico with more involved combat.

Kirby’s Epic Yarn — I frickin’ love this game!!!

EA Sports MMA — The striking is tight, which isn’t a surprise since it’s based on Fight Night’s punching. I didn’t get the hang of grappling just yet.

Disney Epic Mickey — This will be another Warren Spector masterpiece. It’s a great platformer, with cool art and a fun gimmick.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword — A lot of people weren’t high on Miyamoto’s demo, but it looked sluggish because of all the interference. It’s absolutely true. Going hands-on with the game is a different deal. I’m positive this will be another great Zelda title.

E3 2010 Videos: Activision’s E3 2010 Party

As promised, here are a bunch of videos from Activision’s crazy E3 2010 party. They were all taken on my HTC Evo 4G, so the quality isn’t the best. They’re quick and fun clips that’ll give you an idea of what last night was like. In the immortal words of Booker T, “Can you dig it, sucka?!?”

E3 2010 Party Pics: Activision Takes Over the Staples Center

Activision threw one of the most ridiculous E3 parties I’ve ever been to. First off, the company held it at the Staples Center — you know…that place where the Celtics are going to beat the Lakers later today. Secondly, the sheer amount of talent that performed was frickin’ crazy! Kicking things off DJ Hero 2 style were Z-Trip, deadmau5, and David Guetta. Usher was next with his smooth voice and slick dancing (and numerous backup dancers).

Tony Hawk was supposed to perform, but there were issues with the half-pipe, so he just skated by and talked about Tony Hawk: Shred (not Tony Hawk: Shrek). The highlight of the night for me was a two-song set by Jane’s Addiction. Maynard James Keenan (Tool and A Perfect Circle) performed Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” with a choir. Soundgarden’s Chris Cornell totally rocked a somber version of “Black Hole Sun” with an orchestra. A dancer performed on a pole that was at least 50 feet high! N.E.R.D. had a great set that promoted True Crime: Hong Kong. This was followed by Rhea, a protege of Pharell Williams.

Eminem closed out the show with a handful of songs, accompanied by Travis Barker (Blink-182) on drums and joined by Rhianna for a song. Think about all the talent that performed! Incredible, hey? Most of my friends were at a Capcom party and I missed them, but this Activision party is something I’ll remember forever. (I do have other thoughts on this spectacle as a verbal entertainer and someone thinking about ATVI shareholders…but that’s a story for later.) Enjoy these pics and stay tuned for some videos!

Look kids! It’s deadmau5!!!

Usher puts on such a great show. He’s a true “performer”.

I totally marked out for Dave Navarro during this excellent set by Jane’s Addiction.

Watching this woman climb a 50-foot poll was entertaining and scary at the same time.

Eminem closed the show with authority.

Tetsuya Mizuguchi Makes Motion Controls Cool with Child of Eden

Q Entertainment’s Child of Eden is — by far — the coolest motion control game I’ve seen for PlayStation Move and Xbox Kinect. The game is being published by Ubi Soft and it pretty much looks like Rez with motion controls. There’s probably more to it than that, but Rez with motion controls sounds awesome to me. As most of you know, I’m a total mark for Q’s Tetsuya Mizuguchi. Of course it would take someone like him to make motion controls cool.

First Project Natal Games Detailed by LA Times

The sexy Alex Pham of The LA Times has details on a handful of Project Natal launch games that will be show at E3 2010. Here’s a brief synopsis:

River Rush: Steering a virtual raft past waterfalls, rocks and other obstacles requires lots of jumping and leaning.

Ricochet: Players use their arms, legs, feet and head to block a frantic barrage of soccer-sized balls.

Living Statue: This game lets players record their avatars dancing and singing karaoke-style, then e-mail the video masterpiece to their friends.

Obstacle Course: Players pull, dodge and jump their way through a series of levels resembling what you would find at summer camp, sans the mosquitoes.

Pham has much more information on these games, so be sure to check out her article if you’re remotely interested in Microsoft’s motion-control titles for Xbox 360. Additionally, she wrote that there will be “about a dozen” more Natal games shown by Microsoft next week.

I know that most of you guys and dolls are motion control haters, but I still want to hear what you think of these games. Anything on the list sound fun to you?


Rock Band 3 Peripheral Pics: Keytar, MIDI Box, and More!

MTV Games, Harmonix, Fender, and Mad Catz have teamed up for some truly excellent Rock Band 3 controllers. A lot of you have been having keytar dreams since that feature was revealed…and now you can check it out! I’ll stop blabbing and let you look at these fine photos of the Rock Band 3 peripherals.

Coffee Talk #160: Five Games I Can’t Wait to See at E3 2010

I’m so, so, so psyched for E3 2010!!! Like Phil Collins, I can feel it coming in the air tonight. With the show just around the corner, I get these random bouts of excited energy (I’m pretty sure this is what “Hulking up” is like). The energy has caused me to think about the five known games I’m looking forward to at this year’s show. Here they are!

Welcome to Coffee Talk! Let’s start off the day by discussing whatever is on your (nerd chic) mind. Every morning I’ll kick off a discussion and I’m counting on you to participate in it. If you’re not feelin’ my topic, feel free to start a chat with your fellow readers and see where it takes you. Whether you’re talking about videogames, your World Cup predictions, Intelligentsia’s Edelweiss Finagro Estate Tanzania (my official coffee of E3 2010), or Angelina Jolie as Cleopatra, Coffee Talk is the place to do it.

I’m so, so, so psyched for E3 2010!!! Like Phil Collins, I can feel it coming in the air tonight. With the show just around the corner, I keep getting these random bouts of excited energy (I’m pretty sure this is what “Hulking up” is like). The energy has caused me to think about the five (known) games I’m looking forward to at this year’s show. Here they are!

  1. The Last Guardian: I already covered this earlier in the week. Team Ico is awesome!
  2. Dragon Age 2: Duh!!! Considering how many times I’ve played Dragon Age and its expansion, I am so ready to hop back into this world. I heart BioWare.
  3. Epic Mickey: I expect this game to dazzle me. Mickey Mouse is iconic. Warren Spector is an amazing talent. I’m confident that this will be one of the best and most successful third-party games for the Wii.
  4. The Legend of Zelda: A new Zelda is always a good thing.
  5. Portal 2: I’m bummed that this got pushed to 2011, but I can’t wait to see it. The original was refreshing and original. I’m sure the team has plenty of new tricks up its sleeves.
Let me know what you think of my list. If you have the time, make up one of your own. I can’t wait to see your picks! E3 baby!!!

What Are You Playing This Weekend?

I’ll be playing Green Day: Rock Band for a good chunk of the weekend. I’m reviewing the game for Machinima…but honestly, I rather not be playing anything. I want to rest my eyes. I want to rest me ears. Next week my senses are going to be blitzed by E3 2010! I’m excited for the show, as always. I can’t wait to see the new games, catch up with some of my favorite developers, and punch Cliffy B in the neck. While I need to spend some time rocking out with Green Day to help pay the bills, I rather be in a sensory-deprivation tank until the first pre-E3 party on Sunday.

How about you guys and gals? What’s on your weekend playlist?